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Dragon Age: Origins PS3

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins is the spiritual successor to BioWare's critically acclaimed Baldur's Gate, featuring deep character customization and role-playing, morally challenging decisions, tactical party-based combat, and a wealth of gritty, mature sub-plots. It is a dark, heroic fantasy game that combines original storytelling techniques with classic role-playing challenges.

In Dragon Age, your choices change the world and affect the people around you. Certain situations, storylines, and conversation options will change drastically depending on your origin and your motivations. You choose your origin, and from that starting point, your story begins. You play through your character's early days, defining his or her background and motivation and begin to learn more about the world of Ferelden from your own distinct perspective. Your choice of origin defines how you will view the world and how it views you. Choose a sneaky, disrespected commoner and you will play a story that focuses around subtle skills and careful wordplay. Choose a noble origin and the world will be much more positive and helpful, but those jealous of your status will not be afraid to take what you have, violently if necessary.
  • US November 3, 2009
  • EU November 6, 2009
  • JP N/A
Rate it
Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • 66 Trophy bronze icon
  • 6 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 77 of 77
The Ultimate Reward
Adjustment pixel The Ultimate Reward: Completed all Bronze, Silver and Gold Trophies
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 16 11:33:11 2014
Last of Your Line
Adjustment pixel Last of Your Line: Completed the Human Noble origin story
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 3 22:46:50 2014
Adjustment pixel Corrupted: Completed the Dalish Elf origin story
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 16 08:12:14 2014
Adjustment pixel Conscripted: Completed the City Elf origin story
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 16 08:32:33 2014
Adjustment pixel Harrowed: Completed the Magi origin story
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 8 08:46:32 2014
Adjustment pixel Casteless: Completed the Dwarf Commoner origin story
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 16 07:05:38 2014
Adjustment pixel Kinslayer: Completed the Dwarf Noble origin story
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 16 07:46:08 2014
Last of the Wardens
Adjustment pixel Last of the Wardens: Completed Ostagar
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 4 23:14:52 2014
Adjustment pixel Standard-Bearer: Used the Grey Warden treaties to recruit all possible allies
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 13 20:45:07 2014
Hero of Redcliffe
Adjustment pixel Hero of Redcliffe: Completed "The Arl of Redcliffe"
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 10 22:14:47 2014
Adjustment pixel Rabble-Rouser: Completed "The Landsmeet"
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 13 22:42:51 2014
Adjustment pixel Mercenary: Complete 15 job-board quests
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 13 07:10:48 2014
Adjustment pixel Recruiter: Across all playthroughs, recruited all party members
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 15 13:42:49 2014
Hopelessly Romantic
Adjustment pixel Hopelessly Romantic: Across all playthroughs, experienced all possible romances
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 15 14:03:02 2014
Adjustment pixel Perfectionist: Across all playthroughs, discovered all possible endings
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 15 16:23:47 2014
Adjustment pixel Educated: Used a tome to improve the main character's attributes, talents, spells, or skills
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 9 07:08:44 2014
The Ultimate Sacrifice
Adjustment pixel The Ultimate Sacrifice: The ultimate sacrifice was made in defense of Ferelden
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 15 11:12:15 2014
A Dark Promise
Adjustment pixel A Dark Promise: Defeated the Archdemon and, through a dark ritual with Morrigan, spared your own life
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 15 07:54:29 2014
Magic Sympathizer
Adjustment pixel Magic Sympathizer: Sided with the mages in "Broken Circle"
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 6 23:39:24 2014
Annulment Invoker
Adjustment pixel Annulment Invoker: Sided with the templars in "Broken Circle"
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 6 23:29:28 2014
Adjustment pixel Slayer: Sided with the werewolves in "Nature of the Beast"
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 11 21:27:01 2014
Adjustment pixel Poacher: Sided with the elves in "Nature of the Beast"
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 11 21:49:23 2014
Adjustment pixel Sacrilegious: Sided with the Cult of Andraste in "The Urn Of Sacred Ashes"
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 10 20:54:33 2014
Adjustment pixel Ceremonialist: Defied the Cult of Andraste in "The Urn of Sacred Ashes"
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 10 22:06:46 2014
Bhelen's Ally
Adjustment pixel Bhelen's Ally: Sided with Bhelen in "A Paragon of Her Kind"
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 12 23:56:36 2014
Harrowmont's Ally
Adjustment pixel Harrowmont's Ally: Sided with Harrowmont in "A Paragon of Her Kind"
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 13 07:46:59 2014
Adjustment pixel Liberator: Destroyed the Anvil of the Void
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 12 23:52:43 2014
Adjustment pixel Pragmatist: Preserved the Anvil of the Void
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 12 23:47:24 2014
Heavy Hitter
Adjustment pixel Heavy Hitter: Main character inflicted 250 damage with a single hit
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 8 20:39:14 2014
Adjustment pixel Bloodied: Completed an origin story without the main character ever falling in battle
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 3 22:46:56 2014
Adjustment pixel Traveler: Set foot in every area in the game
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 15 07:13:29 2014
Master of Arms
Adjustment pixel Master of Arms: Main character achieved level 20 as a warrior
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 16 11:29:28 2014
Adjustment pixel Shadow: Main character achieved level 20 as a rogue
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 16 11:33:10 2014
Adjustment pixel Archmage: Main character achieved level 20 as a mage
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 15 07:57:29 2014
Adjustment pixel Dragonslayer: Defeated the dragon guarding the Urn of Sacred Ashes
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 13 23:07:17 2014
Adjustment pixel Pilgrim: Completed a Chanter's Board quest
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 5 20:51:04 2014
Grey Warden
Adjustment pixel Grey Warden: Killed 100 darkspawn
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 8 10:40:36 2014
Master Warden
Adjustment pixel Master Warden: Killed 500 darkspawn
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 15 11:40:37 2014
Adjustment pixel Blight-Queller: Killed 1000 darkspawn
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 15 16:58:15 2014
Adjustment pixel Defender: Preserved the lives of half the troops at Denerim's Gates in "The Final Battle"
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 15 06:55:05 2014
Adjustment pixel Tinkerer: Crafted an item
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 5 20:31:24 2014
Adjustment pixel Persuasive: Succeeded at five difficult Persuasion attempts
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 6 22:42:50 2014
Silver Tongued
Adjustment pixel Silver Tongued: Succeeded at 25 difficult Persuasion attempts
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 13 21:28:17 2014
Adjustment pixel Bully: Succeeded at five difficult Intimidate attempts
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 9 20:27:19 2014
Adjustment pixel Menacing: Succeeded at 10 difficult Intimidate attempts
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 13 22:26:23 2014
First Knight
Adjustment pixel First Knight: Experienced the thrill of romance with Alistair
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 8 06:21:27 2014
Witch Gone Wild
Adjustment pixel Witch Gone Wild: Experienced the thrill of romance with Morrigan
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 15 14:02:52 2014
Easy Lover
Adjustment pixel Easy Lover: Experienced the thrill of romance with Zevran
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 7 22:24:37 2014
Wine, Woman, and Song
Adjustment pixel Wine, Woman, and Song: Experienced the thrill of romance with Leliana
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 13 20:37:03 2014
Adjustment pixel Veteran: Main character learned a specialization
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 9 07:10:06 2014
Adjustment pixel Elite: Main character learned two specializations
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 11 20:58:06 2014
Master of the Peak
Adjustment pixel Master of the Peak: Completed "Soldier's Peak" ("Warden’s Keep" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 19 07:18:50 2014
Adjustment pixel Diabolist: Took advantage of Avernus's research ("Warden’s Keep" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 19 07:14:26 2014
Rock and a Hard Place
Adjustment pixel Rock and a Hard Place: Completed "The Golem in Honnleath" ("The Stone Prisoner" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 18 22:44:37 2014
Stone's Lament
Adjustment pixel Stone's Lament: Completed "A Golem's Memories" ("The Stone Prisoner" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 18 23:07:57 2014
In War, Victory
Adjustment pixel In War, Victory: Defeated the ogre that killed King Cailan ("Return to Ostagar" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 17 23:32:10 2014
The Enduring Vigil
Adjustment pixel The Enduring Vigil: Acquired all upgrades for Vigil's Keep ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 13:26:20 2014
Savior of Kal'Hirol
Adjustment pixel Savior of Kal'Hirol: Destroyed the broodmothers in Kal'Hirol ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 21 23:19:47 2014
Blind Vengeance
Adjustment pixel Blind Vengeance: Escaped the silverite mines ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 20 21:51:15 2014
Pride Before The Fall
Adjustment pixel Pride Before The Fall: Defeated the baroness ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 14:50:27 2014
Amaranthine's Last Hope
Adjustment pixel Amaranthine's Last Hope: Saved the city of Amaranthine ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 20:08:50 2014
Keeper of the Vigil
Adjustment pixel Keeper of the Vigil: Saved Vigil's Keep ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 16:07:42 2014
Adjustment pixel Awakening: Completed Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 17:55:38 2014
Commander of the Grey
Adjustment pixel Commander of the Grey: Reached level 30 ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 16:02:48 2014
Bane of Thedas
Adjustment pixel Bane of Thedas: Handed victory to the archdemon by killing Ferelden's last Grey Warden. ("Darkspawn Chronicles" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 16 10:47:30 2014
Adjustment pixel Enthralling: Earned maximum approval from all thrall types. ("Darkspawn Chronicles" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 16 10:47:02 2014
Ogre's Keeper
Adjustment pixel Ogre's Keeper: Keep the initial ogre alive as your thrall throughout the entire module. ("Darkspawn Chronicles" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 16 10:47:40 2014
Adjustment pixel Provocateur: Collected and assembled the Battledress of the Provocateur. ("Leliana's Song" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 17 22:46:20 2014
Turning Point
Adjustment pixel Turning Point: Heard Leliana's version of her betrayal. ("Leliana's Song" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 17 22:57:06 2014
Adjustment pixel Vendetta: Destroyed the career of Guard Captain Eams. ("Leliana's Song" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 16 13:46:09 2014
Adjustment pixel Reaper: Defeated the Harvester ("The Golems of Amgarrak" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 23:21:09 2014
Grim Reaper
Adjustment pixel Grim Reaper: Defeated the Harvester on Hard or Nightmare difficulty ("The Golems of Amgarrak" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 23:21:01 2014
A Secret Stitched Together
Adjustment pixel A Secret Stitched Together: Gathered all of the research notes in Amgarrak ("The Golems of Amgarrak" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 22:34:10 2014
Varterral's Fall
Adjustment pixel Varterral's Fall: Defeated the varterral on Hard or Nightmare difficulty ("Witch Hunt" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 21:24:03 2014
Witch Hunter
Adjustment pixel Witch Hunter: Completed "Witch Hunt" ("Witch Hunt" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 21:29:34 2014
A Time of Wood and Stone
Adjustment pixel A Time of Wood and Stone: Gathered the lost lore of Cadash Thaig ("Witch Hunt" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 21:06:35 2014
Through the Looking Glass
Adjustment pixel Through the Looking Glass: Completed the scrying ritual ("Witch Hunt" downloadable content)
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 22 21:15:44 2014
299 players