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Dreamfall Chapters PS4

Dreamfall Chapters

Dreamfall Chapters follows three characters on their journeys across two worlds — one a cyberpunk vision of the future, the other a magical fantasy world — as their stories and destinies intertwine.
  • US May 5, 2017
  • EU May 5, 2017
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Red Thread Games
Publisher: Deep Silver
  • 31 Trophy bronze icon
  • 12 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 46
Balance Restored
Adjustment pixel Balance Restored: Earn all Dreamfall Chapters Trophies.
The beginning of the end
Adjustment pixel The beginning of the end: Zoë left Storytime and was reborn.
The cold, cold sea
Adjustment pixel The cold, cold sea: Kian escaped Friar's Keep and was reborn.
Choice & consequence
Adjustment pixel Choice & consequence: Delivered the boyfriend's lunch.
Adjustment pixel Wel-ding!: Completed work at the Pandemonium.
She's so cute!
Adjustment pixel She's so cute!: Completed work at the lab.
Adjustment pixel Makoya!: Finished today's volunteer work.
Adjustment pixel Saga: The Balance has been rattled.
Let the World Burn
Adjustment pixel Let the World Burn: Kian rejected the rebels and doomed reality to destruction. Good job!
Paying respects
Adjustment pixel Paying respects: Arn Stont's message to his wife Gerdi was delivered.
Honour & Humanity
Adjustment pixel Honour & Humanity: Listen to the entire National Front speech by Onor Hileriss.
The Right Mans
Adjustment pixel The Right Mans: Identify the right Azadi collaborator.
The Test
Adjustment pixel The Test: Kian's first mission completed.
Lost girls
Adjustment pixel Lost girls: Zoë completes Queenie's mission.
Data decisions
Adjustment pixel Data decisions: But did you make the right decision?
Feeding the young
Adjustment pixel Feeding the young: Kian gave Bip his sand-witch.
Dead ends
Adjustment pixel Dead ends: Zoë receives a recorded message from Baruti.
Stop the presses!
Adjustment pixel Stop the presses!: Zoë learns the truth from Sully.
Wait, what?
Adjustment pixel Wait, what?: Completed Book Two. Completely confused.
The First Shift
Adjustment pixel The First Shift: Saga has left the House of All Worlds for the first time.
Adjustment pixel Enu-time: You bonded with Enu.
Adjustment pixel Likho-time: You bonded with Likho.
Tool Time
Adjustment pixel Tool Time: You returned the maintenance worker's tools.
Adjustment pixel Eggspert: You made the best scrambled eggs in the history of mankind. Kudos!
Total Recall
Adjustment pixel Total Recall: You have finally embraced your memories.
A farewell to Shitbot
Adjustment pixel A farewell to Shitbot: From now on, it's Awesomebot.
A farewell to Kidbot
Adjustment pixel A farewell to Kidbot: She was a good kid.
A Whole New World
Adjustment pixel A Whole New World: Zoë has crossed the Divide into Arcadia.
Up, up and away!
Adjustment pixel Up, up and away!: Completed Book Three.
Adjustment pixel Sleepover!: Got to know Enu properly and said your goodbyes.
A Man of Notes
Adjustment pixel A Man of Notes: You found the well-hidden note.
Adjustment pixel TMI: Sharing is caring, except when you do it for your own selfish reasons.
Shady business
Adjustment pixel Shady business: What was Jakai doing in that room?
Not So Dirty Dancing
Adjustment pixel Not So Dirty Dancing: So You Think You Can Dance: Marcuria Edition.
Adjustment pixel Prophecies: Out of the mouths of babes, the future is foretold.
Portrait of a Necromancer
Adjustment pixel Portrait of a Necromancer: You found the Necromancer King's secret chamber.
Bad Boys
Adjustment pixel Bad Boys: You survived Ge'en with Likho's help.
Single mans
Adjustment pixel Single mans: You survived Ge'en on your own.
The Girl Who Walks Between Worlds
Adjustment pixel The Girl Who Walks Between Worlds: Saga is walking the Songlines.
The Watilla is a lie
Adjustment pixel The Watilla is a lie: Wonkers will live again.
The Red Pill
Adjustment pixel The Red Pill: WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F**K
Adjustment pixel TONIGHT WE FIGHT LIKE DRAGONS: A thimbleful of powerful liquor awakens the beast.
Never forget
Adjustment pixel Never forget: Wine, water and liquor? That's going to hurt in the morning.
The Longest Journey Home
Adjustment pixel The Longest Journey Home: Best friends reunited, setting out on their final journey together.
The Bloodless King
Adjustment pixel The Bloodless King: Kian's future has been decided for him
Balance is restored
Adjustment pixel Balance is restored: Our story comes full circle as the past meets the future.
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