Pilgrim's Path: Unlock every trophy.
Into the Unknown: Reach Villedor.
Earned Sun Jul 2 14:13:22 2023
First Shot: Use an Inhibitor for the first time.
Earned Sun Jul 2 14:15:51 2023
Herzlich Wilkommen!: Enter the Bazaar.
Earned Tue Aug 27 02:37:40 2024
Under Pressure: Activate your first Water Tower.
On the Trail of the Enemy: Learn Waltz's location.
Light in the Darkness: Activate your first Electrical Substation.
Get Outta My House!: Defeat the Renegades attacking the Fish Eye.
Debris and Ashes: Reach the Observatory.
We Will Be Heard!: Restore the radio broadcast tower.
Known Associate: Learn the whereabouts of Veronika Ryan.
Brush with Death: Wake up after the missile strike.
Going Down: Enter the X-13 elevator.
Family First: Find your sister.
Your World, Your Rules: Complete the game with any ending.
Municipal Services: Assign all Facilities.
Tunnel Entrance: Activate your first Metro Station.
Tube Map: Activate all Metro Stations.
Sancho Panza: Activate your first Windmill.
Earned Sat Jul 8 00:37:41 2023
Tickets, Please!: Use a Metro Station to Fast Travel.
Don Quixote: Activate all Windmills.
Can't You Read the Signs?: Collect all Inhibitors hidden in GRE Quarantines.
Find Anything Interesting?: Open all Airdrops.
It Wasn't That Hard, Was It?: Defeat your first GRE Anomaly.
Revenants: Defeat all GRE Anomalies.
Flag Burning: Clear your first Bandit Camp.
Ban Hammer: Clear all Bandit Camps.
You Never Forget Your First...: Craft your first item.
Earned Sat Jul 1 15:50:05 2023
Oh, So This Is How It Works!: Modify your weapon for the first time.
Earned Sat Jul 8 03:05:54 2023
A Friend in Need...: Help 50 survivors in Encounters.
Parkour Master: Achieve maximum Parkour Proficiency.
Combat Master: Achieve maximum Combat Proficiency.
Boot Licker: Reach City Alignment 7 for any faction.
Who Wants To Be a...: Collect 1,000,000 in Old World Money.
Man On a Mission: Meet all your Sparker love interests.
Ultramarathon: Travel at least 960km.
After the Fall: Fall from a combined height of at least 10,994 meters.
Good Night & Good Luck: Survive your first night.
Earned Sat Jul 8 00:12:56 2023
Can't Touch This!: Kill 20 enemies in a row with melee weapons without taking damage.
Night Hunter: Kill a Volatile.
Death From Afar: Kill a Spitter using a ranged weapon.
Tanning Salon: Use the UV Flashlight to kill a Viral.
Terminal Headache: Perform 50 headshots with a ranged weapon.
Slow Poke!: Lose the maximum level of Chase.
Being All Social: Join a co-op session.
Earned Fri Jul 7 22:55:03 2023
That's Teamwork!: Kill 100 enemies while playing with at least 2 other players.
Lightning Reflexes: Perform a Perfect Block 10 times in a row without taking damage.
Modder: Modify your weapons at least 50 times.
Fit as a Fiddle: Max out your Health.
Ironheart: Max out your Stamina.
You're Going Down!: Perform 50 takedowns.
Don't Look Up: Perform Smash on at least 50 enemies.
Get the Point?: Kill 50 enemies with a Spear.
True Nightrunner: Complete all Nightrunner Trials.
Bing Bang Boom!: Perform an Air Kick after a Double Wall Run.
Archivist: Find all Collectible Notes.
Audiophile: Find all Collectible Recordings.
Street Art Aficionado: Discover all Graffiti Tag Collectibles.
Bloody Ties DLC |
Nemesis: Meet Skullface
Enter the Hall: Reach the Carnage Hall
Night of Terrors: Survive the Night of Terrors
My Friend Ciro: Decide Ciro's fate
Skullcrusher: Defeat Skullface
The Madman of Villedor: Earn a gold medal in all 'Madmen of Villedor' trials.
True Champion: Earn a gold medal in all Carnage Hall shows.
Connoisseur: Find all Carnage Hall collectables.