I Am the God of Hell Fire: Unlock all Trophies.
L-Plates: Complete a Stage.
Feline Patrol: Rescue a Cat.
Time to Go: Rescue a Worker.
Earned Thu Mar 17 21:11:23 2016
Job Seeker: Rescue Miss Ion.
Lost and Found: Complete the ‘Lost Property’ Mission.
I Have Detailed Files: Complete the ‘Paper Chase’ Mission.
Hacktivist: Complete the ‘Data Protection’ Mission.
Safe Hands: Complete the ‘Safe Cracker’ Mission.
Illegal Aliens: Complete the ‘The Truth is In Here’ Mission.
Clear the Air: Complete the ‘Gas Leak’ Mission.
Memory Master: Complete the ‘Missile Memory’ Mission.
Hasta La Vista: Complete the ‘Employment Terminated’ Mission.
Outta Time: Complete a Level with 0 seconds left on the clock.
Hose Havoc: Complete a level only using the Hose.
Foam Frenzy: Complete a level only using the Extinguisher.
Death Proof: Defeat the Grim Reaper.
Pain Freeze: Freeze 10 proximity barrels before they explode.
Back from the Dead: Revive a fallen person with the Defibrillator.
Every Little Helps: Buy a stat upgrade.
Fight the Power: Cut the power to a level using a fuse board room.
Earned Thu Mar 17 21:10:03 2016
Miss Ion Complete: Complete all Missions in a single game session.
Stock Issues: Buy one of every powerup.
Fry, Fry and Fry Again: Die one hundred times.
Disposable Income: Throw 100 Water Bombs.
Gone In Sixty Seconds: Avoid the Grim Reaper for over 1 minute.
Do You Have an Appointment?: Reach the Executive level.
Please Wash Your Hands: Reach the Laboratory level.
Hard Hat Required: Reach the Factory level.
Dance with the Devil: Meet the Devil.
You Did It!: Complete the game.
Fast Worker: Complete the game in under 1 hour.
No Man Left Behind: Complete the game saving all Cats, all People and completing all Missions.
The Hard Way: Complete the game without buying any powerups.
Perfect Conditioning: Upgrade all player stats fully.
Fireproof: Complete the game, saving all people without any of them being downed by fire.