Wanzer Commander: Collect all other Front Mission Evolved trophies.
Amplified Warrior: Equip a Mark III battle skill in the single player campaign.
Antarctica: Complete "Promise".
Around the World: Win a multiplayer match on every level.
Earned Tue Sep 21 10:07:41 2010
Babel: Complete "Tower of Babel".
Constantine: Complete "Defense of Constantine".
Destruction: Complete "Chorus of Destruction".
Diversity Rocks: Win a multiplayer match of all 4 types.
Easy Logistics: Earn $75,000 total cash in the single player campaign.
E.D.G.E. Master: Kill 50 enemies while in E.D.G.E. mode.
Fort Monus: Complete "Fort Monus".
Earned Mon Sep 20 01:46:54 2010
Great Shot: Destroy all Sensors in the game.
Gritty Competitor: Play 10 multiplayer matches.
Earned Mon Sep 20 09:12:26 2010
Infinity Plus One: Clear the landing zone while firing from the gunship at Fort Monus.
Earned Mon Sep 20 01:24:38 2010
Lead by Example: Get the top score in Team Deathmatch.
Earned Tue Sep 21 10:07:32 2010
Looking Great: Find all 42 emblems.
Looking Well: Find 15 emblems.
My Hero Zero: Reach Rank 70 in multiplayer.
No Borders: Complete "No Borders".
Percival: Complete "Apollo's Chariot".
Earned Mon Sep 20 00:55:30 2010
Petals of Edelweiss: Defeat a player who has the Petals of Edelweiss in multiplayer.
Power of Device: Complete the game.
Power of Human Ingenuity: Complete the game on hard difficulty.
Team Player: Accumulate a total score of 10,000 while playing Domination and Supremacy.
The Canyon: Complete "Call of the Chariots".
Earned Mon Sep 20 02:43:27 2010
The Show: Complete "Long Island Research Facility".
Earned Mon Sep 20 00:00:06 2010
Ultimate Zephyr: Purchase all 4 of the Zephyr parts in the single player campaign.
Wicked Shot: Break all body parts on a single opponent in the single player campaign.