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Lollipop Chainsaw PS3

Lollipop Chainsaw

Lollipop Chainsaw is the 'un-deadly' story of sweet and killer zombie hunter Juliet Starling and her quest to uncover the root of a colossal zombie outbreak. With her wickedly awesome chainsaw in hand, Juliet slices, dices and splits her way through hordes of the undead, but soon realizes the horde is only the opening act to a festival of zombie rock lords determined to kill the chainsaw wielding cheerleader.
  • US June 12, 2012
  • EU June 15, 2012
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Grasshopper Manufacture
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
  • 34 Trophy bronze icon
  • 15 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 5 of 51
Legendary Zombie Hunter
Adjustment pixel Legendary Zombie Hunter: 100% Complete! Thank you for playing!
Zombie Hunter Apprentice
Adjustment pixel Zombie Hunter Apprentice: Buy a combo at Chop2Shop.Zom and use it.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Sep 26 15:34:40 2012
Unclean and Uncool
Adjustment pixel Unclean and Uncool: Defeated Hazmat in Prologue.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Sep 26 15:39:56 2012
Zed’s Dead, Baby, Zed’s Dead
Adjustment pixel Zed’s Dead, Baby, Zed’s Dead: Defeated Zed.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jan 11 19:20:06 2014
Viking Metal Rules!
Adjustment pixel Viking Metal Rules!: Defeated Vikke.
Dirty Hippy
Adjustment pixel Dirty Hippy: Defeated Mariska.
Disco's Dead
Adjustment pixel Disco's Dead: Defeated Josey.
Rock'n Roll Isn't Here Anymore
Adjustment pixel Rock'n Roll Isn't Here Anymore: Defeated Lewis LEGEND.
I Came, I Saw, I Kicked Its Ass
Adjustment pixel I Came, I Saw, I Kicked Its Ass: Defeated Killabilly.
Leapfrog girl
Adjustment pixel Leapfrog girl: Leapfrogged 10 times in a row.
I Swear! I Did It By Mistake!
Adjustment pixel I Swear! I Did It By Mistake!: Peeped under Juliet's skirt once.
Endorsed by Cordelia
Adjustment pixel Endorsed by Cordelia: Get 30 headshots.
Sparkle Hunting Master
Adjustment pixel Sparkle Hunting Master: Succeed in 7 zombie Sparkle Hunting.
Gunn Struck
Adjustment pixel Gunn Struck: Struck by lightning 10 times.
Super Shopper
Adjustment pixel Super Shopper: Spend 10,000 medals at Chop2Shop.Zom.
Love Nick
Adjustment pixel Love Nick: Kissed Nick 100 times.
Adjustment pixel JULIET51: 51 successful dropkicks.
International Zombie Hunter
Adjustment pixel International Zombie Hunter: Registered in world leaderboards for all stages.
Groovy Hunter
Adjustment pixel Groovy Hunter: Kill 500 zombies.
Zombie Slayer?!
Adjustment pixel Zombie Slayer?!: Kill 3,000 zombies.
Rich Hunter
Adjustment pixel Rich Hunter: Pick up 1,000 zombie medals.
Millionaire Hunter
Adjustment pixel Millionaire Hunter: Pick up 10,000 zombie medals.
San Romero Knights Savior
Adjustment pixel San Romero Knights Savior: Rescued All Classmates.
Lollipop Addict
Adjustment pixel Lollipop Addict: Collected all lollipop wrappers.
Always On The Phone
Adjustment pixel Always On The Phone: Collected all telephone messages.
Zombie Fancier
Adjustment pixel Zombie Fancier: Completed the zombie album.
OMG, Music Is Soooo Coooool
Adjustment pixel OMG, Music Is Soooo Coooool: Collected all BGM.
Perfect Body
Adjustment pixel Perfect Body: Completely level up Juliet.
Master Sushi Chef
Adjustment pixel Master Sushi Chef: Collected all combos.
Watch Out For The Balls
Adjustment pixel Watch Out For The Balls: Dodge & Counter Zed's Electric Balls 15 times.
Cheerleader Overboard!
Adjustment pixel Cheerleader Overboard!: Succeed in QTE at edge of Vikke's ship.
Third Eye
Adjustment pixel Third Eye: Dodge all balloon attacks in Mariska battle.
Critical UFO Finish
Adjustment pixel Critical UFO Finish: Funk Josey in the last 10 seconds.
Elephant Tamer
Adjustment pixel Elephant Tamer: Counter Lewis' attack 10 times.
Adjustment pixel Fingered: Cut off 20 fingers during Killabilly's fight!
Life Guard
Adjustment pixel Life Guard: Rescued all classmates in Prologue.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Sep 26 15:29:31 2012
Accidental Vandalism
Adjustment pixel Accidental Vandalism: Destroyed 300 objects in the game.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jan 11 19:12:59 2014
Go, Medal Racer, Go!
Adjustment pixel Go, Medal Racer, Go!: Picked up all zombie medals on the rooftop with Chainsaw Dash.
Legendary harvester
Adjustment pixel Legendary harvester: Harvested all crops in the 1st field with the combine in Stage 3.
No Fear Of Heights
Adjustment pixel No Fear Of Heights: Beat the Gondola game without shooting.
Little Sisters Are The Worst!
Adjustment pixel Little Sisters Are The Worst!: Do not get hit by Rosalind's wrecking ball.
Aced Auto-shop Class
Adjustment pixel Aced Auto-shop Class: Clear all the Kill Car QTE's in a row.
n00b Zombie Hunter
Adjustment pixel n00b Zombie Hunter: Clear Prologue, surpassing Dad's score.
Beginner Zombie Hunter
Adjustment pixel Beginner Zombie Hunter: Clear Stage 1, surpassing Dad's score.
Intermediate Zombie Hunter
Adjustment pixel Intermediate Zombie Hunter: Clear Stage 2, surpassing Dad's score.
Advanced Zombie Hunter
Adjustment pixel Advanced Zombie Hunter: Clear Stage 3, surpassing Dad's score.
Super Zombie Hunter
Adjustment pixel Super Zombie Hunter: Clear Stage 4, surpassing Dad's score.
Excellent Zombie Hunter
Adjustment pixel Excellent Zombie Hunter: Clear Stage 5, surpassing Dad's score.
Master Zombie Hunter
Adjustment pixel Master Zombie Hunter: Clear Stage 6, surpassing Dad's score.
Congratulations! Happy Birthday!
Adjustment pixel Congratulations! Happy Birthday!: Watched the happy ending.
Horrid Birthday
Adjustment pixel Horrid Birthday: Watched the bad ending.
248 players