The Fantastical Dragon!: Complete the main storyline in chapters 1, 2, and 3.
Ogden's Story: Complete Chapter 1: Dragon Fantasy
Anders' Story: Complete Chapter 2: The Heir Unapparent
Jerald's Story: Complete Chapter 3: Operation Desert Plunder
High-tech Weaponry: Receive the Woodsman's Finest Pokin' Stick
Earned Tue Sep 3 21:39:47 2013
Well Educated: Read 30 Different Books in Ogden's Story.
With a Little Help...: As Anders, Recruit Punchy, Casty, and Serps at the Same Time
Man of Shadows: See How the Cave Troll Acquires the Rusty Helmet
Fund Raising: Have Jerald Pick-pocket 25 People
Treasure Hunter: Find the Bandit Treasure Room in the Bandit Cave
Intermission M: Complete Intermission M: A Minecraft Story
Gotta Catch a Few: Have Woodsy Capture 4 Unique Monster Types