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God of War III PS3

God of War III

Set in the realm of Greek mythology, God of War III for the last time puts Kratos at the center of the carnage and destruction as he seeks revenge against the Gods who have betrayed him. A single-player game, this final chapter allows players to take on the climatic role of the ex-Spartan warrior, Kratos, as he treads through the intimidating heights of Mt. Olympus and the dark depths of Hell once more to seek revenge onmore
  • US March 16, 2010
  • EU March 19, 2010
  • JP N/A
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  • 20 Trophy bronze icon
  • 10 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 26 of 36
King of the Hill
Adjustment pixel King of the Hill: Unlock all trophies - WWW.SPARTANSSTANDTALL.COM
Releasing the Floodgates
Adjustment pixel Releasing the Floodgates: Kill Poseidon
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 9 01:18:16 2010
Burnt to a Crisp
Adjustment pixel Burnt to a Crisp: Acquire the Bow of Apollo
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 9 01:59:20 2010
Mr. Hand
Adjustment pixel Mr. Hand: Discover the secret 'Hades Arm' room
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 10 04:08:40 2010
Shine Lord
Adjustment pixel Shine Lord: Kill Helios
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 12 04:30:37 2010
Shoe Delivery
Adjustment pixel Shoe Delivery: Kill Hermes and acquire his Boots
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 23 20:46:44 2010
I didn’t do it... But I wish I did!
Adjustment pixel I didn’t do it... But I wish I did!: Kill the Poseidon Princess
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue May 25 21:41:49 2010
Ladies Man
Adjustment pixel Ladies Man: Successfully entertain Aphrodite
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 26 20:21:39 2010
Handy Man
Adjustment pixel Handy Man: Sever Gaia’s hand
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 12 04:03:39 2010
Open Sesame
Adjustment pixel Open Sesame: Open the Gates of Tisiphone
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 26 20:51:57 2010
Rescue Me
Adjustment pixel Rescue Me: Save Pandora
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 27 04:03:25 2010
Three Wise Men
Adjustment pixel Three Wise Men: Solve the Three Judges
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 27 21:08:42 2010
Hit Man
Adjustment pixel Hit Man: Perform a 1000-hit combo
Rip One!
Adjustment pixel Rip One!: Rip apart 1 Olympus Sentry
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 5 01:14:30 2010
Nice Tan
Adjustment pixel Nice Tan: Blind 100 enemies with the Head of Helios
Obedience School
Adjustment pixel Obedience School: Deliver 50 kicks to Hounds
It’s getting hot in here...
Adjustment pixel It’s getting hot in here...: Burn 100 enemies with the Bow of Apollo
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 27 03:18:43 2010
Souled Out
Adjustment pixel Souled Out: Summon every Soul with the Claws of Hades
Bloody Hell
Adjustment pixel Bloody Hell: Cover Kratos in 500 buckets of blood by killing the enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 10 04:50:55 2010
No Guts, No Glory
Adjustment pixel No Guts, No Glory: Gut 3 Centaur Generals
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 26 20:36:44 2010
Hitting Your Stride
Adjustment pixel Hitting Your Stride: Upgrade any weapon to the next level
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 10 02:59:43 2010
Sibling Rivalry
Adjustment pixel Sibling Rivalry: Kill Hercules
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue May 25 21:21:14 2010
Titan Slayer
Adjustment pixel Titan Slayer: Kill Cronos
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 26 21:11:48 2010
Adjustment pixel Retribution: Kill Zeus
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 28 00:40:23 2010
Adjustment pixel Hooker: Kill Hades
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 10 04:53:57 2010
Freezer Burn
Adjustment pixel Freezer Burn: Acquire the Boreas Icestorm
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 27 03:35:04 2010
Seeing things from a different perspective
Adjustment pixel Seeing things from a different perspective: Solve Hera's Gardens
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 27 01:56:34 2010
Eye Candy
Adjustment pixel Eye Candy: Collect all of the Gorgon Eyes
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 27 02:29:33 2010
Feather Plucker
Adjustment pixel Feather Plucker: Collect all of the Phoenix Feathers
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 27 02:04:22 2010
Are You Horny to Win?
Adjustment pixel Are You Horny to Win?: Collect all of the Minotaur Horns
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 27 03:16:51 2010
Maxed Out!
Adjustment pixel Maxed Out!: Completely upgrade all weapons
Vengeance Complete
Adjustment pixel Vengeance Complete: Beat the game
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 28 00:57:54 2010
Up to the Challenge
Adjustment pixel Up to the Challenge: Beat the Challenge of Olympus
Adjustment pixel Unhuman: Beat Titan Mode
Adjustment pixel Priceless: Collect all of the ‘Godly Possessions’
Adjustment pixel aMAZEd: Beat the Labyrinth without dying or failing
641 players