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Dying Light PS4

Dying Light

In Dying Light, a first-person, action survival horror game, players must use everything in their power to survive until the morning's first light in a vast open world filled with danger. During the day, players will traverse an expansive urban environment overrun by a vicious outbreak, scavenging the world for supplies and crafting weapons to defend against the growing infected population. At night, the hunter becomes the hunted, as the infected become aggressive and more dangerous. Most frightening are the predators which only appear after sundown.
  • US January 27, 2015
  • EU January 28, 2015
  • JP January 30, 2015
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Techland
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
  • 50 Trophy bronze icon
  • 15 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 27 of 69
We’ll talk about it next time I see you.
Adjustment pixel We’ll talk about it next time I see you.: Get all game trophies
Flight of the Crane
Adjustment pixel Flight of the Crane: Jump from the Crane
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jan 30 08:51:37 2015
My left or your left?
Adjustment pixel My left or your left?: Meet with Rais
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 05:25:44 2015
Snake in the grass
Adjustment pixel Snake in the grass: Escape the arena
Adjustment pixel Sightseeing: Reach the Old Town
Making Faces
Adjustment pixel Making Faces: Show the outside world that you're still alive
Tied loose end
Adjustment pixel Tied loose end: Deal with Tahir
Now You Can Come In
Adjustment pixel Now You Can Come In: Find Camden
Adjustment pixel Vertigo: Activate the Amplifier
Adjustment pixel Bittersweet: Complete the game
The Whole Story
Adjustment pixel The Whole Story: Finish all side quests.
Disaster Recovery
Adjustment pixel Disaster Recovery: Get 15 Relief Packages
We're All In This Together
Adjustment pixel We're All In This Together: Save 15 survivors from zombies
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 20 05:14:28 2015
Homo Homini Lupus Est
Adjustment pixel Homo Homini Lupus Est: Save 15 survivors from Rais's men
Bolter Hunting
Adjustment pixel Bolter Hunting: Catch 5 Bolters
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 20 08:43:37 2015
I'm a Runner and a fighter
Adjustment pixel I'm a Runner and a fighter: Complete 15 Agility or Power Challenges
Lucky 7
Adjustment pixel Lucky 7: Win 7 coop competitions
Harran Athletics
Adjustment pixel Harran Athletics: Take part in 10 coop competitions
Trade Company
Adjustment pixel Trade Company: Sell items worth 10,000 dollars
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 02:58:51 2015
Adjustment pixel Trespassing: Complete all Quarantine Zones
Now It's Safe
Adjustment pixel Now It's Safe: Capture all Safe Zones
Adjustment pixel Pheidippides: Run (move or sprint) at least 42.195 m
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 7 08:39:32 2015
Mount Everest
Adjustment pixel Mount Everest: Climb at least 8848 meters on various objects.
Is It Really Necessary?
Adjustment pixel Is It Really Necessary?: Kill your first Infected
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jan 30 08:34:52 2015
Everybody Dance Now
Adjustment pixel Everybody Dance Now: Simultaneously shock 5 monsters with electricity
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 18:58:51 2015
Can't Touch This
Adjustment pixel Can't Touch This: Kill 20 enemies in a row without taking damage.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 10:13:32 2015
This is Harraaaaan!
Adjustment pixel This is Harraaaaan!: Kill 100 enemies by kicking them off the rooftops/cliffs.
Mouths Wide Open
Adjustment pixel Mouths Wide Open: Kill a Volatile
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 04:24:36 2015
Hush, Hush Now
Adjustment pixel Hush, Hush Now: Quiet a Screamer
Adjustment pixel BBQ: Stick a burning zombie on spikes
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jan 30 20:44:43 2015
A Game of Catch
Adjustment pixel A Game of Catch: Kill 50 enemies with throwing weapons
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 03:55:22 2015
Harran Shooting Club
Adjustment pixel Harran Shooting Club: Kill 50 enemies with shooting weapons
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 7 09:27:34 2015
Adjustment pixel Electrified!: Catch 25 enemies in the Electric Fence trap
Blinded by the Lights
Adjustment pixel Blinded by the Lights: Blind 25 Volatiles with flares or a flashlight
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 11 17:46:07 2015
High Flyer
Adjustment pixel High Flyer: Kill 25 enemies using Ground Pound or Drop Attack
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 19:29:51 2015
Judo Master
Adjustment pixel Judo Master: Throw 50 enemies with Grapple
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 7 06:31:40 2015
Prom Night
Adjustment pixel Prom Night: Survive night pursuit of level two or higher
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 17:27:40 2015
Adjustment pixel Enlightened!: Blind 25 enemies in the Light Trap
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 18 16:39:50 2015
Little Craftsman
Adjustment pixel Little Craftsman: Craft your first item
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jan 30 08:39:39 2015
Master Crafter
Adjustment pixel Master Crafter: Use Blueprints at least 100 times
Open Sesame
Adjustment pixel Open Sesame: Perform 10 successful Lockpicks
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jan 30 21:19:28 2015
Everybody Knows Kyle
Adjustment pixel Everybody Knows Kyle: Reach Survivor Rank lvl 12
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 09:51:15 2015
The Legend of Harran
Adjustment pixel The Legend of Harran: Reach Survivor Rank lvl 18
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 09:51:17 2015
Adjustment pixel Agile: Reach Agility Prof. Lvl 10
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 8 05:57:36 2015
Adjustment pixel Strong: Reach Power Prof. Lvl 10
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 18:51:33 2015
It's All In the Writing
Adjustment pixel It's All In the Writing: Find all text collectibles
I've Got Your Back
Adjustment pixel I've Got Your Back: Complete 1 quest in a co-op game
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jan 30 21:13:41 2015
Adjustment pixel Polyamory: Complete 5 quests in a single co-op game with the same 3 partners
Italian Plumber
Adjustment pixel Italian Plumber: Kill an enemy with a wrench, using Vault followed by Drop Attack
Gabriel's Sword
Adjustment pixel Gabriel's Sword: Add a fire elemental effect to a sword or a khopesh
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 12 01:15:41 2015
A Long Way Down
Adjustment pixel A Long Way Down: Jump to the water from the Infamy Bridge (Slums) at night
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 6 20:12:22 2015
Parkour Fever
The Boy Who Could Run
Adjustment pixel The Boy Who Could Run: Complete all Parkour Fever Challenges
GD Parkour Instructor
Adjustment pixel GD Parkour Instructor: Complete all Parkour Fever Challenges at night
Pearls in the Mud
Adjustment pixel Pearls in the Mud: Open 5 GRE chests in Quarantine Zones
The Bozak Horde DLC
Get the Bozak
Adjustment pixel Get the Bozak: Complete Bozak's challenges
Together Till the End
Adjustment pixel Together Till the End: Be the last man standing
Electric Whisper
Adjustment pixel Electric Whisper: Learn how to craft Electric Arrows
Things That Go Ka-Boom
Adjustment pixel Things That Go Ka-Boom: Learn how to craft Exploding Arrows
Robin Hood Theory
Adjustment pixel Robin Hood Theory: Score 10 headshots on Rais's men with a bow
The Following DLC
Afraid to get wet?
Adjustment pixel Afraid to get wet?: Reach the end of the cliff
And you liked him, didn't you?
Adjustment pixel And you liked him, didn't you?: Meet your old friend again
I was waiting for you for so long
Adjustment pixel I was waiting for you for so long: Reach the inner circle
Sweaty palms?
Adjustment pixel Sweaty palms?: Kill a Demolisher with a vehicle
It wasn't that hard, was it?
Adjustment pixel It wasn't that hard, was it?: Win Bilal's race
What If You Picked The Other One?
Adjustment pixel What If You Picked The Other One?: Make the call
I Felt Your Presence
Adjustment pixel I Felt Your Presence: Witness the cult's meeting
You realize it's only points, do you?
Adjustment pixel You realize it's only points, do you?: Reach Driver Rank 12
Formidophobic? Interesting...
Adjustment pixel Formidophobic? Interesting...: Destroy 50 scarecrows
I don't approve of mindless fun
Adjustment pixel I don't approve of mindless fun: Kill 500 zombies with your vehicle
376 players