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Greg Hastings Paintball 2 PS3

Greg Hastings Paintball 2

Greg Hastings Paintball 2 introduces more than 10 single and multiplayer game modes each staged in all-new, paintball locations based on actual fields around the world. Seven single-player game modes challenge the most experienced "ballers" to hone their skills and then test them against up to 19 others in seven different multiplayer game types. Whether playing alone or against others, Greg Hastings Paintball 2 ups themore
  • US June 14, 2011
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Super X Studios
Publisher: Majesco
  • 12 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 30 of 30
Adjustment pixel Platinum: Earn all other Trophies.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 7 03:06:28 2012
Adjustment pixel Wiper: Successfully cheat once.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 29 02:32:33 2012
Paint Monger
Adjustment pixel Paint Monger: Shoot 10,000 paintballs.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Apr 30 23:48:54 2012
Adjustment pixel Unbreakable: Win a round without losing a teammate in a 5-on-5 or bigger match-up.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 29 02:43:41 2012
Bottom Feeder
Adjustment pixel Bottom Feeder: Win a round entirely from the prone position.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 29 04:57:02 2012
Lone Wolf
Adjustment pixel Lone Wolf: Win a 7-on-7 or higher non-reinsertion game where you eliminate all opponents.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Apr 30 22:49:53 2012
Adjustment pixel Sharpshooter: Get three or more eliminations in a single round with a 25% hit percentage or higher.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 29 03:34:07 2012
Adjustment pixel Bromance: Win a split-screen round without either player being eliminated.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 3 00:32:06 2012
One Hit Wonder
Adjustment pixel One Hit Wonder: Win a round with 3 or more eliminations using a marker without having to reload in a 5-on-5 or larger match.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 29 02:43:49 2012
Adjustment pixel Demolitionist: Eliminate three or more opponents with a single grenade.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 2 01:14:33 2012
Adjustment pixel Olympian: Dive or slide 100 times.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 29 04:54:32 2012
Pump Assassin
Adjustment pixel Pump Assassin: Using a pump-gun, eliminate three or more opponents in a round without missing.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 2 00:26:13 2012
Go Ballistic
Adjustment pixel Go Ballistic: Eliminate an opponent you can't see by arcing your paintballs.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 29 02:45:33 2012
Adjustment pixel Spy: Shoot an opponent in the back from their own side of the field.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 29 02:58:47 2012
Cross Training
Adjustment pixel Cross Training: Win a Speedball and a Woodsball tournament.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Apr 30 23:01:04 2012
Adjustment pixel Goggler: Eliminate three opponents by shooting them in the goggles in a single round.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Apr 30 22:49:16 2012
Lucky Clip
Adjustment pixel Lucky Clip: Eliminate an entire enemy team using a single pistol clip in a non-reinsertion game.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 3 00:23:38 2012
Team Captain
Adjustment pixel Team Captain: Win a round after issuing field commands to at least three teammates.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 29 02:53:00 2012
Adjustment pixel Connoisseur: Unlock and then purchase all of the equipment in the game.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 3 03:48:01 2012
Mr. Popular
Adjustment pixel Mr. Popular: Play games with teammates from 50 real teams.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 2 00:35:11 2012
Adjustment pixel Billboard: Win an event while using the jersey, pants and marker from the same manufacturer.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 3 00:03:53 2012
Speedball Champion
Adjustment pixel Speedball Champion: Complete all of the Speedball events.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue May 1 02:03:07 2012
Master Woodsman
Adjustment pixel Master Woodsman: Complete all of the Woodsball events.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue May 1 23:18:49 2012
Jack of All Trades
Adjustment pixel Jack of All Trades: Complete all of the Recball events.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 2 23:55:14 2012
Paintball Legend
Adjustment pixel Paintball Legend: Complete all of the Speedball, Woodsball, and Recball events.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 2 23:55:19 2012
Greatest Paintballer in the World
Adjustment pixel Greatest Paintballer in the World: Complete all of the Speedball, Woodsball, and Recball events on Hard difficulty.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 7 03:06:27 2012
E'Ventual Evaporation
Adjustment pixel E'Ventual Evaporation: Eliminate three opponents in a single round with a completely fogged mask.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue May 1 04:11:25 2012
Tactical Overkill
Adjustment pixel Tactical Overkill: Hit the opposing flag carrier with a rocket.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 3 00:35:12 2012
Adjustment pixel Lawlessness: Successfully cheat five times in a row in the same round.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 2 02:46:53 2012
Foam Cowboy
Adjustment pixel Foam Cowboy: Win a round while wearing the “Rodeo King” mask.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 2 01:44:16 2012
40 players