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Lego The Incredibles PS4

Lego The Incredibles

Players take control of their favourite Incredibles characters in unforgettable scenes and action sequences from both Disney•Pixar films, The Incredibles and the upcoming Incredibles 2. The game encourages players to work together by combining the Parr family’s abilities and unique powers to conquer crime and family life in a Lego world full of fun and humour.
  • US June 15, 2018
  • EU June 15, 2018
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Traveller's Tales
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
  • 40 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 4 of 52
It's Showtime!
Adjustment pixel It's Showtime!: Unlock all trophies
Out in Public Again
Adjustment pixel Out in Public Again: Complete Chapter 1 - ''Undermined''
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 16 03:31:00 2018
Cleaned, Well-Lubricated and Wound Tight
Adjustment pixel Cleaned, Well-Lubricated and Wound Tight: Throw five enemies into the gears during ''Undermined''
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 16 02:51:47 2018
Trouble on the Tracks
Adjustment pixel Trouble on the Tracks: Complete Chapter 2 - ''Hover Train Hijinx''
Wheelie Good Time!
Adjustment pixel Wheelie Good Time!: Perform a wheelie for 10 seconds during ''Hover Train Hijinx''
Helicopter Havoc
Adjustment pixel Helicopter Havoc: Complete Chapter 3 - ''Revelations''
Raccoon Them Up
Adjustment pixel Raccoon Them Up: Score 'Incredible' in all raccoon encounters during ''Revelations''
A Slice of the Action
Adjustment pixel A Slice of the Action: Complete Chapter 4 - ''Elastigirl on the Case''
Making Parr
Adjustment pixel Making Parr: Chase down Screenslaver in ''Elastigirl On The Case'' within 3 minutes and 15 seconds
Parr-ty House
Adjustment pixel Parr-ty House: Complete Chapter 5 - ''House Parr-ty''
That's One Way to Unpack
Adjustment pixel That's One Way to Unpack: Destroy all the moving boxes during ''House Parr-ty''
A Momentous Occasion
Adjustment pixel A Momentous Occasion: Complete Chapter 6 - ''Screenslaver Showdown''
Your Own Kind of Incredible
Adjustment pixel Your Own Kind of Incredible: Extinguish the fires during ''Screenslaver Showdown'' without the Family Build
A Previous Engagement
Adjustment pixel A Previous Engagement: Complete Chapter 7 - ''The Golden Years''
Adjustment pixel A-MAZE-ing: Survive Bomb Voyage's maze during ''The Golden Years'' without taking damage
I Wanted to go Bowling!
Adjustment pixel I Wanted to go Bowling!: Complete Chapter 8 - ''Vigilant Vigilantes''
Stay Right On My Tail, it's Gonna Get Hot!
Adjustment pixel Stay Right On My Tail, it's Gonna Get Hot!: Complete ''Vigilant Vigilantes'' in 9 minutes
Worlds A-Parr-t
Adjustment pixel Worlds A-Parr-t: Complete Chapter 9 - ''Nomanisan Island''
It's Learning...
Adjustment pixel It's Learning...: Trigger all traps during ''Nomanisan Island''
An Unwelcome Guest
Adjustment pixel An Unwelcome Guest: Complete Chapter 10 - ''Return to Nomanisan Island''
Adjustment pixel Untouchable: Complete ''Return to Nomanisan Island'' without being hit by a goo cannon
I'm Just Happy You're Alive!
Adjustment pixel I'm Just Happy You're Alive!: Complete Chapter 11 - ''Above Parr''
Plane Crazy
Adjustment pixel Plane Crazy: Don't get hit by any plane parts during ''Above Parr''
Best Vacation Ever!
Adjustment pixel Best Vacation Ever!: Complete Chapter 12 - ''The Final Showdown''
Where's My Super Suit?!
Adjustment pixel Where's My Super Suit?!: Complete ''The Final Showdown'' with Lucius Best (Workout)
Where Are They Now?
Adjustment pixel Where Are They Now?: Complete ''Omnidroid Rampage''
The Best
Adjustment pixel The Best: Achieve True Super in any level
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 16 03:19:52 2018
The Best of the Best
Adjustment pixel The Best of the Best: Achieve True Super in all levels
Kit Car
Adjustment pixel Kit Car: Collect all Minikits in a level
Kitted Up
Adjustment pixel Kitted Up: Collect all Minikits in the game
Better Than the BBQ!
Adjustment pixel Better Than the BBQ!: Complete your first Family Build
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 16 03:16:21 2018
Truly Incredible!
Adjustment pixel Truly Incredible!: Complete all Family Builds
A Natural Advantage
Adjustment pixel A Natural Advantage: Collect a Red Brick
Luck Favors the Prepared
Adjustment pixel Luck Favors the Prepared: Collect all Red Bricks
Bold! Dramatic! Heroic!
Adjustment pixel Bold! Dramatic! Heroic!: Create a custom character
No Capes!
Adjustment pixel No Capes!: Create a custom character with a cape
I'm a Billionaire!
Adjustment pixel I'm a Billionaire!: Earn 1,000,000,000 Studs
Key to the City
Adjustment pixel Key to the City: Achieve 100%
Making the World a Better Place
Adjustment pixel Making the World a Better Place: Clean up a district
Superhero of the Year
Adjustment pixel Superhero of the Year: Clean up all districts
I'm Not Happy Bob. Not Happy
Adjustment pixel I'm Not Happy Bob. Not Happy: Attack Gilbert Huph with Bob Parr
A Close Second
Adjustment pixel A Close Second: Finish a race with Dash achieving silver
Everyone is Special
Adjustment pixel Everyone is Special: Defeat an enemy with a non-super character
That Was Totally Wicked!
Adjustment pixel That Was Totally Wicked!: Achieve a 75 hit combo
Jack-Jack Attack!
Adjustment pixel Jack-Jack Attack!: Use all of Jack-Jack's different powers
Someone's Always in Trouble
Adjustment pixel Someone's Always in Trouble: Release a district boss from prison
Senior Citizens Arrest
Adjustment pixel Senior Citizens Arrest: Defeat a district boss with a Senior Citizen
Adjustment pixel Freeze!: Freeze a police officer with Frozone
I'm You, But Stronger!
Adjustment pixel I'm You, But Stronger!: Pair Buddy Pine with Syndrome
Just Keep Swimming
Adjustment pixel Just Keep Swimming: Complete an underwater race as Dory
Doing Our Part!
Adjustment pixel Doing Our Part!: Complete an ambient crime in the city
The Supers Have Returned!
Adjustment pixel The Supers Have Returned!: Complete 50 ambient crimes in the city
74 players