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Goat Simulator PS4

Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator is the latest in goat simulation technology, bringing next-gen goat simulation to YOU. You no longer have to fantasize about being a goat, your dreams have finally come true.
  • US August 11, 2015
  • EU August 11, 2015
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Coffee Stain Studios
Publisher: Double Eleven
  • 62 Trophy bronze icon
  • 15 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 7 of 83
All The Goat!
Adjustment pixel All The Goat!: Unlock all the Goat Trophies!
Adjustment pixel GoatQueen: Become the Queen of GoatVille
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 3 07:38:47 2017
Alexander Goatstafsson
Adjustment pixel Alexander Goatstafsson: Win the title bout!
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 3 07:55:47 2017
What is its purpose?
Adjustment pixel What is its purpose?: Thrash the Goathenge
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 3 07:58:00 2017
Angel Goat
Adjustment pixel Angel Goat: Do no evil
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 3 07:53:54 2017
Boulder of Death
Adjustment pixel Boulder of Death: Hit the party with the Boulder of Death
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 3 07:59:45 2017
Adjustment pixel Demogoat: Have 10 gas canisters explode at the same time
Devil Goat
Adjustment pixel Devil Goat: We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell
LOEK master
Adjustment pixel LOEK master: Find the Sanctum 2 Walker Statue
Adjustment pixel Pedestrian: Find the Sanctum 1 Walker Statue
Goats 'n' Stuff
Adjustment pixel Goats 'n' Stuff: Hold your own concert
Rymdskepp i Rymden
Adjustment pixel Rymdskepp i Rymden: Travel to space!
A story about my goat
Adjustment pixel A story about my goat: I'm sorry about my goat
Adjustment pixel Disgusting: Why did you step in that? Yuck
Ling Ling into battle go
Adjustment pixel Ling Ling into battle go: Fight the turtle
Dodge This
Adjustment pixel Dodge This: Make sure the Hillbilly never drives again
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 3 08:01:00 2017
Mile High Club
Adjustment pixel Mile High Club: Lick the Hanging Glider
Goat of the hill
Adjustment pixel Goat of the hill: Everything the light touches is your kingdom
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 3 08:08:30 2017
A Story about my elevator
Adjustment pixel A Story about my elevator: Get up on the skyscraper without using the elevator
Mattress Madness
Adjustment pixel Mattress Madness: Bounce 100 times on mattresses within 30 seconds
Trying to bring forth Sanctum 3?
Adjustment pixel Trying to bring forth Sanctum 3?: Sacrifice the 3 Sanctum items
Around the World in 5 Jumps
Adjustment pixel Around the World in 5 Jumps: Visit 5 trampolines in one jump, bouncing on each trampoline once
Try Hard
Adjustment pixel Try Hard: Find all the trophies in Goat Ville!
Tony Goat
Adjustment pixel Tony Goat: Finish all manual quests
The Flapmaster
Adjustment pixel The Flapmaster: Score 10 points in Flappy Goat
Adjustment pixel Valkyrie: Go on the catapult with a rider on your back
One Ball
Adjustment pixel One Ball: Ride a bike for 60 sec
Builder Goat
Adjustment pixel Builder Goat: Find all the blocks
Is that a goat?
Adjustment pixel Is that a goat?: Lick the rollercoaster with 6 batteries attached
Hat Simulator
Adjustment pixel Hat Simulator: Buy all hats
I freaking love goats
Adjustment pixel I freaking love goats: Find all collectibles on level 2
Boat Ride
Adjustment pixel Boat Ride: Enjoy your trip
Elf Street Boys
Adjustment pixel Elf Street Boys: Baa with the choir
Adjustment pixel Excaligoat: Unlock the ExcaliGoat mutator
Adjustment pixel Jörgen: Jörgen
Love or Hate?
Adjustment pixel Love or Hate?: Find all the trophies on the MMO Level.
Mermaid Goat
Adjustment pixel Mermaid Goat: Unlock the mermaid mutator
Music Non Stop
Adjustment pixel Music Non Stop: Jump on the launchpad
Not Again
Adjustment pixel Not Again: Get deviously trapped again
Old Goat
Adjustment pixel Old Goat: OMG IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?
The Charter Trip
Adjustment pixel The Charter Trip: Visit all zones on the MMO level
Voluntary QA
Adjustment pixel Voluntary QA: Trash the server room
Wheel Goat
Adjustment pixel Wheel Goat: Unlock the wheel of time mutator
Adjustment pixel Butthurt: Do a lot of hurt. With your butt.
The Goa'th Ammendment
Adjustment pixel The Goa'th Ammendment: Craft all the weapons in one game
Adjustment pixel Survivalist: Craft all items in one game
Survive for your Life
Adjustment pixel Survive for your Life: Survive 10 days
Adjustment pixel Masterchef: Make the stew taste as good as HUMANLY possible
A New Challenger Has Appeared
Adjustment pixel A New Challenger Has Appeared: Clear 25 survival quests in one game
Warm Bath
Adjustment pixel Warm Bath: Use the slippery slide to land in the kiddie pool
Too Much Fun
Adjustment pixel Too Much Fun: Kill 7 zombies with one minifun
Goat From Above
Adjustment pixel Goat From Above: Hit 5 zombies in one bullet dive
Look at it Go!
Adjustment pixel Look at it Go!: Hit 4 at once with a voodoo bomb
Shattered Dreams
Adjustment pixel Shattered Dreams: Crystallize and break 30 zombies in one game
Don't Starve
Adjustment pixel Don't Starve: Eat 50 food items in one game
Hang Tight
Adjustment pixel Hang Tight: Paraglide in the air for 1 minute
Big In Japan
Adjustment pixel Big In Japan: Beat the whiplash course without getting wet
Goat Simulator: Payday
You Raise Me Up!
Adjustment pixel You Raise Me Up!: Use Dolph Spaghetti to lift a crewmember on top of the tallest building.
Adjustment pixel Goatipede: Lick all crew members together to form a Goatipede.
Bounce It!
Adjustment pixel Bounce It!: Enable the hydraulic cars.
Adjustment pixel Goatfellas: Gather the crew for some drive-in movies.
Adjustment pixel Retirement: Just finish that one LAST job.
Le Voyage Dans la Lune.
Adjustment pixel Le Voyage Dans la Lune.: A Trip to the Moon.
Adjustment pixel GoatBall: Show off your vehicle air control skills in the desert.
What’s The Count?
Adjustment pixel What’s The Count?: Win 3 hands at a Blackjack table.
Adjustment pixel Itsamee!: Use a cannon to travel to the Island in the Sky.
Plentiful Masquerade
Adjustment pixel Plentiful Masquerade: Wear 30 masks at once.
The Song Of My People
Adjustment pixel The Song Of My People: Listen to the whole pan flute song.
The Big Score
Adjustment pixel The Big Score: Find all the trophies on the Payday Level.
Adjustment pixel Dastardly: Place a Hogtied NPC on the train tracks and wait for the train to arrive.
Goat Simulator: Waste Of Space
Use The Sword, Goat
Adjustment pixel Use The Sword, Goat: Pickup A Photon Sword As Father Or Good Goat
Be Not Afreight
Adjustment pixel Be Not Afreight: Destroy All Freighters
Ruler Of the Seven Skies
Adjustment pixel Ruler Of the Seven Skies: Blow Up All Pirate Ships
Bacon Marauder
Adjustment pixel Bacon Marauder: Shoot Down 30 Police Ships
What Came First? The Alien Or The Egg?
Adjustment pixel What Came First? The Alien Or The Egg?: Headbutt All Alien Eggs
Adjustment pixel NERD!: Find All Collectibles
I Wanna Be A Baahlionaire
Adjustment pixel I Wanna Be A Baahlionaire: Gather $1000000
My Little Brony
Adjustment pixel My Little Brony: Find All The Pony Horses
Adjustment pixel Testaholic: Complete Test Chambers
It's Working... IT'S WORKING!
Adjustment pixel It's Working... IT'S WORKING!: Run Wild With The Podracer
Fund This!
Adjustment pixel Fund This!: Headbutt Lawrence S.Windler in his lair
Splishy Splashy Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Adjustment pixel Splishy Splashy Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey: Visit The Badehaus
The World Is Your Canvas
Adjustment pixel The World Is Your Canvas: Tag 10 Walls
324 players