Indicator GIF
Everybody\'s Golf PS4

Everybody's Golf

The series returns with new features such as more character customization, robust online modes, and other fun activities including fishing, buggy racing and treasure hunting in the open world environment.
  • US August 29, 2017
  • EU August 30, 2017
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Clap Hanz
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 15 Trophy bronze icon
  • 10 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 31
Push it to the Limit!
Adjustment pixel Push it to the Limit!: Obtain all trophies
VS Master
Adjustment pixel VS Master: Defeat all VS characters
Secret Master
Adjustment pixel Secret Master: Defeat all secret VS characters
The End...?
Adjustment pixel The End...?: Watch the ending movie
Absolute Finesse
Adjustment pixel Absolute Finesse: Score a condor in a recorded official round
Walking Encyclopaedia
Adjustment pixel Walking Encyclopaedia: Complete the fish encyclopaedia
Rank 5 Cleared!
Adjustment pixel Rank 5 Cleared!: Clear Rank 5 of the challenge tournaments
Rank 4 Cleared!
Adjustment pixel Rank 4 Cleared!: Clear Rank 4 of the challenge tournaments
Rank 3 Cleared!
Adjustment pixel Rank 3 Cleared!: Clear Rank 3 of the challenge tournaments
It's a Miracle!
Adjustment pixel It's a Miracle!: Score an albatross in a recorded official round
My First Hole-in-One!
Adjustment pixel My First Hole-in-One!: Score a hole-in-one in a recorded official round
Inspiring Spiral
Adjustment pixel Inspiring Spiral: Sink the ball with a Spiral Shot in a recorded official round
Bolt from the Blue
Adjustment pixel Bolt from the Blue: Sink the ball with a Rising Shot in a recorded official round
Never Misses the Mark
Adjustment pixel Never Misses the Mark: Sink the ball with a Homing Shot in a recorded official round
Full House
Adjustment pixel Full House: Get all computer-controlled NPCs from challenge tournament matches to join the gallery
Top Marks
Adjustment pixel Top Marks: Get all the answers right in the Professor's quiz
Rank 2 Cleared!
Adjustment pixel Rank 2 Cleared!: Clear Rank 2 of the challenge tournaments
Rank 1 Cleared!
Adjustment pixel Rank 1 Cleared!: Clear Rank 1 of the challenge tournaments
Hop, Skip, and a Jump
Adjustment pixel Hop, Skip, and a Jump: Successfully perform a shot that skims over water at least once in a recorded official round
Perfect Putting
Adjustment pixel Perfect Putting: Successfully perform a putt within par that travels for over 30ft in a recorded official round
Crack Shot
Adjustment pixel Crack Shot: Successfully earn a green in regulation within 3ft of the hole in a recorded official round
Backspin Virtuoso
Adjustment pixel Backspin Virtuoso: Successfully perform a Super Backspin in a recorded official round
Rocket Launch
Adjustment pixel Rocket Launch: Successfully perform a long drive of 300y or more in a recorded official round
My First Chip-In!
Adjustment pixel My First Chip-In!: Chip in within par in a recorded official round
My First Eagle!
Adjustment pixel My First Eagle!: Score an eagle in a recorded official round
My First Birdie!
Adjustment pixel My First Birdie!: Score a birdie in a recorded official round
My First... Fish?
Adjustment pixel My First... Fish?: Catch a fish at a fishing spot
My First Cart Ride!
Adjustment pixel My First Cart Ride!: Take a ride in a golf cart
Online Debut
Adjustment pixel Online Debut: Arrive at an online open course
How do I look?
Adjustment pixel How do I look?: Customise your character
Welcome to Golf Island
Adjustment pixel Welcome to Golf Island: Create a character and arrive at the Home Area
173 players