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Empire of Sin PS4

Empire of Sin

Empire of Sin, the strategy game from Romero Games and Paradox Interactive, puts you at the heart of the ruthless criminal underworld of 1920s Prohibition-era Chicago. It’s up to you to hustle, charm and intimidate your way to the top of the pile and do whatever it takes to stay there.
  • US December 1, 2020
  • EU December 1, 2020
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Romero Games
Publisher: Paradox Interactive
  • 28 Trophy bronze icon
  • 15 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 5 of 46
Adjustment pixel Overachiever: Collect all trophies
Closed Casket
Adjustment pixel Closed Casket: Kill Daniel McKee Jackson
Pushing Daisies
Adjustment pixel Pushing Daisies: Kill Dean O'Banion
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Adjustment pixel The Lion Sleeps Tonight: Kill Maggie Dyer
Curtain Call
Adjustment pixel Curtain Call: Kill Goldie Garneau
It's just Business
Adjustment pixel It's just Business: Kill Frank Ragen
The Irish Goodbye
Adjustment pixel The Irish Goodbye: Kill Frankie Donovan
Luck of the Draw
Adjustment pixel Luck of the Draw: Kill Stephanie St. Clair
Last Call
Adjustment pixel Last Call: Kill Joseph Saltis
Shoulda stayed in Sicily
Adjustment pixel Shoulda stayed in Sicily: Kill Angelo Genna
Adjustment pixel Whacked: Kill Ronnie O'Neill
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 25 17:57:52 2022
You Know Who I Am
Adjustment pixel You Know Who I Am: Kill Alphonse Capone
Flor de Muerto
Adjustment pixel Flor de Muerto: Kill Elvira Duarte
Into the Sunset
Adjustment pixel Into the Sunset: Kill Salazar Reyna
The Ice Queen Go-eth
Adjustment pixel The Ice Queen Go-eth: Kill Mabel Ryley
Like Shootin' Ducks in a Pond
Adjustment pixel Like Shootin' Ducks in a Pond: Kill Sai Wing Mock
Jack of All Trades, Master of None
Adjustment pixel Jack of All Trades, Master of None: Own five of each racket type
There Goes the Neighborhood
Adjustment pixel There Goes the Neighborhood: Took over a neighborhood
Public Enemy 1
Adjustment pixel Public Enemy 1: Became Enemy of the State while maintaining the highest notoriety
Adjustment pixel Maximizer: Get a hotel and have all synergies simultaneously
Alphonse Capone, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Alphonse Capone, No. 1: Win as Alphonse Capone
Dean O'Banion, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Dean O'Banion, No. 1: Win as Dean O'Banion
Maggie Dyer, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Maggie Dyer, No. 1: Win as Maggie Dyer
Frank Ragen, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Frank Ragen, No. 1: Win as Frank Ragen
Frankie Donovan, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Frankie Donovan, No. 1: Win as Frankie Donovan
Daniel McKee Jackson, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Daniel McKee Jackson, No. 1: Win as Daniel McKee Jackson
Joseph Saltis, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Joseph Saltis, No. 1: Win as Joseph Saltis
Elvira Duarte, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Elvira Duarte, No. 1: Win as Elvira Duarte
Mabel Ryley, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Mabel Ryley, No. 1: Win as Mabel Ryley
Goldie Garneau, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Goldie Garneau, No. 1: Win as Goldie Garneau
Sai Wing Mock, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Sai Wing Mock, No. 1: Win as Sai Wing Mock
Stephanie St. Clair, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Stephanie St. Clair, No. 1: Win as Stephanie St. Clair
Angelo Genna, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Angelo Genna, No. 1: Win as Angelo Genna
Salazar Reyna, No. 1
Adjustment pixel Salazar Reyna, No. 1: Win as Salazar Reyna
Lone Wolf
Adjustment pixel Lone Wolf: Finish the game without recruiting a gangster
Adjustment pixel Bulletproof: Finish the game without getting anyone in your crew killed
Adjustment pixel Bullseye: Take down an enemy with a single shot
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 25 05:49:02 2022
Let This Be A Warning
Adjustment pixel Let This Be A Warning: Perform an execution
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 25 17:57:51 2022
Trust Me
Adjustment pixel Trust Me: Land a hit with 10% or lower odds
I've Got Your Back
Adjustment pixel I've Got Your Back: Form a Business Arrangement
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 25 18:13:30 2022
I Know A Guy
Adjustment pixel I Know A Guy: Hire a gangster of each profession
Adjustment pixel Reliable: Max the loyalty of one member of your crew
This Never Happened
Adjustment pixel This Never Happened: Bribe a cop
I'll Be Back
Adjustment pixel I'll Be Back: Have someone in your crew go to jail
My Specialty
Adjustment pixel My Specialty: Get a synergy bonus
On My Own
Adjustment pixel On My Own: Complete the tutorial
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 25 18:00:49 2022
18 players