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Lawn Mowing Simulator PS5

Lawn Mowing Simulator

Experience the beauty and detail of mowing the Great British countryside in Lawn Mowing Simulator, the only simulator that allows you to ride an authentic and expansive roster of real-world licensed lawn mowers from prestigious manufacturers; Toro, SCAG and STIGA as you manage your business.
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon
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Developer: Skyhook Games
Publisher: Curve Games
  • 42 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 55
Adjustment pixel Platimow: Obtained all trophies
The dream begins
Adjustment pixel The dream begins: Purchase your first vehicle
Mo mowers, mo problems
Adjustment pixel Mo mowers, mo problems: Own all original mowers. (100)
Lawn in the U.S.A.
Adjustment pixel Lawn in the U.S.A.: Purchase your first American made mower.
Bigger and better
Adjustment pixel Bigger and better: Part exchange a vehicle for a more expensive one.
Leaner and meaner
Adjustment pixel Leaner and meaner: Part exchange a vehicle for a cheaper one.
Every story has a beginning
Adjustment pixel Every story has a beginning: Complete a contract.
Lawn & Order
Adjustment pixel Lawn & Order: Complete a striping contract.
Where there's muck there's brass
Adjustment pixel Where there's muck there's brass: Complete a litter contract.
In it for the long haul
Adjustment pixel In it for the long haul: Complete 100 contracts. (100)
Jack of all trades
Adjustment pixel Jack of all trades: Complete one of every kind of contract. (100)
Fighting on all fronts
Adjustment pixel Fighting on all fronts: Complete 3 contracts in a single day. (100)
Mighty Mowing Park Ranger
Adjustment pixel Mighty Mowing Park Ranger: Complete your first Park contract.
Lawn on the 4th of July
Adjustment pixel Lawn on the 4th of July: Use an American made mower to complete a contract on the 4th of July in Career Mode.
Size isn't everything
Adjustment pixel Size isn't everything: Complete a career contract with a deck 50cm smaller than the recommended size.
Close shave
Adjustment pixel Close shave: Finish a 10 career contract within the recommended completion time. (100)
Earn your stripes
Adjustment pixel Earn your stripes: Earn a 95% or above stripe rating in a stripe contract and complete the cut.
The grass is always greener
Adjustment pixel The grass is always greener: Complete a career contract without earning a fine or penalty.
Aggressive expansion
Adjustment pixel Aggressive expansion: Upgrade a Company HQ.
First step on the ladder
Adjustment pixel First step on the ladder: Purchase the second Company HQ.
Worked your grass off
Adjustment pixel Worked your grass off: Purchase the third Company HQ.
The top of the mountain
Adjustment pixel The top of the mountain: Purchase the fourth Company HQ.
Hard times
Adjustment pixel Hard times: Downscale to a smaller Company HQ.
Teamwork makes the dream work
Adjustment pixel Teamwork makes the dream work: Hire your first employee.
Zero to hero
Adjustment pixel Zero to hero: Train an employee from apprentice to expert.
Phoenix rises
Adjustment pixel Phoenix rises: Bring a company on the brink of bankruptcy back into profit.
Blade Runner
Adjustment pixel Blade Runner: Sprint a total of 1 mile in Career mode. (100)
The first of many
Adjustment pixel The first of many: Drive a total of 1 miles in Career mode. (100)
Adjustment pixel Centurion: Drive a total of 100 miles in Career mode. (100)
Every good deed…
Adjustment pixel Every good deed…: Hand in your first valuable.
Lawn Enforcement Officer
Adjustment pixel Lawn Enforcement Officer: Hand in all valuables (100)
All hands on deck
Adjustment pixel All hands on deck: Pick up 250 objects in ground check phases. (100)
Positive word of mouth
Adjustment pixel Positive word of mouth: Earn your first RP rank up.
Adjustment pixel Credible: Earn the company RP title of 'Credible'.
Adjustment pixel Established: Earn the company RP title of 'Established'.
Adjustment pixel Trusted: Earn the company RP title of 'Trusted'.
Adjustment pixel Professional: Earn the company RP title of 'Professional'.
Adjustment pixel Esteemed: Earn the company RP title of 'Esteemed'.
Adjustment pixel Distinguished: Earn the company RP title of 'Distinguished'.
Cut Loose
Adjustment pixel Cut Loose: Complete your first challenge.
Amateur mower
Adjustment pixel Amateur mower: Complete all amateur challenges. (100)
Professional mower
Adjustment pixel Professional mower: Complete all professional challenges. (100)
Expert mower
Adjustment pixel Expert mower: Complete all expert challenges. (100)
Ancient Britain
A seat at the round table
Adjustment pixel A seat at the round table: Complete all 4 Ancient Britain challenges
Home game
Adjustment pixel Home game: Complete any of the Ancient Britain career contracts with a Knight mower.
The Wandering Wizard
Adjustment pixel The Wandering Wizard: Find the valuable on The Ancient Auroch
An axe to grind
Adjustment pixel An axe to grind: Find the valuable on Aurochs Hill
Adjustment pixel Excalibur?: Find the valuable on Druid Tor
Head of the family
Adjustment pixel Head of the family: Find the valuable on The Royal Stones
Dino Safari
Welcome to Dino Safari!
Adjustment pixel Welcome to Dino Safari!: Complete any Dino Safari contract in Career mode.
Don’t go into the long grass!
Adjustment pixel Don’t go into the long grass!: Complete an overgrown contract on the Raptor paddock in Career mode.
We’re going to make a fortune with this place
Adjustment pixel We’re going to make a fortune with this place: Find the valuable in Herbivore Valley
Spared no expense
Adjustment pixel Spared no expense: Find the valuable in Cretaceous Canyon
Clever girl
Adjustment pixel Clever girl: Find the valuable in the Raptor enclosure
We have a T-Rex
Adjustment pixel We have a T-Rex: Find the valuable in the T-Rex paddock
37 players