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Frozen Synapse Prime PS3

Frozen Synapse Prime

You've patched in to the enemy's security system: get ready to make your plan. You have full control over your strike team, directing their every movement. At the same time, your opponent is plotting to defeat you. Plan your moves, then hit the "Execute" button: both you and your enemy's turns are executed simultaneously.

Frozen Synapse: Tactics for PS Vita is the ultimate strategy game, bringing the simultaneous turn-
  • US November 4, 2014
  • EU November 5, 2014
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Double Eleven
Publisher: Double Damage Games
  • 16 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 2 of 30
Prime Directive
Adjustment pixel Prime Directive: Earn all of the other trophies
Nice Shot
Adjustment pixel Nice Shot: Watch a Kill Cam replay
Thoughtful Killer
Adjustment pixel Thoughtful Killer: Complete both Tutorials
Right Man for the Job
Adjustment pixel Right Man for the Job: Complete the first Campaign mission.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Nov 15 18:33:51 2014
Not On My Watch!
Adjustment pixel Not On My Watch!: Complete Nashar: Extraction with both bodyguards alive
Data Mining
Adjustment pixel Data Mining: In the Campaign extract all of the collectables in any Extraction mission
Adjustment pixel Devastating: Make a kill with the Devastator unit
Go Commando
Adjustment pixel Go Commando: Make a kill with the Commando unit
Adjustment pixel Tactics: Get a Silver rank on any Campaign mission
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Nov 15 18:33:38 2014
Charon's Palm
Adjustment pixel Charon's Palm: Get a Gold rank on any Campaign mission
Adjustment pixel Ouroboros: Complete the campaign
First Blood
Adjustment pixel First Blood: Win a multiplayer match
Master Tactician
Adjustment pixel Master Tactician: Win a multiplayer match without losing a single unit
Digital Thug
Adjustment pixel Digital Thug: Kill 25 enemy units in Multiplayer
Networked Assassin
Adjustment pixel Networked Assassin: Kill 50 enemy units in multiplayer
Binary Hitman
Adjustment pixel Binary Hitman: Kill 100 enemy units in Multiplayer
Seasoned Veteran
Adjustment pixel Seasoned Veteran: Play every game mode at least once
Adjustment pixel Brrrappp!: Get 20 kills with the Machine Gun unit
Close Combat
Adjustment pixel Close Combat: Get 20 kills with the Shotgun unit
This is My Rifle
Adjustment pixel This is My Rifle: Get 20 kills with the Sniper unit
Adjustment pixel Rocketman: Get 20 kills with the Rocket Launcher unit
Adjustment pixel Grenadier: Get 20 kills with the Grenade Launcher unit
Noob No More
Adjustment pixel Noob No More: Win your first Instant Skirmish match
Optimal Prime
Adjustment pixel Optimal Prime: Win an Instant Skirmish match in 1 turn
Adjustment pixel Splatforms: Kill 3 enemy units with 1 explosion
Sniper Wolf
Adjustment pixel Sniper Wolf: In a match kill 3 enemy units with 1 Sniper unit
Pinball Wizard
Adjustment pixel Pinball Wizard: Kill an enemy unit by bouncing a grenade off a wall
I See You!
Adjustment pixel I See You!: Have 3 or more enemy units visible in a match with visibilty set to 'Dark'
Adjustment pixel Hero: With 1 unit wipe out an entire enemy team of 4 or more units
Double 11
Adjustment pixel Double 11: Play the game at either 11:11 am or 11:11 pm
60 players