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Killzone: Mercenary Vita

Killzone: Mercenary

If you thought the battle lines were clear, you've not seen the whole story. Killzone Mercenary throws you into a deadly firefight where you not only fight alongside the dangerous ISA, but also shoulder to shoulder with the vicious Helghast. There is no good. There is no evil. There is only the mission... and the money. Experience Killzone from a brutally new perspective, only on PlayStation Vita.
  • US September 10, 2013
  • EU September 4, 2013
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Guerrilla Games
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 42 Trophy bronze icon
  • 8 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 2 of 53
Adjustment pixel Platinum: Collect all trophies
Justice Served
Adjustment pixel Justice Served: Complete mission contract 'Justice For All'
Adjustment pixel Decoded: Complete mission contract 'Code Of Engagement'
Strike Out
Adjustment pixel Strike Out: Complete mission contract 'Lightning Strike'
Foreign Policy
Adjustment pixel Foreign Policy: Complete mission contract 'Diplomatic Incident'
Adjustment pixel Delivered: Complete mission contract 'The Package'
Switched Off
Adjustment pixel Switched Off: Complete mission contract 'Lights Out'
Bridged Sides
Adjustment pixel Bridged Sides: Complete mission contract 'Hostile Takeover'
Target Acquired
Adjustment pixel Target Acquired: Complete mission contract 'Blood Money'
Adjustment pixel Resolution: Complete all mission contracts
Above And Beyond
Adjustment pixel Above And Beyond: Complete all mission contracts on Veteran difficulty
Gone Dark
Adjustment pixel Gone Dark: Complete all Covert contracts
Clean House
Adjustment pixel Clean House: Complete all Demolition contracts
Perfect Execution
Adjustment pixel Perfect Execution: Complete all Precision contracts
Dedicated To The Cause
Adjustment pixel Dedicated To The Cause: Complete all Covert, Demolition and Precision contracts
Fully Briefed
Adjustment pixel Fully Briefed: Collect all intel items
Firewall Down
Adjustment pixel Firewall Down: Complete a VAN-Guard hack, making no mistakes
Come In
Adjustment pixel Come In: Visit Blackjack's Armoury during a mission
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 17 06:01:28 2019
Adjustment pixel Deflector: Perform a Brutal Melee counter gesture in Multiplayer
Supply Chain
Adjustment pixel Supply Chain: Collect the contents from 10 VAN-Guard capsules in Multiplayer
Adjustment pixel Anti-Air: Shoot down 10 enemy VAN-Guard drones in Multiplayer
Adjustment pixel Noob: Complete a Multiplayer game round
Adjustment pixel Centurion: Complete 100 Multiplayer game rounds
Adjustment pixel Spangled: Recover after being tranquilised by an enemy in Multiplayer
Adjustment pixel Well-rounded: Win at least one round of all Multiplayer modes
Heads Up
Adjustment pixel Heads Up: Get crushed by an incoming VAN-Guard capsule
Adjustment pixel Redeemer: Rescue an injured teammate in Multiplayer
Get Your Filthy Hands Off
Adjustment pixel Get Your Filthy Hands Off: Kill an enemy while they are interrogating a teammate in Multiplayer
Is It Safe?
Adjustment pixel Is It Safe?: Interrogate an enemy
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 17 06:34:32 2019
Boom Headshot!
Adjustment pixel Boom Headshot!: Achieve 1000 headshots
Cutting Edge
Adjustment pixel Cutting Edge: Brutal Melee 12 enemies consecutively
Adjustment pixel Marksman: Kill an enemy at long range
Aces High
Adjustment pixel Aces High: Attain an ace Valour card ranking
Full Deck
Adjustment pixel Full Deck: Collect a full deck of Valour cards
Adjustment pixel Millionaire: Earn 1,000,000 Vektan dollars
Killing Machine
Adjustment pixel Killing Machine: Achieve a 10 kill streak in Multiplayer
Adjustment pixel Ghost: Brutal melee an enemy from behind whilst using the Ghost VAN-Guard
Blood Bank
Adjustment pixel Blood Bank: Kill 10,000 enemies
I Want That One
Adjustment pixel I Want That One: Make a purchase in Blackjack's armoury
Preferred Customer
Adjustment pixel Preferred Customer: Buy everything in Blackjack's armoury
Master At Arms
Adjustment pixel Master At Arms: Use every weapon, grenade, armour and VAN-Guard available in Blackjack's armoury
Low Profile
Adjustment pixel Low Profile: Access the Security Centre without triggering the alarm in 'Justice For All'
Cross Examination
Adjustment pixel Cross Examination: Interrogate the Captain in the Judge's chamber and save his hostage in 'Justice For All'
Man Vs. Machine
Adjustment pixel Man Vs. Machine: Destroy the Helghast Tank without using a D-Charge in 'Justice For All'
Insertion Denied
Adjustment pixel Insertion Denied: Kill all troops before they rappel out of a dropship
Collateral Considered
Adjustment pixel Collateral Considered: Complete 'The Package' without any civillian casualties
Adjustment pixel Beachcomber: Destroy all barnacles in 'The Package'
No Way Home
Adjustment pixel No Way Home: Destroy the Helghast extraction dropship in 'Lights Out'
Adjustment pixel Executioner: Ensure Dr Savic. dies in 'Hostile Takeover'
Adjustment pixel Reprieve: Ensure Dr Savic. lives in 'Hostile Takeover'
Freshly Baked
Adjustment pixel Freshly Baked: Burn an enemy in the Lab 01 incinerator in 'Blood Money'
Just To Be Sure
Adjustment pixel Just To Be Sure: Lock the Admiral in the Vault and detonate the demolition charges in 'Blood Money'
Up Close And Personal
Adjustment pixel Up Close And Personal: In 'Exit Wounds', successfully melee Benoit from behind.
333 players