Platinum Trophy: Earn all of the Bronze, Silver and Gold Trophies in Guitar Hero 5
Above And Beyond: Complete a song with an average individual multiplier above 4x
Earned Sat Oct 31 20:05:47 2009
All Four Bass Are Belong to Us: Play a song with 4 Bass Guitarists
Barbershop: Play a song with 4 Vocalists
Box Set: Complete 100 songs in Quickplay
Challenge of the Supergroup: Complete 5 band challenges at Gold or better
Chanteuse: 5 Star 'Ex-Girlfriend', 'Send A Little Love Token' and 'Only Happy When It Rains' as a Vocalist
Crank It Up To 11: Achieve a maxed out band multiplier as a standard band
Crowd Pleaser: Fill your Rock Meter all the way
Earned Tue Oct 6 20:16:34 2009
Did You Finish Like We Did?: Get 95% of the way through 'Do You Feel Like We Do? (Live)'
Drumline: Play a song with 4 Drummers
Explore the Studio Space: Read 5 Tooltips in GHMix
Fest Quartet Quest: Play 10 4-Player RockFest Mode games of any type
Going Diamond: Complete 50 of the challenges at Diamond
Going Gold: Complete 50 of the challenges at Gold or better
Going Platinum: Complete 50 of the challenges at Platinum or better
Iron Lungs: Complete a 25-phrase streak as a Vocalist
Juke Box: Complete 300 songs in Quickplay
The Fabricated Four: Create 4 rockers of your own and play a song with them locally in Career or Quickplay
No Mistakes Allowed: Streak through the entirety of a song in Quickplay or Career
Ménage à Huit: Play an online match with 8 players, all on the same instrument
Open Minded: Complete each on-disc song at least once (Career, Competitive or Quickplay)
Outgoing: Complete 25 Pro Face Off matches online (Win or Lose)
Over 9000!: Earn over 9000 points in a single Star Power deployment
Earned Tue Oct 6 20:22:02 2009
Play It To The Bone: Make and complete a setlist which is at least 1 hour long
Producer: Create a music studio song
Quadruple Threat: Complete at least one challenge for every instrument at Gold level or better
Rising Star: Collect 101 Stars in Career
Earned Sun Nov 22 17:13:43 2009
Rocktopus: Make a standard 8-player Band v Band match online, win or lose
Sampler Plate: Play at least one song in Quickplay, Career and each Competitive game type
Score Big: Earn 500,000 points in a single song as a solo act
Score Bigger: Earn 1,000,000 points in a single song as a solo act or band
Score Biggest: Earn 3,000,000 points in a single song as a band
Senior Commander: Earn 5 or more Stars on a song in Career or Quickplay
Earned Sat Oct 31 17:37:48 2009
Shooting Star: Collect 303 Stars in Career
Customizer: Create a custom instrument
Star Cluster: Collect 808 Stars in Career
Our Powers Combined: As a 4 player standard band, all 4 players activate Star Power simultaneously
Starstruck: Meet all of the celebrity guests
String Quartet: Play a song with 4 Lead Guitarists
Super Star: Collect 505 Stars in Career
Representative: Complete a sponsor gig challenge at Diamond level
Earned Sat Oct 31 20:18:45 2009
Synchronized: Complete 20 Band Moments
The Grand Tour: Unlock every venue in the world, and then some
The Streak: Complete a 1001 note streak
The Traditional: Complete Career Mode
What's an LP?: Complete 14 songs in Quickplay
You Want More?: Play 5 encore gigs
Earned Sun Mar 21 09:49:10 2010
Young Star: Collect 25 Stars in Career
Earned Sat Oct 31 17:53:21 2009
What's New?: Complete any tutorial's lesson on a new feature