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Honor and Duty: D-Day PS4

Honor and Duty: D-Day

Honor and Duty: D-Day will be the next game in the Honor and Duty franchise and will be geared mainly for VR.
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  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Strange Game Studios
Publisher: Strange Game Studios
  • 11 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 8 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 2 of 31
Unlock all trophies
Adjustment pixel Unlock all trophies: Unlock all trophies in the game
First Promotion
Adjustment pixel First Promotion: Achieve a promotion in combat
Target Shooter
Adjustment pixel Target Shooter: Shoot all the targets in the training ground range
Master Gunner
Adjustment pixel Master Gunner: Destroy a vehicle on the tank range in the training grounds
Driver's License
Adjustment pixel Driver's License: Qualify in a vehicle on the training ground track
Tank Commander
Adjustment pixel Tank Commander: Drive a tank on the training ground tank course
Adjustment pixel TDM: Win a Team Death Match game
Attack & Defend
Adjustment pixel Attack & Defend: Win an Attack & Defend match
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Mar 9 04:44:21 2019
3 Kills
Adjustment pixel 3 Kills: Earn a 3 Kill Streak in combat
Officer's Club
Adjustment pixel Officer's Club: Become an officer
Combat Medic
Adjustment pixel Combat Medic: Unlock the Medic Class
Adjustment pixel Sniper: Obtain 5 kills using a scoped weapon in a match
Adjustment pixel Grenadier: Obtain 3 grenade kills in a match
Vehicle kill
Adjustment pixel Vehicle kill: Kill an enemy by using a vehicle
Melee kill
Adjustment pixel Melee kill: Kill an enemy using the knife
Bayonet kill
Adjustment pixel Bayonet kill: Kill an enemy using a bayonet
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Mar 9 04:36:49 2019
Control Freak
Adjustment pixel Control Freak: Capture 3 control points in a match.
5 Kills
Adjustment pixel 5 Kills: Earn a 5 Kill Streak in combat
Weapons Master
Adjustment pixel Weapons Master: Unlock the Heavy Class
The Fixer
Adjustment pixel The Fixer: Unlock the Engineer Class
10 Kills
Adjustment pixel 10 Kills: Earn a 10 Kill Streak in combat
Gold Rush
Adjustment pixel Gold Rush: Steal gold from an enemy chest and return it to yours
Royale Champ
Adjustment pixel Royale Champ: Win a Battle Royale match
Attack Champ
Adjustment pixel Attack Champ: Get the highest score in an Attack & Defend match
TDM Champ
Adjustment pixel TDM Champ: Get the highest score in a Team Death Mode match
Single Player Expansion: Trophy Set for Single Player Expansion
Team Leader
Adjustment pixel Team Leader: Win a match in offline co-op with at least two allies surviving.
Stealth Master
Adjustment pixel Stealth Master: Complete the stealth mission.
The Aviator
Adjustment pixel The Aviator: Complete the bomber mission.
Adjustment pixel Locksmith: Find a key and unlock a door in the bunker.
Adjustment pixel Bombardier: Complete the bombing run while missing no more than 2 targets.
Tail Gunner
Adjustment pixel Tail Gunner: Shoot down 5 enemy fighters in the bomber mission.
9 players