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Elite: Dangerous PS4

Elite: Dangerous

Elite: Dangerous is set in an online, persistent, full-scale recreation of the Milky Way. 400 Billion star systems. Infinite freedom. Blaze your own trail.
  • US June 27, 2017
  • EU June 27, 2017
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Frontier Developments
Publisher: Frontier Developments
  • 42 Trophy bronze icon
  • 16 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 61
Right On, Commander
Adjustment pixel Right On, Commander: Unlock all trophies
A True Champ
Adjustment pixel A True Champ: Win 250 CQC Matches
Adjustment pixel Butcher: Win 10 Deathmatches
Adjustment pixel Signalman: Win 10 Capture the Flag matches
Team Player
Adjustment pixel Team Player: Win 10 Team Deathmatches
You Can Run...
Adjustment pixel You Can Run...: Collect 1,000,000 credits in bounties
I Found You!
Adjustment pixel I Found You!: Cash in a bounty
Adjustment pixel Elitist: Get an Elite Ranking
Adjustment pixel Combative: Reach a Combat Rank of Expert
Well Avoided
Adjustment pixel Well Avoided: Avoid an interdiction
Elite... Dangerous
Adjustment pixel Elite... Dangerous: Destroy 100 Elite Combat rated ships
Working Together
Adjustment pixel Working Together: Participate and receive a reward in a community goal
A Real Team Player
Adjustment pixel A Real Team Player: Participate in 10 successful community goals
A New Ranulph?
Adjustment pixel A New Ranulph?: Reach an Explorer Rank of Trailblazer
A Jewel in the Night
Adjustment pixel A Jewel in the Night: Sell data on a celestial body
That's Scooper
Adjustment pixel That's Scooper: Fuel scoop 100 tonnes
Centre of the Galaxy
Adjustment pixel Centre of the Galaxy: Visit Sagittarius A
Home, Sweet Home
Adjustment pixel Home, Sweet Home: Visit Sol
Mining Like A Champ
Adjustment pixel Mining Like A Champ: Refine 100 tonnes of Minerals or Metals
Painite In The Asp
Adjustment pixel Painite In The Asp: Refine 10 tonnes of Painite
Mission Accomplished
Adjustment pixel Mission Accomplished: Complete 250 missions
What Did You Do?
Adjustment pixel What Did You Do?: Get a bounty of 100,000 credits
You're Mine
Adjustment pixel You're Mine: Interdict a ship
Pledge Allegiance
Adjustment pixel Pledge Allegiance: Sign up with a power
Splashing Out
Adjustment pixel Splashing Out: Buy a new ship
Classic Collection
Adjustment pixel Classic Collection: Own 10 different ships simultaneously
Black Market
Adjustment pixel Black Market: Sell illegal goods
Adjustment pixel Sneaky: Sell 50,000 credits worth of illegal goods
Playing the Markets
Adjustment pixel Playing the Markets: Increase Trade Rank to Merchant
Market Diversity
Adjustment pixel Market Diversity: Sell at 100 different markets
Lave Is a Rare Thing
Adjustment pixel Lave Is a Rare Thing: Sell 250,000 credits worth of rares
Wing Friends
Adjustment pixel Wing Friends: Form a Full Wing
Adjustment pixel Cha-Ching: Cash in combat bonds worth 100,000 credits
Kepler's Eye
Adjustment pixel Kepler's Eye: Be first to discover a planet
Refined Taste
Adjustment pixel Refined Taste: Refine 750 tonnes of Minerals or Metals
Space Lasso
Adjustment pixel Space Lasso: Interdict 25 ships
Super Market Sweep
Adjustment pixel Super Market Sweep: Sell at 250 different markets
Adjustment pixel Goldsmith: Refine 25 tonnes of Gold
How Very English
Adjustment pixel How Very English: Buy 1,000 tonnes of tea
Sales Merchant
Adjustment pixel Sales Merchant: Sell 250 units of cargo
Ship Slayer
Adjustment pixel Ship Slayer: Destroy 1,000 ships
Wanted, Dead or Alive
Adjustment pixel Wanted, Dead or Alive: Get a bounty of 25,000 credits
Binary Agent
Adjustment pixel Binary Agent: Visit W Ursae Majoris
Full Ranking
Adjustment pixel Full Ranking: Reach CQC Championship rank 50
Mission Complete
Adjustment pixel Mission Complete: Complete 50 missions
Elite Dangerous: Horizons
Put Your Fighters Up
Adjustment pixel Put Your Fighters Up: Launch 25 fighters from your ship
Are We There Yet?
Adjustment pixel Are We There Yet?: Deliver 500 passengers
Da Vinci Would Be Proud
Adjustment pixel Da Vinci Would Be Proud: Create your commander
Great kid, don't get cocky
Adjustment pixel Great kid, don't get cocky: Damage a ship whilst in the Fire Con role of Multi-Crew
Mod Culture
Adjustment pixel Mod Culture: Customise 10 modules at an Engineer's workshop
Social Engineering
Adjustment pixel Social Engineering: Visit an Engineer
This Looks Weird
Adjustment pixel This Looks Weird: Scan a barnacle
Combine Harvester
Adjustment pixel Combine Harvester: Scoop 100 surface materials in the SRV
The Secret is to Bang the Rocks Together
Adjustment pixel The Secret is to Bang the Rocks Together: Complete 25 planet side missions
Any Landing You Walk Away From is a Good One
Adjustment pixel Any Landing You Walk Away From is a Good One: Land on a planet
I Will Drive 500 Miles
Adjustment pixel I Will Drive 500 Miles: Drive 500 miles in the SRV
and I Will Drive 500 More
Adjustment pixel and I Will Drive 500 More: Drive 1,000 miles in the SRV
Data Broker
Adjustment pixel Data Broker: Redeem 100,000 credits of vouchers from data scanning in the SRV
Elite Dangerous: Beyond - Chapter Four
Split Decision
Adjustment pixel Split Decision: Use seismic charges to split an asteroid
Squad Goals
Adjustment pixel Squad Goals: Create or join a squadron
Life Finds A Way
Adjustment pixel Life Finds A Way: Make 5 life form Codex discoveries
39 players