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Fighting Vipers PS3

Fighting Vipers

Armstone City, year unknown. The Mayor decided to hold a fighting tournament with the grand finale being held on the top of the city tower, and the Vipers, young urban warriors decide to compete, each with their own goal on mind. All eight came from several backgrounds, like the hard-rocker Raxel, the orphan with a burning desire to meet his father Bahn, former gang leader Tokyo, queen of the catwalk Grace, the giantmore
  • US November 28, 2012
  • EU November 28, 2012
  • JP November 28, 2012
Rate it
Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Sega AM2
Publisher: Sega
  • 13 Trophy bronze icon
  • 1 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
Progression: 6 of 15
Stage 1 Complete
Adjustment pixel Stage 1 Complete: Complete Stage 1 of Arcade Mode (any difficulty)
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 19 13:18:58 2020
Stage 2 Complete
Adjustment pixel Stage 2 Complete: Complete Stage 2 of Arcade Mode (any difficulty)
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 19 13:19:24 2020
Stage 3 Complete
Adjustment pixel Stage 3 Complete: Complete Stage 3 of Arcade Mode (any difficulty)
Stage 4 Complete
Adjustment pixel Stage 4 Complete: Complete Stage 4 of Arcade Mode (any difficulty)
Adjustment pixel Perfect: Win a round without receiving any damage in Arcade Mode (any difficulty)
Ranking Mode
Adjustment pixel Ranking Mode: Play Ranking Mode in Arcade Mode (hold down P+K+D+START button during Attract Mode)
Random Mode
Adjustment pixel Random Mode: Hold↑and hit START button during Attract Mode in Arcade Mode
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 19 15:38:18 2020
Kids Mode
Adjustment pixel Kids Mode: Select game settings in Arcade Mode or Offline Versus while holding L1 button+R1 button to activate Kids Mode
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 19 15:38:45 2020
Wall Breaker
Adjustment pixel Wall Breaker: Destroy a stage wall in Arcade Mode or Offline Versus
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 19 13:18:36 2020
Armor Destroyer
Adjustment pixel Armor Destroyer: Break an opponent's armor in Arcade Mode or Offline Versus
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 19 13:18:49 2020
Who needs armor?
Adjustment pixel Who needs armor?: Unequip armor in Arcade Mode or Offline Versus (quickly input →←→←+P+K+D)
Adjustment pixel Mahler: Use Mahler in Arcade Mode or Offline Versus (move cursor left of Grace during character selection)
Skirt Destroyer
Adjustment pixel Skirt Destroyer: As Candy unequip armor each Arcade stg or break her lower armor after 10 straight wins in Offline VS
Class of '95
Adjustment pixel Class of '95: Select game settings in Arcade Mode while holding the □ button to enter Attract Mode
Sweet Tooth
Adjustment pixel Sweet Tooth: Select game settings in Arcade Mode while holding ↑ to unlock Candy's appearance in 2nd Attract Mode
91 players