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Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy PS3

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

While exploring some ancient ruins on a forbidden island off the coast, Jak's best friend, Daxter, is knocked into a vat of Dark Eco--a terrifying and deadly substance that could corrupt the world forever--transforming him into a weasel-like rodent.
The village sage, Samos Hagai, tells Jak that there's only one person who holds the secrets to transforming Daxter back. Now the pair must set out on a quest in search of a
  • US February 7, 2012
  • EU February 22, 2012
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Naughty Dog
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 22 Trophy bronze icon
  • 12 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 4 of 39
Top of the Heap
Adjustment pixel Top of the Heap: You have mastered the game and collected all there is to collect!
Open Sez Me
Adjustment pixel Open Sez Me: Open the Precursor Door
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 16 20:13:44 2012
Yee Haw!
Adjustment pixel Yee Haw!: Herd the Yakows in to their Pen
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 16 20:44:23 2012
Black Thumb
Adjustment pixel Black Thumb: Defeat the Dark Eco Plant
Shiny Happy Steeples
Adjustment pixel Shiny Happy Steeples: Connect the Eco Beams
Hand Over Fish
Adjustment pixel Hand Over Fish: Catch 200 Pounds of Fish
Gimmee That!
Adjustment pixel Gimmee That!: Get the Power Cell from the Pelican
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 16 20:31:48 2012
Eggs Over Hard
Adjustment pixel Eggs Over Hard: Push the Flut Flut Egg Off the Cliff
Pop Goes the Lurker
Adjustment pixel Pop Goes the Lurker: Destroy the Balloon Lurkers
Tonight's Featured Event
Adjustment pixel Tonight's Featured Event: Defeat Lurker Ambush in Arena
Adjustment pixel Zoom!: Reach the End of Fire Canyon
Catch as Catch Can
Adjustment pixel Catch as Catch Can: Catch the Flying Lurkers
Green Thumb
Adjustment pixel Green Thumb: Cure Dark Eco Infected Plants
Purple Pain
Adjustment pixel Purple Pain: Navigate the Purple Precursor Rings
I Got The Blues
Adjustment pixel I Got The Blues: Navigate the Blue Precursor Rings
Speedy Fast
Adjustment pixel Speedy Fast: Beat the Record Time on the Gorge
Twist and Shout
Adjustment pixel Twist and Shout: Defeat the Lurker Ambush
Adjustment pixel Hungry?: Protect Farthy's Snacks
The Lead Zeppelin
Adjustment pixel The Lead Zeppelin: Break all Four Tethers to the Zeppelin
Zoom Zoom!
Adjustment pixel Zoom Zoom!: Reach the End of the Mountain Pass
Adjustment pixel De-Klawwed: Defeat Klaww
Adjustment pixel Kerblamm!: Destroy the Dark Eco Crystals
It's Dark in Here
Adjustment pixel It's Dark in Here: Survive the Lurker Infested Cave
It's Cold Out Here
Adjustment pixel It's Cold Out Here: Stop the 3 Lurker Glacier Troops
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!
Adjustment pixel Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!: Reach the End of the Lava Tube
Set Me Free!
Adjustment pixel Set Me Free!: Free the Red Sage
No, Set Me Free!
Adjustment pixel No, Set Me Free!: Free the Blue Sage
Hey, Set Me Free!
Adjustment pixel Hey, Set Me Free!: Free the Yellow Sage
Set Me Free Already!
Adjustment pixel Set Me Free Already!: Free the Green Sage
Battle Hardened
Adjustment pixel Battle Hardened: The Final Battle Against Gol and Maia
Power Lunch
Adjustment pixel Power Lunch: Collect 25 Power Cells
Power Chords
Adjustment pixel Power Chords: Collect 50 Power Cells
Maximum Power!
Adjustment pixel Maximum Power!: Collect 101 Power Cells
Adjustment pixel Buzzin': Collect 28 Scout Flies
Adjustment pixel Buzzed: Collect 49 Scout Flies
Totally Buzzed Out!
Adjustment pixel Totally Buzzed Out!: Collect 112 Scout Flies
The Orbist
Adjustment pixel The Orbist: Collect 100 Precursor Orbs
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 16 20:26:40 2012
The Orberator
Adjustment pixel The Orberator: Collect 1000 Precursor Orbs
The Super Orberator
Adjustment pixel The Super Orberator: Collect 2000 Precursor Orbs
330 players