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Mad Rat Dead PS4

Mad Rat Dead

A rat's dream has been left unfulfilled before his death...that is, until he gets a second chance at life! Granted the opportunity to redo his last day on Earth, you must utilize the rat's newfound power to pump his heart in time with the music, lest his own time runs out.
  • US October 30, 2020
  • EU October 30, 2020
  • JP N/A
Rate it
Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Nippon Ichi
Publisher: NIS America
  • 44 Trophy bronze icon
  • 4 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 3 of 52
Adjustment pixel MAD RAT DEAD: Acquired all trophies!
Adjustment pixel MAT RAT, ALIVE?: Cleared Stage 1-1 and achieved S+ rank.
RAT's Dream
Adjustment pixel RAT's Dream: Cleared Stage 1-2 and achieved S+ rank.
HEART's Beat
Adjustment pixel HEART's Beat: Cleared Stage 1-3 and achieved S+ rank.
Cheddar Chaser
Adjustment pixel Cheddar Chaser: Cleared Stage 1-4 and achieved S+ rank.
Bad Feeling
Adjustment pixel Bad Feeling: Cleared Stage 1-5 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel Drain: Cleared Stage 2-1 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel electroQtie: Cleared Stage 2-2 and achieved S+ rank.
Distorted Graffiti
Adjustment pixel Distorted Graffiti: Cleared Stage 2-3 and achieved S+ rank.
Cheesy Trap
Adjustment pixel Cheesy Trap: Cleared Stage 2-4 and achieved S+ rank.
Ghost of Culvert
Adjustment pixel Ghost of Culvert: Cleared Stage 2-5 and achieved S+ rank.
One day at Laboratory
Adjustment pixel One day at Laboratory: Cleared Stage 3-1 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel Stilton: Cleared Stage 3-2 and achieved S+ rank.
Yellow invitation
Adjustment pixel Yellow invitation: Cleared Stage 3-3 and achieved S+ rank.
plash, plop, gurgle
Adjustment pixel plash, plop, gurgle: Cleared Stage 3-4 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel MAD HEART: Cleared Stage 3-5 and achieved S+ rank.
Call me Jack
Adjustment pixel Call me Jack: Cleared Stage 4-1 and achieved S+ rank.
Breath of Forest
Adjustment pixel Breath of Forest: Cleared Stage 4-2 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel Chaource: Cleared Stage 4-3 and achieved S+ rank.
Dancing wind
Adjustment pixel Dancing wind: Cleared Stage 4-4 and achieved S+ rank.
Underground Hug
Adjustment pixel Underground Hug: Cleared Stage 4-5 and achieved S+ rank.
Dark Fear
Adjustment pixel Dark Fear: Cleared Stage 4-6 and achieved S+ rank.
Passion in Blue
Adjustment pixel Passion in Blue: Cleared Stage 5-1 and achieved S+ rank.
Cottage House
Adjustment pixel Cottage House: Cleared Stage 5-2 and achieved S+ rank.
Kind of Hope
Adjustment pixel Kind of Hope: Cleared Stage 5-3 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel Neuchatel: Cleared Stage 5-4 and achieved S+ rank.
Sprinting Night
Adjustment pixel Sprinting Night: Cleared Stage 5-5 and achieved S+ rank.
Sweet trip
Adjustment pixel Sweet trip: Cleared Stage 5-6 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel Mimolette: Cleared Stage 5-7 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel Rebirth: Cleared Stage 6-1 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel MAD RAT HEART: Cleared Stage 6-2 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel Mini MOON: Cleared Stage 6-3 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel Neo-Opportunist: Cleared Stage 6-4 and achieved S+ rank.
Emmental Catalepsy
Adjustment pixel Emmental Catalepsy: Cleared Stage 6-5 and achieved S+ rank.
Heartless being
Adjustment pixel Heartless being: Cleared Stage 6-6 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel MAD RAT, DIE: Cleared Stage 6-7 and achieved S+ rank.
Adjustment pixel Murder: Killed the human.
Adjustment pixel Mercy: Didn't kill the human.
Combo 50
Adjustment pixel Combo 50: Achieved a combo of 50 or more.
Combo 150
Adjustment pixel Combo 150: Achieved a combo of 150 or more.
Combo 300
Adjustment pixel Combo 300: Achieved a combo of 300 or more.
Full of Dreams
Adjustment pixel Full of Dreams: Obtained all dream power from a stage.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Oct 31 16:20:52 2020
Adjustment pixel Great-full: Cleared a stage with all GREATs.
Living Dead
Adjustment pixel Living Dead: Cleared a stage without dying.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Nov 1 07:23:15 2020
Mad Rat & His Heart
Adjustment pixel Mad Rat & His Heart: Cleared the story.
Charge It Up
Adjustment pixel Charge It Up: Used Charge Dash or Charge Jump 10 times in a stage.
Adjustment pixel DEAD RAT MAD?: Got a Game Over.
Completely Normal
Adjustment pixel Completely Normal: Achieved S+ rank on all stages in Normal mode.
Hardly Completed
Adjustment pixel Hardly Completed: Achieved S+ rank on all stages in Hard mode.
Notes to Spare
Adjustment pixel Notes to Spare: Cleared stage with over 300 remaining notes.
Adjustment pixel Oh, GREAT!: Cleared a stage with less than 10 GREATs.
DEADly TENsion
Adjustment pixel DEADly TENsion: Died over 10 times in a stage.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Nov 1 07:42:10 2020
9 players