Half the journey: Complete all stages in A to D.
Traversal: Complete all stages in A to G.
Total traversal: Complete courses A to G.
Rock bottom: Fall 100 times while playing stages.
Earned Mon Jan 27 06:12:07 2014
Flyin' high: Leap 100 times while playing stages.
Earned Tue Jan 28 21:47:40 2014
Take a hike: Take 10,000 steps while playing stages.
Shadow: Collect 500 echoes.
Earned Thu Jan 30 20:27:33 2014
echochrome: Complete 100 stages in any mode.
Earned Wed Jan 29 22:02:42 2014
Gimme five: Upload five stages.
Earned Mon Apr 13 08:59:44 2009
echochrome master: Collect all the trophies.