Survey Complete: You've found everything there is to know about these ruins.
Welcome to La-Mulana: Opened the entrance to La-Mulana.
Earned Wed Mar 15 23:27:19 2023
Watch Where You're Whipping: Received damnation.
Earned Wed Mar 15 23:33:09 2023
Twin-Headed Snake: Obliterated Amphisbaena.
Once You Read It, You Can Never Go Back: I warned you.
Earned Thu Mar 16 12:47:58 2023
Dear Foolish Adventurer: Activated HARD MODE.
Earned Sat Mar 18 13:15:43 2023
Giant's Rage: Obliterated Sakit.
Earned Mon Mar 20 22:01:26 2023
The Girl Awakens: Mulbruk has been awakened.
High-Speed Beast: Obliterated Ellmac.
Lights of the Fairies: Got a fairy to cooperate with you.
Dangerous Raid: Obliterated Bahamut.
Seek a Higher Place: Obtained the Feather.
Take a Walk on the Dark Side: Obtained the Future Development Company app.
At the Bottom: Obliterated Viy.
Eden's Paradise: Uncovered Eden.
The Penitent Man: Took a knee.
You Are a Small One: Proved that you are indeed small.
Dive Deep Down: Dived into a pot.
A One-Time Challenge: Challenged the balance of the spirits.
The Hidden Road: Opened the backdoor to the Tower of the Goddess.
Ancient Machine: Obliterated Palenque.
La-Mulana Mania: Obtained La-Mulana.
Paleography Reader: Learned ancient La-Mulana words.
Black Misa: Obliterated Baphomet.
The World of 8-Bit: Opened the entrance to The Gate of Time.
The Four Philosophers: Obtained the Ocarina of The Philosophers.
Sound Track Mania: Obtained Beo La-Mulana.
Slippery Serpent: Obliterated Tiamat.
The Beginning of Hell and Awakening: Obliterated all guardians.
The Strongest Archaeologist: Completed the adventure.
Speed Runner: Completed the entire adventure within 10 hours.
Skilled Adventurer: Completed the entire adventure within 20 hours.
Indomitable Spirit: Completed the entire adventure within 40 hours.
Maximum Power: Obtained all Sacred Orbs.
Item Collector: Filled every item slot.
Map Collector: Obtained all maps.
Master Key: Unlocked all fairy locks.
Treasure Hunter: Opened all small treasure boxes.
Fairy Light Completionist: Called a fairy from every fairy point.
NIGORO MANIA: Found every NIGORO staff member.
I Love Hot Springs!: Bathed in the hot springs 100 times.
Hell's Gate: Unlocked the HELL TEMPLE.
A Sight Not for Human Eyes: Completed the HELL TEMPLE.
The Masochist King: Completed the HELL TEMPLE in HARD MODE.
THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM: Completed the HELL TEMPLE without the Fairy's Vest.
Let's Go Together!: Watched the ending with the entire cast present.
Running Out in the Open!: Everyone in the ending has that summer feeling.
Fun for One: Everyone's here, but only you feel like it's summer.
Great 8th Child: Obliterated all Guardians in HARD MODE.
All I Need Is One Arm: Obliterated all Guardians without using secondary weapons.
All I Need Is One Finger: Obliterated all Guardians without using secondary weapons in HARD MODE.
This is La-Mulana: Part I: Flattened by a falling giant.
Earned Sat Mar 18 13:37:37 2023
This is La-Mulana: Part II: Squashed by a falling sun.
This is La-Mulana: Part III: Surprised Shunderia.
This is La-Mulana: Part IV: Smooshed by a Super Punch.