Iron-guts: Earn the highest honors
Stickin' it to the man: Kill a Faction Captain in Leboa-Sako - the Northern Territory
Wages of Conflict: Aquire all conflict diamonds in the game available through payment or exploration
Making friends: Save a Buddy from captivity
Earned Wed Feb 15 23:11:00 2012
The best laid plans: Work with a Buddy to subvert a mission offered by a faction
Wanderer: Find all the Safe Houses in Leboa-Sako - the Northern Territory
Orienteer: Find all the Safe Houses in Bowa-Seko - the Southern Territory
Investigative Reporter: Turn over the first set of the Jackal's audio logs to the Journalist
Messenger: Complete all the available Underground side-quests in both the North and the South
Supply...: Unlock new weapons by hitting a Convoy
On the run: Escape the Town
Earned Wed Feb 15 22:03:23 2012
Down but not out: Escape to Bowa-Seko - the Southern Territory
Weapon Specialist: Purchase the manuals and acquire the bandolier for one weapon
Bagman: Deliver stamped travel documents to the Underground in exchange for medicine
Lineman: Complete a Mission intercepted from a cellular tower signal
Dawa ya moto ni moto: Break the ceasefire and reignite the conflict
Lent a hand: Complete a Buddy side quest
Out of the frying pan...: Get rescued by a Buddy
Earned Mon Feb 18 22:21:59 2013
Dr Livingston, I presume: Enter every 1 square kilometer map region of the world
Pulitzer material: Turn over all of the Jackal's audio logs to the Journalist
Weapons Expert: Purchase the manuals and acquire the bandoliers for every weapon
Playing both sides...: Switch sides in Leboa-Sako - the Northern Territory
...against the middle: Switch sides in Bowa-Seko - the Southern Territory
...and demand.: Unlock all weapons by hitting every Convoy
Prison escape: Escape torture at the old slave outpost
Last man standing: Wipe out the senior leadership of both Factions and determine who will be the new Warlords
...into the fire.: Save a Buddy from a mortal wound
The third faction: Rescue all the Buddies from their respective predicaments
Ruthless: Subvert all the main faction missions in Leboa-Sako - the Northern Territory
Cold Blooded: Subvert all the main faction missions in Bowa-Seko - the Southern Territory
Utility Man: Complete all Missions intercepted from cellular tower signals
Good night sweet prince: Comfort a Buddy and ease his passing
Heart of Darkness: Enter the Heart of Darkness
The horror... the horror...: Resolve your conflict with the Jackal to facilitate the exodus
First Response Team: Get highest revives count in a ranked match
Hired Gun: Reach Rank 5 (Ranked Match)
Superior Captain: Win a round as the Captain in Uprising mode (Ranked Match)
Best in Class: Get highest xp total in one match (Ranked Match)
War Party: Win a match with 16 players (Ranked Match)
Upgraded Player: Upgrade one class 3 times (Ranked Match)
Safari Tour: Play at least one full round in every Official Map (Ranked Match)
Battle Hardened: Play at least one full round in every Game Mode (Ranked Match)
Professional: Reach Rank 10 (Ranked Match)
Mercenary: Reach Rank 20 (Ranked Match)
Field Hospital: Get 500 revives (Ranked Match)
Warlord: Achieve Rank 30 (Ranked Match)
Soldier of Misfortune: Unlock field manuals for all weapons (Ranked match)
Mapper: Create a map and get it validated in all game modes
Adventurer: Download and rate 25 usermaps