100% Complete: Earn all LittleBigPlanet™2 trophies to unlock this platinum trophy
Complete Da Vinci's Hideout: Complete the main path of Da Vinci's Hideout
Earned Sun Jun 18 11:11:33 2017
Complete Victoria's Lab: Complete the main path of Victoria's Lab
Complete The Factory Of A Better Tomorrow: Complete the main path of The Factory Of A Better Tomorrow
Complete Avalonia: Complete the main path of Avalonia
Complete Eve's Asylum For The Mentally Alternative: Complete the main path of Eve's Asylum For The Mentally Alternative
Complete Story Mode: Complete the main path of the story mode
Ace Story Mode: Ace every level in the story mode
Aces In Spades: Ace 10 different Story levels in a row
Prize Collector: Collect 50% of Story prize bubbles
10 Story Versus Wins: Win 10 Story mode Versus games against at least one other player offline
Earned Sun Jun 18 10:58:02 2017
Multiplier 5x: Score a 5x multiplier in a Story level
Earned Sun Jun 18 10:08:18 2017
Multiplier 10x: Score a 10x multiplier in a Story level
Earned Sun Jun 18 10:11:24 2017
Scoreboard 50%: Place in the top 50% of players in the online scoreboard for a Story level
Earned Sat Sep 28 15:29:05 2013
Scoreboard 25%: Place in the top 25% of players in the online scoreboard for a Story level
Monster Masher: Kill 20 monsters in Story levels
Mortal Coil Shuffler Extraordinaire: Accumulate 20 deaths in one Story level
Earned Sat Jun 17 10:16:40 2017
Dive In 25: Dive in to and play 25 random levels with other players, and don't immediately leave!
Play 25 Community Levels: Play 25 unique cooperative community levels
Play 75 Community Levels: Play 75 unique cooperative community levels
Actually Quite Good: Place in the top 25% of players in 5 community level scoreboards (with at least 50 other players in them)
Play 5 Versus Levels: Play 5 unique community Versus mode levels
25 Online Versus Wins: Win 25 Versus mode community levels online against at least 1 other player
U Know U A Playa: Spend 5 hours playing community levels
A Game A Day Keeps The Doctor Away: Play LittleBigPlanet™2 on every day of the week
Earned Wed Jun 21 15:18:59 2017
Who Needs Breakfast?: Play LittleBigPlanet™2 before 9am
Earned Thu Jun 15 22:03:30 2017
Just... One... More... Go...: Play LittleBigPlanet™2 after 9pm
Earned Thu Jun 15 21:13:53 2017
Grapple Hooked: Create a chain of 4 players grappling each other
Turbo Slapper: Slap more than one player at once
Snappy Dresser: Change your costume
Earned Sat Sep 28 15:03:06 2013
10 Minutes of Create: Spend 10 active minutes in Create mode
Earned Tue Jun 20 17:11:04 2017
1440 Minutes of Create: Spend 24 active hours in Create mode
Community Spirit: Publish a level to the community
50 Unique Players: A level you published was played by 50 unique players
Long Term Publisher: A level you created has been published for 7 days
A Series Of Tubes: Use a Level Link to link two of your published levels together
Custom Badger: Create a custom badge for your level from a PlayStation®Eye photo or an in-game photo.
Step into my Arena: Publish a Versus mode level
Teacher's Pet: You watched all the tutorials! Take a gold star, go to the top of the class.
Earned Mon Jun 19 17:22:26 2017
40 Yays: Give 40 positive votes on community levels
160 Yays: Give 160 positive votes on community levels
Journalistical: Write a review
Paparazzo: Upload a photo
The Votarator 5: Rate 5 brand new community levels (less than 10 plays)
The Votarator 50: Rate 50 brand new community levels (less than 10 plays)
A Dip In The Stream: Play a level from your Recent Activity
Earned Mon Jun 19 17:02:56 2017
Uber Prize Collector: Collect 100% of Story prize bubbles
LittleBigPlanet™2: Move Pack: Trophies for the LittleBigPlanet™2: Move Pack |
Avid Collector: Collect 100% of LittleBigPlanet™2: Move Pack prize bubbles
Ace In The Pack: Ace all the Story levels in the LittleBigPlanet™2: Move Pack
Accomplished Mover: Complete 25 community levels that require the Motion Controller
Diploma In Creation: Complete all the tutorials in the LittleBigPlanet™2: Move Pack
Locksmith: Unlock all the LittleBigPlanet™2: Move Pack minigames
Feel The Earth Move: Publish a Motion Controller enabled level to the Earth
Stick It To The Man: Destroy the boss in Just Desserts
On The Ball: Complete The Tail of Claude The Field Mouse without dropping a ball
On A Roll: Complete Fast Food without losing a ball
Self Portrait: Use a painting as your avatar
Path To Success: Use the Motion Recorder to record your movements
LittleBigPlanet™2: The Muppets DLC: Trophies for the LittleBigPlanet™2: The Muppets DLC |
Standing Ovation!: Ace all 5 Muppet Story Levels
Beakers We Can: Complete "Muppet Labs!" using no more than 40 Beakers
Captain Pig-ard: Achieve a score of 4000 or higher in "Pigs In Elevators (In Space)!"
Big Top!: Achieve a score of 2500 or higher in "Gonzo's Endless Cannon Run Ride!"
Muppet Mastery: Complete The Muppet pack's story
Stick Together: Play 5 community levels containing Attract-O-Gel
Dancing On The Ceiling: Travel 17.5 metres on walls and ceilings
LittleBigPlanet™2: Cross-Controller DLC: Trophies for the LittleBigPlanet™2: Cross-Controller DLC |
Final Frontier: Ace all the Cross-Controller Levels
Bounty Hunter: Grab all the Prize Bubbles in Story Mode
In Space...: Complete the Cross-Controller Pack story
Astrophysicist: Complete all the Cross-Controller Pack Tutorials
Unidentified Feathered Object: Hatch and catch 10 Golden Chickens in Poultry Panic
Never Tell Me The Odds: Perform a perfect run in Space Spinner
Jeffries Tubes: Play 5 Community Cross-Controller Levels
LittleBigPlanet™2: DC Comics™ Premium Level Pack |
Just-Ace League: Ace every story level in the DC Comics™ Premium Level Pack.
The Greatest Cape: Stay airborne with the Hero Cape for 15 seconds.
Drop The Bald: Defeat Lex Luthor.
High Score Hero: Achieve a score multiplier of 70 or higher in Hero Race.
League Of Friends: Play any level in the DC Comics™ Premium Level Pack with one or more friends.
Super Collector: Collect 100% of the Prize Bubbles in the DC Comics™ Premium Level Pack.
What A Bounder!: Perform 10 Wall Jumps without touching the ground.