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Freedom Wars Vita

Freedom Wars

Freedom Wars is a gorgeous anime style battle action game that features online and offline multiplayer - co-op and competitive for up to 8 players. When fighting the Abductors, players will be equipped with "thorn," a unique whip weapon that acts as both zipline and a means to pull giant enemies to the ground; players can, in co-op, combine their thorns for more power. As well, within single player campaigns, the gamemore
  • US October 28, 2014
  • EU October 29, 2014
  • JP June 26, 2014
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: SCE Japan Studio
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 32 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 1 of 43
Joy and Prosperity
Adjustment pixel Joy and Prosperity: Earn all trophies.
First Step to Freedom
Adjustment pixel First Step to Freedom: Claim your first entitlement.
CODE 2 Clearance
Adjustment pixel CODE 2 Clearance: Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 2 CODE Clearance.
CODE 3 Clearance
Adjustment pixel CODE 3 Clearance: Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 3 CODE Clearance.
CODE 4 Clearance
Adjustment pixel CODE 4 Clearance: Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 4 CODE Clearance.
CODE 5 Clearance
Adjustment pixel CODE 5 Clearance: Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 5 CODE Clearance.
CODE 6 Clearance
Adjustment pixel CODE 6 Clearance: Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 6 CODE Clearance.
CODE 7 Clearance
Adjustment pixel CODE 7 Clearance: Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 7 CODE Clearance.
CODE 8 Clearance
Adjustment pixel CODE 8 Clearance: Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 8 CODE Clearance.
Only 900,000 Years to Go...
Adjustment pixel Only 900,000 Years to Go...: Reduce your sentence to 900,000 years or below.
Only 800,000 Years to Go...
Adjustment pixel Only 800,000 Years to Go...: Reduce your sentence to 800,000 years or below.
Only 500,000 Years to Go...
Adjustment pixel Only 500,000 Years to Go...: Reduce your sentence to 500,000 years or below.
Towards the Great Transformation
Adjustment pixel Towards the Great Transformation: Take all four paths offered by Simeon.
Sense of Entitlement
Adjustment pixel Sense of Entitlement: Claim over 101 entitlements.
Menace to Society
Adjustment pixel Menace to Society: Earn your first punishment for violating the People's Charter.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jan 9 06:46:30 2016
The Walls Have Eyes
Adjustment pixel The Walls Have Eyes: Violate the People's Charter ten times.
Munitions Magician
Adjustment pixel Munitions Magician: Complete your first munitions facility production cycle.
Pharma Farmer
Adjustment pixel Pharma Farmer: Complete your first medical facility production cycle.
Augmented Reality
Adjustment pixel Augmented Reality: Complete your first augmentation facility production cycle.
Adjustment pixel Master-at-Arms: Complete your first weapons facility production cycle.
DIY Demon
Adjustment pixel DIY Demon: Upgrade a weapon to Level 10.
Fashion Accessory
Adjustment pixel Fashion Accessory: Give your Accessory a makeover, then visit the lobby area.
Natural Thorn Killer
Adjustment pixel Natural Thorn Killer: Claim all Thorn-related entitlements.
Antisocial Networking
Adjustment pixel Antisocial Networking: Exchange rap sheets with a fellow sinner.
Retail Therapy
Adjustment pixel Retail Therapy: Make your first item purchase using Entitlement Points.
Just Desserts
Adjustment pixel Just Desserts: Try every variety of ice cream.
No Man Left Behind
Adjustment pixel No Man Left Behind: Come to the aid of a fallen comrade ten times.
Severance Package
Adjustment pixel Severance Package: Sever an Abductor component.
The Great Divide
Adjustment pixel The Great Divide: Sever five or more Abductor components in a single operation.
Scrap Merchant
Adjustment pixel Scrap Merchant: Harvest fifty different types of resource from destroyed Abductors.
Volunteer of the Year
Adjustment pixel Volunteer of the Year: Successfully complete every discretionary operation.
Ramosa Disposer
Adjustment pixel Ramosa Disposer: Defeat a Ramosa-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.
Paradoxa Boxer
Adjustment pixel Paradoxa Boxer: Defeat a Paradoxa-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.
Dionaea Slayer
Adjustment pixel Dionaea Slayer: Defeat a Dionaea-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.
Pelta Pelter
Adjustment pixel Pelta Pelter: Defeat a Peltatum- or Oltatum-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.
Citizen's Friend
Adjustment pixel Citizen's Friend: Transport a citizen to a Resource Reclamation Unit during operation CT1-3 Dawn - Citizen Reclamation or later.
Constant Comrade
Adjustment pixel Constant Comrade: Complete 15 operations while collaborating with other players.
I Want You Back
Adjustment pixel I Want You Back: Have your Accessory seized by an enemy Abductor.
The Only One for Me
Adjustment pixel The Only One for Me: Successfully complete an Accessory Reclamation operation.
For the Greater Good!
Adjustment pixel For the Greater Good!: Successfully complete 15 special operations.
Adjustment pixel Trigger-Happy: Fire over 9,999 rounds of ammunition.
Adjustment pixel Butterfingers: Accidentally drop a citizen while carrying them to an RRU.
Marathorn Man
Adjustment pixel Marathorn Man: Use your Thorn to cover a distance of 26 miles (42 km).
195 players