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LEGO The Hobbit Vita Vita

LEGO The Hobbit Vita

LEGO The Hobbit for PS Vita, the latest addition to the popular LEGO videogame series that brings to life the enthralling and legendary stories from Oscar-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit Trilogy.
  • US April 8, 2014
  • EU April 11, 2014
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon
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Developer: TT Games
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
  • 42 Trophy bronze icon
  • 4 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 22 of 50
The Road Goes Ever On
Adjustment pixel The Road Goes Ever On: Collect Every Trophy
Journey's End
Adjustment pixel Journey's End: Complete all the main story levels
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 6 05:34:09 2017
River of Gold
Adjustment pixel River of Gold: Complete all the Gold Brick challenges in the game
True Adventurer
Adjustment pixel True Adventurer: Collect 100,000,000 studs
You're going on a Quest?
Adjustment pixel You're going on a Quest?: Complete all the quests in the World Map
A sickness of the mind
Adjustment pixel A sickness of the mind: Open all the treasure chests in the World Map
Great Craftsman
Adjustment pixel Great Craftsman: Unlock and craft all the LEGO Kits and LEGO Mini-kits in the game
Red Bricks
Adjustment pixel Red Bricks: Unlock and craft all the Red Bricks in the game
The World is Ahead
Adjustment pixel The World is Ahead: Complete all the Mineral Builds on the World Map to unlock all the side paths
Moon Runes
Adjustment pixel Moon Runes: Find all the hidden nodes in the World Map via the Moon Altar in Rivendell
Road Less Travelled
Adjustment pixel Road Less Travelled: Travel to Moria, High Fells, Dol Guldur and the Erebor throne room after they have been visited in the main story
Comings and Goings
Adjustment pixel Comings and Goings: Prod all the non-quest characters on the World Map
World Builder
Adjustment pixel World Builder: Place a LEGO Kit or LEGO Mini-kit on all the LEGO plates in the World Map
What have we done?
Adjustment pixel What have we done?: Complete all the Gold Brick builds on the World Map
Take Up Arms
Adjustment pixel Take Up Arms: Complete all the micro-levels in the game
There and Back Again
Adjustment pixel There and Back Again: Complete "Bag End" level a second time after completing all the other levels
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 6 06:22:12 2017
Adjustment pixel Roar-cestra: Destroy all the Roar LEGO as Beorn the Bear
My Precious
Adjustment pixel My Precious: Defeat 10 enemies as Gollum while wearing The One Ring
The people need food
Adjustment pixel The people need food: Use all the fishing spots in the game as Bard
Adjustment pixel Beastly: Defeat 10 Wargs playing as Beorn the Bear
Good Company
Adjustment pixel Good Company: Unlock and purchase all the characters in the game
The People of Middle-earth
Adjustment pixel The People of Middle-earth: Unlock and purchase all the character bios in the game
Book Worm
Adjustment pixel Book Worm: Unlock and purchase all the location bios in the game
Nudge, nudge
Adjustment pixel Nudge, nudge: Unlock and purchase all the hints in the shop
Adjustment pixel Catapulty: Launch 10 enemies from catapults in "Goblin Brawl"
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 4 17:45:28 2017
Adjustment pixel Avalanche: Wipe out 10 enemies with the avalanche in "Galadriels Gambit"
Mine the gap
Adjustment pixel Mine the gap: Cause 20 enemies to be run down by mine carts in "Combat Quota"
The Fire was Red
Adjustment pixel The Fire was Red: Defeat 10 enemies with the chandeliers in "Broken Home"
Ever they delved deeper
Adjustment pixel Ever they delved deeper: Mine all the Mine Spots in the "Mines of Erebor"
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Mar 7 18:49:16 2017
A Wizard is never late...
Adjustment pixel A Wizard is never late...: Complete "Troll Battle" as Gandalf
Round two!
Adjustment pixel Round two!: Defeat Azog as Thrór
Adjustment pixel Finisher: Defeat 20 enemies using a ground finisher
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 4 17:45:11 2017
Return to sender
Adjustment pixel Return to sender: Deflect 3 arrows back at an archer using dash
Super Move
Adjustment pixel Super Move: Defeat 4 enemies in one go with a super move
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue May 2 23:48:51 2017
A city turned to ash
Adjustment pixel A city turned to ash: Complete "The Mines of Erebor", "The Coming of Smaug" and "The Sickness of Thrór"
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Mar 7 19:01:54 2017
In a hole in the ground...
Adjustment pixel In a hole in the ground...: Complete "Bag End"
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Mar 7 19:16:01 2017
Slunk back from whence he came
Adjustment pixel Slunk back from whence he came: Complete "Battle of Moria" and "Azog the Defiler"
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Mar 8 03:48:46 2017
... And be stone to you!
Adjustment pixel ... And be stone to you!: Complete "The Mountain Trolls", "Troll Battle" and "The Dawn"
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue May 2 23:07:50 2017
More of a letter-opener, really!
Adjustment pixel More of a letter-opener, really!: Complete "The Troll Hoard", "Gundabad Wargs" and "The Hidden Valley"
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue May 2 23:40:06 2017
More than a thunderstorm!
Adjustment pixel More than a thunderstorm!: Complete "Thunder Battle"
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 3 17:16:54 2017
That'll do it…
Adjustment pixel That'll do it…: Complete "Goblin-town", "Riddles in the Dark" and "The Goblin King"
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 4 17:40:39 2017
I do believe the worst is behind us
Adjustment pixel I do believe the worst is behind us: Complete "To the Trees" and "The Return of Azog"
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 5 05:22:42 2017
What do you need?
Adjustment pixel What do you need?: Complete "The Legend of Beorn" and "Beorn's Homestead"
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 5 05:50:33 2017
Attercop! Attercop!
Adjustment pixel Attercop! Attercop!: Complete "Mirkwood", "The Spawn of Dol Guldur" and "Bilbo and the Ring"
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 5 17:14:57 2017
Escaped the dungeons of the King
Adjustment pixel Escaped the dungeons of the King: Complete "Bilbo's Escape Plan", "The Elven Gate" and "Mirkwood River"
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 5 17:53:37 2017
The Mountain-king's return
Adjustment pixel The Mountain-king's return: Complete "The Armoury", "Kingsfoil" and "Bolg"
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 6 01:39:07 2017
He is summoning his servants
Adjustment pixel He is summoning his servants: Complete "The High Fells Tomb"
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 6 01:49:47 2017
It's undoubtedly a trap
Adjustment pixel It's undoubtedly a trap: Complete "Dol Guldur", "Commander of Legions" and "The Enemy"
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 6 02:28:45 2017
Time to earn your reward
Adjustment pixel Time to earn your reward: Complete "Durin's Day"
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 6 02:49:24 2017
Think furnace, with wings
Adjustment pixel Think furnace, with wings: Complete "Smaug's Lair" and "Thorin's Revenge"
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 6 05:34:09 2017
61 players