10,000 Ways to Say I Hurt You: Successfully perform 10,000 punches and kicks.
Earned Tue May 19 19:19:47 2015
Battle Hardened: Block 1,000 strikes in battle.
Earned Tue May 19 16:00:50 2015
Killer Legs: Win 5 matches with nothing but kicks.
Earned Tue May 19 13:31:15 2015
Kitty Has Claws: Win 5 matches with nothing but punches.
Earned Tue May 19 13:17:19 2015
Knocked Off Her Feet: Win 10 matches with nothing but throws.
Earned Tue May 19 13:55:24 2015
Neuro Annihilation: Win 100 matches.
Earned Tue May 19 16:45:34 2015
Perfectionist: Win 25 rounds without taking any damage.
Earned Tue May 19 14:03:46 2015
Living on a Prayer: Win a match with less than 5% health.
Earned Tue May 19 14:10:20 2015
Hands Off Me: Block an opponent's grab 50 times.
Earned Tue May 19 15:24:01 2015
Brawn and Brains: Win 5 rounds with full Psi meter.
Earned Tue May 19 13:17:11 2015
Psi Like an Eagle: Earn 1,000 bars of Psi.
Earned Tue May 19 17:44:23 2015
VR Trooper: Travel over 10,000 meters in battle.
Earned Tue May 19 15:28:34 2015
Tremors: Win 10 matches with Seismic Fist.
Earned Tue May 19 15:05:20 2015
Spoon: Win 5 rounds with a throw from behind.
Earned Tue May 19 13:47:57 2015
Maximum Psi: Earn and equip two Level 3 Psi Amps and finish a match.
Earned Tue May 19 15:28:24 2015
Swift Attacks: Strike the first blow in 25 rounds.
Earned Tue May 19 14:02:45 2015
Worldly Warrior: Fight against every opponent and fight in every stage in the game.
Earned Tue May 19 13:26:37 2015
Neuro Killer: Win 3 consecutive Ranked Matches online.
Earned Tue May 19 23:44:33 2015