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Forgotton Anne PS4

Forgotton Anne

Forgotton Anne is a 2d cinematic adventure game combining puzzle platforming with adventure game elements. You play as Anne, the enforcer who keeps order in the Forgotton Realm, as she sets out to squash a rebellion that might prevent her master, Bonku, and herself from returning to the human world...
  • US May 15, 2018
  • EU May 15, 2018
  • JP N/A
Rate it
Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: TroughLine Games
Publisher: Square Enix
  • 20 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 5 of 34
Thank You For Playing!
Adjustment pixel Thank You For Playing!: You've been all around the Forgotten Lands. Thank you for your time!
Afraid Of The Dark
Adjustment pixel Afraid Of The Dark: Turn on bedside lamp
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 27 15:11:43 2019
Adjustment pixel Investigator: Say 'hi' to Pavil
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 27 15:15:40 2019
Lonely Enforcer
Adjustment pixel Lonely Enforcer: Converse with the Practice Dummy
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 27 15:32:07 2019
Adjustment pixel Reflections: Take a breather in the storage room
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 27 15:30:08 2019
Reluctant Helper
Adjustment pixel Reluctant Helper: Take CCU to Struct
Plot Thickens
Adjustment pixel Plot Thickens: Examine PAX's secret room
Hide & Seek
Adjustment pixel Hide & Seek: Catch Quill
Good Cop, Bad Cop
Adjustment pixel Good Cop, Bad Cop: Get Magnum to do your dirty work
Adjustment pixel Eavesdropper: Overhearing private conversations
Launch Site
Adjustment pixel Launch Site: Discover Rocket
Millenium Actress
Adjustment pixel Millenium Actress: Try on dress
Detective Anne
Adjustment pixel Detective Anne: Speak to all forgotlings at Scrappers
Adjustment pixel Traceuse: Don't fall during Roof Chase
Adjustment pixel Stealthy: Don't get jumped by lost pieces
Adjustment pixel Cartographer: Find way through sewers without getting lost
Adjustment pixel Rhythmic: Keep a steady pace while pumping
Adjustment pixel Companionship: Keep up with Fig
Alma Mater
Adjustment pixel Alma Mater: Instill all fallen rebels
In the Lead
Adjustment pixel In the Lead: Overtake Fig
Hidden Thespian
Adjustment pixel Hidden Thespian: Listen to Fig's entire monologue before distilling him
Old Friends
Adjustment pixel Old Friends: Don't distill Tiphany
Adjustment pixel Nostalgia: Revisit balcony
Adjustment pixel Bookworm: Examine all books
Adjustment pixel Empathic: Get past Tink without tearing her apart
Quiet Observer
Adjustment pixel Quiet Observer: Sit on all chairs
Tower Hawk
Adjustment pixel Tower Hawk: Wing-jump 100 times
Stair Master
Adjustment pixel Stair Master: Take 1000 stair steps
Remember Anne
Adjustment pixel Remember Anne: Complete game
Adjustment pixel Diarist: Read 10 diary entries
Adjustment pixel Explorer: Collect two mementos
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 27 15:27:02 2019
Grab It!
Adjustment pixel Grab It!: Collect half of all mementos
True Collector
Adjustment pixel True Collector: Collect all mementos
Adjustment pixel Pacifist: Don't distill any forgotling
33 players