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Ghostwire: Tokyo PS5

Ghostwire: Tokyo

After strange disappearances hit Tokyo’s population, it’s up to you to uncover the source and purge the city of a strange, new evil. Armed with your own mysterious spectral abilities, you will face down the occult, unravel conspiracy theories and experience urban legends like never before.
  • US March 25, 2022
  • EU March 25, 2022
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon
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Developer: Tango Gameworks
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
  • 50 Trophy bronze icon
  • 4 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 5 of 57
Ghostwire Tokyoite
Adjustment pixel Ghostwire Tokyoite: Acquire all trophies.
Adjustment pixel Beginnings: Complete Chapter 1.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Mar 25 22:38:37 2022
Adjustment pixel Trouble: Complete Chapter 2.
Adjustment pixel Connection: Complete Chapter 3.
Adjustment pixel Contortion: Complete Chapter 4.
Adjustment pixel Severance: Complete Chapter 5.
Adjustment pixel Binding: Complete Chapter 6.
Adjustment pixel Conclusions: Complete the main story.
Helping Hand
Adjustment pixel Helping Hand: Transfer 25% of the spirits in the city.
Adjustment pixel Savior: Transfer 50% of the spirits in the city.
Salvation of All
Adjustment pixel Salvation of All: Transfer 100% of the spirits in the city.
Hero of Shibuya
Adjustment pixel Hero of Shibuya: Complete the main story after transferring 100% of the spirits in the city.
Problem Solver
Adjustment pixel Problem Solver: Complete a side mission.
Adjustment pixel Wishmaker: Complete all side missions.
Opening a Path
Adjustment pixel Opening a Path: Cleanse a torii gate.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Mar 25 22:40:38 2022
Adjustment pixel Liberator: Cleanse all torii gates.
Treasure Hunter
Adjustment pixel Treasure Hunter: Acquire a relic.
Adjustment pixel Collector: Acquire all relics.
Mind and Body
Adjustment pixel Mind and Body: Unlock all Spirit Skills.
On the Same Wavelength
Adjustment pixel On the Same Wavelength: Raise your synergy level to max.
Shibuya Is My Back Yard
Adjustment pixel Shibuya Is My Back Yard: Find all landmarks.
Echoes of the Past
Adjustment pixel Echoes of the Past: Acquire a voice log.
The Whole Truth
Adjustment pixel The Whole Truth: Acquire all voice logs.
It's All Thanks to Yokai
Adjustment pixel It's All Thanks to Yokai: Acquire a magatama.
With Their Powers Combined
Adjustment pixel With Their Powers Combined: Acquire all magatama.
Roadside Spirituality
Adjustment pixel Roadside Spirituality: Pray to a Jizo statue.
Adjustment pixel Pilgrim: Pray to all Jizo statues.
Your Tail's Showing
Adjustment pixel Your Tail's Showing: Find all of the missing tanuki.
Adjustment pixel Gourmand: Acquire all types of food and drink.
DJ Akito
Adjustment pixel DJ Akito: Acquire all music tracks.
Adjustment pixel Trendsetter: Acquire all items for the Outfit menu (excluding bonus content).
Adjustment pixel Talismania: Acquire all talismans.
Power Overwhelming
Adjustment pixel Power Overwhelming: Acquire all sets of prayer beads.
Boundless Spirit
Adjustment pixel Boundless Spirit: Acquire the maximum number of katashiro.
Animal Lover
Adjustment pixel Animal Lover: Pet an animal.
Amateur Photographer
Adjustment pixel Amateur Photographer: Use Photo Mode for the first time.
You Wouldn't Steal a Spirit
Adjustment pixel You Wouldn't Steal a Spirit: Successfully protect at least 3 Containment Cubes in a single battle.
Don't Worry About It
Adjustment pixel Don't Worry About It: Pull a "Daikyo" omikuji.
Better Together
Adjustment pixel Better Together: Fuse back with KK after being hit by a severance attack.
Visiting Hours Are Over
Adjustment pixel Visiting Hours Are Over: Defeat every type of Visitor.
Adjustment pixel Heartbreaker: Defeat a Visitor by pulling out its core.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Mar 25 22:32:56 2022
Soul Breaker
Adjustment pixel Soul Breaker: Defeat 50 Visitors by pulling out their cores. (2/50)
One Fell Swoop
Adjustment pixel One Fell Swoop: Defeat at least 5 Visitors simultaneously by pulling out their cores.
Couldn't Take the Heat
Adjustment pixel Couldn't Take the Heat: Defeat at least 3 Visitors simultaneously by detonating a red ether crystal.
Silent Kill
Adjustment pixel Silent Kill: Defeat a total of 200 Visitors using Quick Purge. (4/200)
Take a Bow
Adjustment pixel Take a Bow: Defeat a total of 50 Visitors using the bow. (50)
Go For the Eyes
Adjustment pixel Go For the Eyes: Defeat a total of 20 Visitors with headshots. (20)
Adjustment pixel Sniper: Defeat a Visitor with a headshot from a distance of at least 40m.
Freeze, Scumbag
Adjustment pixel Freeze, Scumbag: Defeat a total of 10 Visitors with Quick Purge while they are held by a Stun Talisman. (10)
A Shrubbery!
Adjustment pixel A Shrubbery!: Defeat a total of 3 Visitors with Quick Purge while hiding in bushes created by a Thicket Talisman. (3)
Left Yourself Open
Adjustment pixel Left Yourself Open: Defeat a total of 10 Visitors by ripping out their cores after exposing them with an Exposure Talisman. (10)
Master of Blocking
Adjustment pixel Master of Blocking: Perform a total of 30 Perfect Blocks. (30)
In Sync
Adjustment pixel In Sync: Wire In a total of 10 times. (10)
Walking on Air
Adjustment pixel Walking on Air: Grapple and glide to remain in the air for at least 10 seconds.
Big Spender
Adjustment pixel Big Spender: Spend a total of 1,000,000 meika. (1000000)
Adjustment pixel Pious: Put a total of 10,000 meika into offering boxes. (10000)
Lonely Tsukimi
Adjustment pixel Lonely Tsukimi: Spend at least 30 seconds looking at the moon.
136 players