Complete!: Earn all of the Bronze, Silver and Gold Trophies.
The Greatest Journey In History: Complete a song in every venue.
Earned Sun Jun 28 11:40:58 2009
You Cannot Beat Me: Win an online Pro Face-Off match by 25,000 points or more.
Jaw Dropper: Win an online Face-Off match by 25,000 points or more.
You Should Be Afraid: Win an online Face-Off match.
One For All: Complete a song in a Band (4 players).
Rocker's Guide To Godhood: Complete the Career Tutorial.
The Greatest Crew: Complete a song with all Band members on Expert (4 player Band).
Golden Fingers: Perform as the Guitarist.
Earned Fri Jun 26 12:41:23 2009
Play With Me: Play 20 online matches.
Low-Pitched King: Complete the Career as the Bassist.
Thunder Kissing: Trigger Star Power simultaneously (4 player Band).
Craving For More: Download a song from GHTunes(SM).
Earned Sun Feb 21 11:33:42 2010
I Wanna Rock: Complete a song with any instrument on any difficulty in local Quickplay or Career.
Earned Fri Jun 26 12:41:18 2009
Rock Legends: Complete the Career in a Band (2-4 players).
Promising Diva: Perform as the Vocalist.
Earned Fri Jun 26 17:48:14 2009
Cowboys From Hell: Get 100% on a song as a Band (4 players).
Band Leader: Score the highest individual score in a 4 players Band.
Unyielding: Complete the Career as the Drummer.
Wondrous Strummer: Complete the Career as the Guitarist.
Earned Sun Jun 28 11:41:08 2009
Bark At The Moon: Complete the Career as the Vocalist.
Unnoticed Presence: Perform as the Bassist.
Earned Fri Jun 26 13:25:02 2009
The One Man Band: Complete all four instrument careers on any difficulty.
War Apparatus: Complete a song on Expert + (Drums only).
Master Craftsman: Create a new custom instrument.
Earned Fri Jun 26 13:28:57 2009
Artist On The Rise: Create a new custom Band logo.
Earned Fri Jun 26 16:43:22 2009
Masterpiece: Create a new custom rocker.
Earned Fri Jun 26 12:31:59 2009
Mooned: Perform as the Drummer.
There's Hope!: Recover from a poor performance.
Earned Fri Jun 26 17:48:19 2009
Clash Of The Titans: Win a Band vs. Band match (8 players).
Ink And Blood: Create a custom tattoo.
Earned Fri Jun 26 13:27:26 2009
Glory to the Daring: Play a song in the Atlantis venue.
Earned Sun Jun 28 10:44:13 2009
Face To Face: Win an online Pro Face-Off match.
Earned Sat Aug 1 17:47:22 2009
Killing In The Name: Win 50 online matches.
Cyborg: Get a 100 note streak in the song Through The Fire and Flames on Hard or Higher as the Drummer.
Rock Veteran: Play 150 songs throughout your entire Career.
Inhuman: Score 5 stars in a song on Expert with Lars Umlaut in single player.
Earned Sat Jun 27 14:47:28 2009
Amazing Rockstar: Complete single player Expert Career on all instruments.
Golden Voice: Score 95% or more on the song Killer Queen as the Vocalist (Expert).
Lightning Speed!: Complete the song YYZ with 5 stars on Expert Bass.
That was Close!: Win a song with the rock meter in red.
Earned Sat Jun 27 14:42:40 2009
8th Wonder: Complete the song Through The Fire and Flames with 4 stars or more as the Guitarist on Expert.
Bloody Feet: Complete the song Raining Blood with 5 stars as the Drummer on Expert+.
Open Minded Strummer: Hit all Open Strum notes in the song Laid To Rest as the Bassist.
Rising Star: Complete 100% on any song on Expert in single player.
You Play It Well: Perfectly play the Lets Play section in the song Play With Me as a lead Guitarist on Expert.
Smoking!!!: Complete the song Smoke On The Water as a Vocalist.
Earned Fri Jun 26 17:48:23 2009
Deadzone: Fail a song with available Star Power in single player.
Earned Fri Jun 26 18:07:17 2009
Raining Notes: Perfectly play the First Blood section of the song Raining Blood as the Guitarist on Expert.
Hail The Reverend: Get 5 stars on the song Beast And The Harlot Expert Drums without using Star Power.
Free As A Band: Score 2,000,000 points on the song Free Bird as a Band.