Indicator GIF
Flashback PS3


Conrad is back to save humanity from an invasion of alien Morphs set on absorbing our minds and incorporating our species! Rolling and shooting, always ready for another fight, help Conrad save the world and his girlfriend. You’ll find everything you always liked in this classic that set standards of the genre in the 90’s, and brought up to speed with the 21st century technology and expectations.
  • US October 1, 2013
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
  • 7 Trophy bronze icon
  • 4 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
Progression: 12 of 12
Finish Him
Adjustment pixel Finish Him: Kill an enemy by finishing him
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 20 19:41:50 2013
Adjustment pixel Rookie: Complete the game in Easy Mode
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Nov 21 23:48:57 2013
Adjustment pixel Agent: Complete the game in Normal Mode
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 20 06:40:58 2020
Super Agent
Adjustment pixel Super Agent: Complete the game in Hard Mode
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 20 06:41:08 2020
Big Bang
Adjustment pixel Big Bang: Kill 200 enemies with explosives
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 20 16:19:24 2020
Heavy Fire
Adjustment pixel Heavy Fire: Kill 500 enemies with the Heavy Shot
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 20 14:50:16 2020
Adjustment pixel Terminator: Kill 50 enemies by finishing them
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue May 19 22:36:34 2020
Adjustment pixel Hero: Conrad has to reach level 30
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 20 04:34:43 2020
Galactic Explorer
Adjustment pixel Galactic Explorer: Obtain 100% in World Exploration
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 20 01:52:16 2020
Fight Club
Adjustment pixel Fight Club: Kill 50 enemies with a melee attack
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 20 15:05:17 2020
Master of Virtuality
Adjustment pixel Master of Virtuality: Complete all VR challenges
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Nov 21 05:40:27 2013
Maximum Overdrive
Adjustment pixel Maximum Overdrive: Obtain the maximum level for every upgrade
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 20 22:44:54 2020
23 players