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I Am Bread PS4

I Am Bread

Journey from the natural confines in the kitchen, through the home of the unsuspecting owner and venture to the outside world. With several different game modes and bread types to choose from, along with a narratively driven story, I am Bread will test your skills – and may be the cause of smashed DualShock4 controllers.
  • US August 25, 2015
  • EU August 25, 2015
  • JP N/A
Rate it
Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Just Add Water Developments
Publisher: Bossa Studios
  • 20 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 1 of 35
I Am Bread
Adjustment pixel I Am Bread: Obtain all other Trophies
Cool Story, Dough
Adjustment pixel Cool Story, Dough: Get an A++ on a Story level
A Wedge Between Us
Adjustment pixel A Wedge Between Us: Get an A++ on a Cheese Hunt level
Always Baguetting Better
Adjustment pixel Always Baguetting Better: Get an A++ on a Rampage level
The Best Around
Adjustment pixel The Best Around: Get an A++ on a Bagel Race level
The Flour is Strong With This Bun
Adjustment pixel The Flour is Strong With This Bun: Get an A++ on a Zero Gravity level
The End is Rye
Adjustment pixel The End is Rye: Complete all Story Levels (Before Epilogue)
Adjustment pixel Brie-lliant: Complete all Cheese Hunt Levels
Rye Hard
Adjustment pixel Rye Hard: Complete all Rampage Levels
Good all-rounder
Adjustment pixel Good all-rounder: Complete all Bagel Levels
One giant leap for Naankind
Adjustment pixel One giant leap for Naankind: Complete all Zero G Levels
Adjustment pixel Raconteur: A++ all Story levels
The Rye of the Tiger
Adjustment pixel The Rye of the Tiger: A++ all Rampage levels
Adjustment pixel Turophile: A++ all Cheese Hunt levels
The Final Buntier
Adjustment pixel The Final Buntier: A++ all Zero G levels
Adjustment pixel High-Roller: A++ all Bagel races
Bagel Space Program
Adjustment pixel Bagel Space Program: Launch the Rocket
TV Dinner
Adjustment pixel TV Dinner: Break the TV
Rye and Dry
Adjustment pixel Rye and Dry: Use the Hairdryer
Adjustment pixel Grooovy: Start the Chainsaw
Party's Over!
Adjustment pixel Party's Over!: Start the Lawnmower
Adjustment pixel Joy-rye-der: Start the car
Adjustment pixel Bunbreakable: Finish a Cheese Hunt level with 100% integrity
Fresh Slice
Adjustment pixel Fresh Slice: Finish a Story level with 100% edibility. No Marmalade allowed.
Adjustment pixel Fuel-Efficient: Finish a Zero G level using less than 100 fuel
Bready for Anything
Adjustment pixel Bready for Anything: Finish a Story level using Magic Marmalade
You jelly?
Adjustment pixel You jelly?: Finish a Story level with both sides covered in jam (jelly)
The Walking Bread
Adjustment pixel The Walking Bread: Finish a Story level with exactly 1% edibility
Shadough of the Colossus
Adjustment pixel Shadough of the Colossus: Climb atop the Garbage Truck on Story Mode
Picky Eater
Adjustment pixel Picky Eater: Use more than one heat source to toast yourself in a single Story run.
Adjustment pixel Bunfortunate: Spill the salt
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Apr 22 17:37:59 2016
Doughny Hawk
Adjustment pixel Doughny Hawk: Stand upright on the skateboard and ride it for 1m or more as the Wholemeal bread
All Buttered up
Adjustment pixel All Buttered up: Completely cover yourself in butter and get toasted!
I Am Dead
Adjustment pixel I Am Dead: Become inedible.
The Bread Baron
Adjustment pixel The Bread Baron: Stay airborne for over 5 seconds on any mode except Zero Gravity
90 players