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Jak II Vita Vita

Jak II Vita

In Jak II for PS Vita, while exploring some ancient ruins on a forbidden island off the coast, Jak's best friend, Daxter, is knocked into a vat of Dark Eco--a terrifying and deadly substance that could corrupt the world forever--transforming him into a weasel-like rodent.
The village sage, Samos Hagai, tells Jak that there's only one person who holds the secrets to transforming Daxter back. Now the pair must set out on a
  • US June 14, 2013
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Naughty Dog
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 26 Trophy bronze icon
  • 10 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 10 of 41
Done Done Done
Adjustment pixel Done Done Done: For excellent and dedicated field work in the field of battle for completion.
Poor Kid
Adjustment pixel Poor Kid: Protect Kor and Kid
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jun 22 15:34:31 2013
Dead and Gone
Adjustment pixel Dead and Gone: Retrieve Banner from Dead Town
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 28 15:14:38 2013
Adjustment pixel Kaboom!: Blow up Ammo at Fortress
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 8 13:56:38 2013
Signature Moves
Adjustment pixel Signature Moves: Protect Sig at Pumping Station
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 8 14:51:10 2013
Turrets Syndrome
Adjustment pixel Turrets Syndrome: Destroy Turrets in Sewers
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 8 15:18:01 2013
Stripped Down
Adjustment pixel Stripped Down: Rescue Vin at Strip Mine
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jul 12 16:11:23 2013
Over Easy
Adjustment pixel Over Easy: Destroy Eggs at Drill Platform using the touchscreen
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jul 12 16:33:30 2013
Adjustment pixel Cha-ching: Collect Money for Krew
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jul 13 11:21:57 2013
Lost and Found
Adjustment pixel Lost and Found: Find Pumping Station Patrol
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jul 13 03:15:18 2013
Just the Artifacts Ma'am
Adjustment pixel Just the Artifacts Ma'am: Find 3 Artifacts in Mountain Temple
More Power to You
Adjustment pixel More Power to You: Turn on 5 Power Switches
Skip the Stairs
Adjustment pixel Skip the Stairs: Ride Elevator up to Palace
Don't Let Him Get Away
Adjustment pixel Don't Let Him Get Away: Defeat Baron at Palace
Scout's Honor
Adjustment pixel Scout's Honor: Catch Scouts in Haven Forest
Adjustment pixel Kersplash!: Destroy Equipment at Dig
Speeding Slowly
Adjustment pixel Speeding Slowly: Win Class 3 Race at Stadium
Strip Mine, Not Yours
Adjustment pixel Strip Mine, Not Yours: Blow up Strip Mine in Eco Wells
Sunken Ship
Adjustment pixel Sunken Ship: Destroy Ship at Drill Platform
Clap Hands
Adjustment pixel Clap Hands: Get Seal Piece at Dig
Doggin' the Hellcats
Adjustment pixel Doggin' the Hellcats: Destroy 5 Hellcat Cruisers
No Man is a Canyon
Adjustment pixel No Man is a Canyon: Use Items in No Man's Canyon
Adjustment pixel Testosterone: Pass the Tests of Manhood
Grin and Baron It
Adjustment pixel Grin and Baron It: Defeat Baron in Mar's Tomb
We're All Friends Here
Adjustment pixel We're All Friends Here: Rescue Friends at Fortress
Bot Bot Boom Boom
Adjustment pixel Bot Bot Boom Boom: Protect Hideout from Bomb Bots
Speed Quicker
Adjustment pixel Speed Quicker: Win Class 2 Race at Stadium
What's That Smell?
Adjustment pixel What's That Smell?: Escort Men Through Sewers
Adjustment pixel Timber!: Destroy Drill Platform Tower
Speed Speedily
Adjustment pixel Speed Speedily: Win Class 1 Race in Stadium
I Heart Heart
Adjustment pixel I Heart Heart: Get Heart of Mar in Weapons Lab
Who Knew Krew Blew?
Adjustment pixel Who Knew Krew Blew?: Beat Krew in Weapons Lab
Finders Keepers
Adjustment pixel Finders Keepers: Find Sig in Underport
Heavy Distortion
Adjustment pixel Heavy Distortion: Attack the Metal Head Nest
Pedal to the Metal
Adjustment pixel Pedal to the Metal: Destroy Metal Kor at Nest
Head Over Heels
Adjustment pixel Head Over Heels: Collect 50 Metal Head Skull Gems
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 8 17:04:10 2013
Head Cheese
Adjustment pixel Head Cheese: Collect 250 Metal Head Skull Gems
Head Master
Adjustment pixel Head Master: Collect 510 Metal Head Skull Gems
The Collector
Adjustment pixel The Collector: Collect 25 Precursor Orbs
The Collectivist
Adjustment pixel The Collectivist: Collect 125 Precursor Orbs
The Collectationator!
Adjustment pixel The Collectationator!: Collect 286 Precursor Orbs
95 players