Well Done You!: Start a game of Frobisher Says!
Earned Wed Aug 7 22:31:56 2013
Narciss-us: Watch the credits from start to finish without skipping forward or speeding up.
Earned Thu Aug 8 05:23:54 2013
Look at the size of this electricity bill!: Frobisher Says: "Figure it out from the title!"
Earned Thu Aug 8 05:50:47 2013
Cheating Pays Dividends: Frobisher Says: "Figure it out from the title!"
Earned Fri Aug 9 01:11:28 2013
Flan Flounderer: Frobisher Says: "Figure it out from the title!"
Earned Thu Aug 8 05:39:42 2013
Mother Plays Frobisher Says!: Catch Ponsonby in exactly 4 minutes and 9 seconds
Earned Fri Aug 9 00:53:22 2013
Just Say No: Frobisher Says: "Figure it out from the title!"
Earned Fri Aug 9 05:24:30 2013
I HATE Pirates: Frobisher Says: "Figure it out from the title!"
Earned Fri Aug 9 01:05:13 2013
Miserable Failure: Get a score of 0 on a fixed length, single player game.
Earned Thu Aug 8 05:40:31 2013
Bad Track Record: Do five full loops of the track in "Deliver My Pudding"
Earned Thu Aug 8 05:29:02 2013
Theremad!: Frobisher Says: "Figure it out from the title!"
Bored Room: Photograph the board when 3 or more of them aren't ready.
Search for a Star: Locate and focus on all 8 of the constellations in one game
Half Dry: Frobisher Says: "Figure it out from the title!"
Homewrecker: Frobisher Says: "Figure it out from the title!"
Nuisance Neighbour: Make it become all too much for Stephen
Light Stroll: Make Leonard complete a circuit without falling
No Marks: Frobisher Says: "Figure it out from the title!"