comeback kid: come back and win a game from 3 goals behind
completist freak: get 100% on time attack mode
use your emotions: win at least once with each powerball
leagues ahead: win at least once in all 4 divisions
you're a winner: win 10 games in a row
geon king: score 200,000 points to be a geon king!
league of your own: win the top division three times in a row
getting out more: play online at least once.
Earned Thu Oct 2 17:35:22 2008
don't need no stinking powerballs: win without using a powerball, but you can still pick them up
gimme gimme world domination: win 50 online games
mini game master: complete all 8 mini-games
variety is the spice of life: win at least once in all game modes, including one online multiplayer match