Darkweb Legend: Unlock all other trophies.
Hacker: Win by hacking the laptop in a Solo or Public match.
Strength in Numbers: Win a Public CO-OP Training match with all of your teammates alive.
Hunter: As a Defender, win a Public Contracts match by killing all 4 members of the attacking team while your entire team is dead.
Knock-Knock: In a Solo or Public match, breach an enemy blocked door with C4.
Too Soon: In a Public Contracts match, kill a player with their own C4 by shooting it.
Healer: In Public matches, get 200 player revives using the Revive Pistol.
Badlads: Win 20 Public CO-OP matches.
First Blood: In a Public Contracts match, kill your first enemy player.
Executioner: Get 4 confirmed kills in one Public Contracts match.
Lone Survivor: Win a Public Contracts match as the only surviving player on your team.
Payback: In a Public Contracts match, revive a friendly player then kill the enemy player that downed them.
Size Matters: In a Public Contracts match, get a longshot kill with a pistol.
No Remorse: In a Public Contracts match, kill an enemy while they are reviving a downed teammate.
Training Wheels: Complete the tutorial.
Earned Sun Sep 30 09:14:05 2018
Invisible Contractor: Kill 100 A.I. in Solo or CO-OP Training matches.
Weapons Master: Purchase every weapon in the game.
Hoarder: Purchase all attachments and equipment in the game.
Untouchables: Win a Public Contracts match without losing a single teammate.
Deleted Emails: In Solo or Public matches, steal 15 pieces of Intel.
Change Your Password: In Solo or Public matches, steal 50 pieces of Intel.
Election Data: In Solo or Public matches, steal 100 pieces of Intel.
Aim High: Get 50 headshot kills in Public Contracts matches.
Between The Eyes: Get 100 headshot kills in Public Contracts matches.
On Target: Get 500 headshot kills in Public Contracts matches.
Blindfire: In a Public Contracts match, shoot and kill an enemy you can't see.
Scotty Neville: Win 100 Solo matches.