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LittleBigPlanet 3 PS4

LittleBigPlanet 3

The handcrafted adventure sees Sackboy travel to a planet called Bunkum. Players there uncover unexplored corners of the Imagisphere and explore the mysterious world as you work together with new friends to rescue Bunkum from the clutches of the evil Newton!
  • US November 18, 2014
  • EU November 26, 2014
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Sumo Digital
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 20 Trophy bronze icon
  • 10 Trophy silver icon
  • 7 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 5 of 38
100% Complete
Adjustment pixel 100% Complete: Earn all LittleBigPlanet™3 trophies to unlock this platinum trophy
One Odd Sock
Adjustment pixel One Odd Sock: Change into OddSock
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jan 5 21:27:46 2015
Biggy and Smalls
Adjustment pixel Biggy and Smalls: Change into Toggle
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jan 5 21:28:04 2015
Adjustment pixel Flapper: Change into Swoop
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jan 5 21:28:17 2015
Moon On A Stick
Adjustment pixel Moon On A Stick: Moons don't belong on sticks! Get rid of it!
She's gonna blow
Adjustment pixel She's gonna blow: Max out the thermo in Create Mode
They can swim?
Adjustment pixel They can swim?: Dunk a sackbot in water... It's okay, really
Old School!
Adjustment pixel Old School!: Use a power up from LittleBigPlanet™2
The best laid plans...
Adjustment pixel The best laid plans...: Win both Contraption Challenges
Adjustment pixel Mapper: Decorate an Adventure Map
We have to go deeper...
Adjustment pixel We have to go deeper...: Create a level that uses ALL 16 layers
New School
Adjustment pixel New School: Place a Hook Hat in your level
Adjustment pixel Curator: Create a playlist!
Let's go on an adventure!
Adjustment pixel Let's go on an adventure!: Play a Community Adventure
Adjustment pixel Adventurous: Heart a Community Adventure
Hard Tryer
Adjustment pixel Hard Tryer: Complete Popit Academy Term 1
Adjustment pixel Graduate: Complete Popit Academy Term 2
Slippery Slope
Adjustment pixel Slippery Slope: Create a slide
Ace Pilot
Adjustment pixel Ace Pilot: Ace the Cloud Caravan level
Free Bird
Adjustment pixel Free Bird: Destroy 25 or more of Newton's robots
Dinner at 8
Adjustment pixel Dinner at 8: Guide 8 Sacklings to the very end
Wonderplane Wanderer
Adjustment pixel Wonderplane Wanderer: Discover the TEAM PICKS portal in the Ziggurat
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jan 16 09:24:00 2015
Adjustment pixel I. AM. INVINCIBLE!: Use the Gameplay Tweaker to become invincible... And prove it!
Freshman Creator
Adjustment pixel Freshman Creator: Ace Popit Academy Term 1
Senior Creator
Adjustment pixel Senior Creator: Ace Popit Academy Term 2
Graduation Day
Adjustment pixel Graduation Day: Complete both Terms of the Popit Academy
Don't go alone...
Adjustment pixel Don't go alone...: Complete all the Adventure levels with another Sack Thing
Ace Adventurer
Adjustment pixel Ace Adventurer: Ace all the Adventure levels
A guy called Quest
Adjustment pixel A guy called Quest: Complete all the Quests in LittleBigPlanet™3 Adventure Mode
Put the Band Back Together
Adjustment pixel Put the Band Back Together: Revive all the Heroes of Legend
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 17 04:18:47 2015
Adjustment pixel Cartographer: Create an Adventure Map
Back to School
Adjustment pixel Back to School: Play the entirety of any Popit Puzzle whilst wearing a Newton costume
LittleBigPlanet™3: The Journey Home
That Party was Ace
Adjustment pixel That Party was Ace: Ace every Adventure level in The Journey Home.
Collector Extraordinaire
Adjustment pixel Collector Extraordinaire: Collect 100% of the Prize Bubbles in The Journey Home.
Sack the Postman
Adjustment pixel Sack the Postman: Post all 6 invitations for the party.
Finally Home
Adjustment pixel Finally Home: Complete every Adventure level in The Journey Home.
Two's Company, Four's a Party
Adjustment pixel Two's Company, Four's a Party: Complete any Adventure level with 4 players.
Spring Roll!
Adjustment pixel Spring Roll!: Springinate 100 times.
429 players