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Kingdom: New Lands PS4

Kingdom: New Lands

ales spread of far off isles with mysteries waiting to be discovered. Rulers will need all the strength of their subjects to sail away and find new kingdoms in these New Lands. Kingdom: New Lands builds upon the award-winning gameplay and mystery of Kingdom by introducing an abundance of new content to the IGF-nominated title while maintaining the simplicity and depth that legions of monarchs have come to experience and enjoy.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Licorice / Noio
Publisher: Raw Fury
  • 15 Trophy bronze icon
  • 15 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 35
Unlocked All Achievements
Adjustment pixel Unlocked All Achievements: Unlocked All Achievements
Day V
Adjustment pixel Day V: Survive day 5.
Day X
Adjustment pixel Day X: Survive day 10.
Day XV
Adjustment pixel Day XV: Survive day 15.
Day XX
Adjustment pixel Day XX: Survive day 20.
Adjustment pixel Day XXV: Survive day 25.
Adjustment pixel Day XXX: Survive day 30.
Adjustment pixel Day XXXV: Survive day 35.
Day XL
Adjustment pixel Day XL: Survive day 40.
Adjustment pixel Day XLV: Survive day 45.
Day L
Adjustment pixel Day L: Survive day 50.
Day LX
Adjustment pixel Day LX: Survive day 60.
Adjustment pixel Day LXX: Survive day 70.
Adjustment pixel Day LXXX: Survive day 80.
Day XC
Adjustment pixel Day XC: Survive day 90.
Day C
Adjustment pixel Day C: Survive day 100.
On the First Day I Built an Army
Adjustment pixel On the First Day I Built an Army: On the first day you recruited eight archers.
On the Second Day I Got a Gift
Adjustment pixel On the Second Day I Got a Gift: On the second day you got free walls.
On the Third Day I Lit a Fire
Adjustment pixel On the Third Day I Lit a Fire: On the third day you started your camp.
On the Fourth Day We Had a Feast
Adjustment pixel On the Fourth Day We Had a Feast: By the fourth day you hunted 20 or more deer.
For Five Days I Turned the Other Cheek
Adjustment pixel For Five Days I Turned the Other Cheek: For five days you didn't kill anything.
By The Sixth Day I Was Rich
Adjustment pixel By The Sixth Day I Was Rich: By the sixth day you had more gold than you could carry.
By The Seventh Day I Cleared an Acre
Adjustment pixel By The Seventh Day I Cleared an Acre: By the seventh day you cleared an acre of land.
On the Eighth Day I Fumbled
Adjustment pixel On the Eighth Day I Fumbled: Until the eighth day you never dropped a coin on the ground.
On the Ninth Day I First Ran
Adjustment pixel On the Ninth Day I First Ran: Until the ninth day you never galloped.
On the Tenth Day We Fought Back
Adjustment pixel On the Tenth Day We Fought Back: By the tenth day you destroyed a portal.
Maiden Voyage
Adjustment pixel Maiden Voyage: Build the boat and escape the first land before day 10.
Smooth Sailing
Adjustment pixel Smooth Sailing: Build the boat and escape the second land before day 15.
Stormy Waters
Adjustment pixel Stormy Waters: Build the boat and escape the third land before day 20.
Reef the Main
Adjustment pixel Reef the Main: Build the boat and escape the fourth land before day 25.
All Hands on Deck
Adjustment pixel All Hands on Deck: Build the boat and escape the fifth land before day 30.
Birth of a Reign
Adjustment pixel Birth of a Reign: Win your first game.
Interior Decoration
Adjustment pixel Interior Decoration: Earn some antlers to decorate your coat of arms.
Heraldic Achievement
Adjustment pixel Heraldic Achievement: Have a reign that spans five lands.
Adjustment pixel Crowned: Escape the final land and earn the crown.
25 players