inFamous Platinum Trophy: Collect all other inFamous trophies.
Good Finish: Beat the game as a Hero.
Earned Thu Jun 25 21:31:15 2009
Evil Finish: Beat the game while Infamous.
Hard Finish: Finish story mode on Hard, without changing the difficulty setting.
Community Organizer: Take over all territory in the Neon District.
Civic Leader: Take over all territory in the Warren.
Urban Designer: Take over all territory in the Historic District.
Just Scratched the Surface: Collect all Dead Drops in the Neon District.
Further Down the Rabbit Hole: Collect all Dead Drops in the Warren.
You're so Sly: Collect all Dead Drops in the Historic District.
Junior Geologist: Find 25% of the Shards.
Earned Mon Jun 22 21:53:29 2009
Member of the Mineral Club: Find 50% of the Shards.
Rockhound: Find 100% of the Shards.
Frequent Flyer: Travel 5 kilometers using Static Thrusters.
Earned Wed Jun 24 21:05:53 2009
Hotfoot: Travel 25 kilometers while riding the rails.
Electric Hobo: Ride the train for 2 kilometers.
Evil to the Core: Purchase every negative Karma upgrade for each power.
True Hero: Purchase every positive Karma upgrade for each power.
Casey Jones: Take down 25 enemies while riding on a moving train.
Road Kill: Take down 25 enemies while riding on the roof of a moving vehicle.
Earned Mon Jun 22 21:12:53 2009
Drop Everything: Thunder Drop for a total distance of at least 500 meters.
AC/DC: Drain 750 megawatts of power from Empire City.
Earned Thu Jun 25 21:11:57 2009
Get Off My Cloud: Get 100 High Fall take downs.
Red Baron: Take down 100 enemies while they are airborne.
Earned Mon Jun 22 21:18:56 2009
Fish in a Barrel: Kill 50 enemies by using water.
Earned Tue Jun 23 18:08:02 2009
True Potential: Purchase every upgrade for a single power.
Earned Mon Jun 1 21:35:35 2009
Oh, You've Done This Before: Take down 50 enemies by sticking them with a grenade.
The Hunger: Bio Leech 100 enemies.
Doctor Cole: Heal 250 pedestrians.
Goody Two Shoes: Reach full positive Karma.
Earned Tue Jun 23 17:57:09 2009
Truly Infamous: Reach full negative Karma.
Good Eats: Good guys feed the needy.
Earned Thu May 28 20:46:01 2009
Evil Eats: Bad guys never share their food.
Earned Thu Jun 25 21:50:53 2009
Good Riot: Good guys stand up and take the heat.
Earned Sun Jun 28 19:57:43 2009
Evil Riot: Bad guys love starting riots.
Earned Thu May 28 20:53:27 2009
Good Train: Good guys proactively facilitate transportation solutions.
Earned Sun May 31 23:19:18 2009
Evil Train: Bad guys make it clear who the boss is.
Good Exposure: Good guys are heroes to others.
Earned Sun Jun 7 10:59:02 2009
Evil Exposure: Bad guys love to be seen.
Good Sphere: Good guys put a stop to the madness.
Earned Thu Jun 25 21:06:06 2009
Evil Sphere: Bad guys always want more power.
Good Intentions: Good guys work for the greater good.
Evil Intentions: Bad guys can't say goodbye.
Earned Wed Jun 24 20:29:34 2009
Back With Trish: Reconciled with Trish.
Earned Mon Jun 22 21:45:18 2009
Confirmed Bachelor: Trish Hates You.
Clean Up Your Act: Defeat Sasha.
Earned Sun Jun 7 00:28:13 2009
Taking Out The Trash: Defeat Alden.
Earned Tue Jun 23 23:43:01 2009
Stunt Man: Complete any one stunt from the stunt list.
Earned Thu May 28 20:50:51 2009
Stunt Coordinator: Complete 10 of the stunts on the stunt list.
Earned Mon Jun 22 21:54:44 2009
Stunt Master: Complete all of the stunts on the stunt list.