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Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights PS4

Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights

ENDER LILIES is a dark fantasy 2D action RPG about unraveling the mysteries of a destroyed kingdom. On this sorrowful journey, encounter horrific enemies against whom a moment of inattention could be fatal. Overcome these hardships and seek the truth with the help of fallen knights.
  • US July 20, 2021
  • EU July 20, 2021
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Live Wire
Publisher: Binary Haze Interactive
  • 22 Trophy bronze icon
  • 13 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 4 of 39
Adjustment pixel End: Earn all Trophies
Adjustment pixel Purification: Purify Guardian Siegrid
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 10 06:22:02 2024
Adjustment pixel Tenacity: Purify Guardian Silva
Blight Throne
Adjustment pixel Blight Throne: Purify Knight Captain Julius
Adjustment pixel Lamentation: Purify Dark Witch Eleine
Adjustment pixel Fury: Purify Gerrod, the Elder Warrior
Adjustment pixel Resolve: Purify Hoenir, Keeper of the Abyss
Heroic Death
Adjustment pixel Heroic Death: Purify Ulv, the Mad Knight
Adjustment pixel Separation: Purify Faden, the Heretic
Adjustment pixel Truth: Purify every Blighted hero
Purging Glow
Adjustment pixel Purging Glow: Obtain 5 Blighted Spirits
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jan 16 05:04:15 2024
Adjustment pixel Light: Obtain 10 Blighted Spirits
Adjustment pixel Liberator: Obtain 15 Blighted Spirits
Adjustment pixel Savior: Obtain every Blighted Spirit
Taboo Blight
Adjustment pixel Taboo Blight: Fully enhance a Blighted Spirit
The Abyss
Adjustment pixel The Abyss: Fully enhance 5 Blighted Spirits
Adjustment pixel Secret: Fully enhance the Umbral Knight
Left Behind
Adjustment pixel Left Behind: Obtain a relic
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 10 06:22:33 2024
Relic Hunter
Adjustment pixel Relic Hunter: Obtain 10 relics
Adjustment pixel Collector: Obtain all relics
Adjustment pixel Refurbishment: Attain maximum HP
Adjustment pixel Convergence: Attain maximum Prayer Potency
Carried Over
Adjustment pixel Carried Over: Obtain all Chains of Sorcery
Fretia's Will
Adjustment pixel Fretia's Will: Obtain Findings 24-28
Newly Anointed
Adjustment pixel Newly Anointed: Obtain Finding 45
Adjustment pixel Exposé: Obtain all Findings
Lurking Filth
Adjustment pixel Lurking Filth: Reach level 10
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jan 15 06:16:14 2024
Blighted One
Adjustment pixel Blighted One: Reach level 50
Ruined One
Adjustment pixel Ruined One: Reach level 100
Adjustment pixel Outset: Reach 10 Respites
Adjustment pixel Memorial: Reach every Respite
Adjustment pixel Visitant: Journey to all maps
Latent Power
Adjustment pixel Latent Power: Enhance a Spirit for the first time
Adjustment pixel Benevolence: Witness Ending A
Journey's End
Adjustment pixel Journey's End: Witness Ending B
Dawn Prayer
Adjustment pixel Dawn Prayer: Witness Ending C
Impaling Lily
Adjustment pixel Impaling Lily: Unleash the Spectral Lance's full power
Falling Lily
Adjustment pixel Falling Lily: Unleash the Giant's Hammer's full power
Adjustment pixel Rebirth: Restore power to the lost amulet.
69 players