Hero: Obtain all Killzone Shadow Fall trophies
The Father: Complete level 'The Father'
Earned Tue Dec 9 09:41:48 2014
The Shadow: Complete level 'The Shadow'
Earned Thu Dec 11 23:57:49 2014
Deniable: In 'The Shadow', operate without raising an alarm or disabling the security mainframe
The Doctor: Complete level 'The Doctor'
Earned Fri Dec 12 00:50:48 2014
The Patriot: Complete level 'The Patriot'
Earned Fri Dec 12 02:44:40 2014
The Helghast: Complete level 'The Helghast'
Earned Wed Dec 24 07:51:54 2014
The Agent: Complete level 'The Agent'
Earned Sun Dec 28 02:00:24 2014
The Handler: Complete level 'The Handler'
Earned Wed May 27 14:41:24 2015
The Dead: Complete level 'The Dead'
Earned Thu May 28 22:17:24 2015
The Destroyer: Complete level 'The Destroyer'
Earned Fri May 29 05:12:42 2015
New Shadow: In 'The Savior', complete the mission without being spotted
Violence is the answer?: In 'The Savior', kill 20 soldiers and still complete the mission
The Savior: Complete level 'The Savior' and prevent the escalation of a new war
Earned Fri May 29 05:57:47 2015
Outsmarted: In singleplayer, get a quadruple kill with a single Frag Grenade
Outgunned: In singleplayer, kill 6 Helghast with headshots within a single adrenaline rush
Outmaneuvered: In singleplayer, kill 5 Helghast with gunfire while ziplining
Elite Shadow Marshal: Complete all missions on Hard difficulty
Conscientious Killer: Complete the campaign on any difficulty without shooting any civilians
Earned Sun Nov 17 22:21:52 2019
Shadows Cannot Be Killed: Complete the campaign on any difficulty without dying
Gatherer: Find 50% of the collectibles in the campaign
The Knowledge: Find all collectibles in the campaign
Tourist: Complete a match on every multiplayer map
Earned Thu May 28 20:29:37 2015
Dominator: Win a match on every multiplayer map
Earned Thu May 28 21:57:19 2015
On Your Way: Complete 200 challenges
Earned Sat Feb 14 22:20:31 2015
Multiplayer Elite: Complete 400 challenges
Earned Sun Feb 15 09:48:40 2015
Million Points: Get a total of 1,000,000 points in multiplayer
Scout: Max out any upgradable Scout ability
Support: Max out any upgradable Support ability
Earned Sat Feb 14 09:32:02 2015
Assault: Max out any upgradable Assault ability
Jack Of All Trades: Max out all upgradable abilities
Weapons Specialist: Unlock all attachments for all weapons
Earned Sat May 30 09:35:59 2015
Decorated: Earn a total of 500 accolades
Earned Sun Feb 15 09:51:18 2015
Insurgent Expansion |
Hacktivist: Reach the maximum level for the Hacking Ability
Kleptomania: Reach the maximum level for the Stealing Ability
All Flavors: Make a kill with all primary weapons as an Insurgent
Finders Keepers: Collect 25 Online Collectibles
Remember me?: Make 25 kills with each one of the Retro weapons
New Toys!: Reach the maximum level for the E-Pulse Emitter, Tactical Echo Emitter, and Guard Drone
Like a Boss: Finish the campaign in Elite mode
Intercept Expansion |
Pyromaniac: Get 250 kills with the Assault's Breacher automatic shotgun in co-op
High And Dry: Get 250 kills with the Marksman's LS70 sniper rifle in co-op
Necromancer: Revive 50 Team mates in co-op
Tactical Triplets: Get 250 kills with the Tactician Turrets in co-op
Bare Hands: Get 25 brutal melee kills as each of the four Combat Roles in co-op
Wallstreet Banker: Bank 2500 points as each of the four Combat Roles in co-op
Co-op Captain: Win 50 co-op games