The Ultimate Reward: Completed all Bronze, Silver and Gold Trophies
Earned Sun Jun 5 10:41:58 2011
Last of Your Line: Completed the Human Noble origin story
Earned Mon May 17 18:22:51 2010
Corrupted: Completed the Dalish Elf origin story
Earned Thu May 12 19:51:04 2011
Conscripted: Completed the City Elf origin story
Earned Fri Jun 3 19:30:07 2011
Harrowed: Completed the Magi origin story
Earned Sat Jun 4 20:48:34 2011
Casteless: Completed the Dwarf Commoner origin story
Earned Sun Jun 5 10:41:57 2011
Kinslayer: Completed the Dwarf Noble origin story
Earned Sun Jun 5 09:19:54 2011
Last of the Wardens: Completed Ostagar
Earned Thu May 12 21:16:51 2011
Standard-Bearer: Used the Grey Warden treaties to recruit all possible allies
Earned Sat May 21 21:00:25 2011
Hero of Redcliffe: Completed "The Arl of Redcliffe"
Earned Sun May 15 15:56:50 2011
Rabble-Rouser: Completed "The Landsmeet"
Earned Sun May 22 10:55:25 2011
Mercenary: Complete 15 job-board quests
Earned Fri Jun 3 16:13:15 2011
Recruiter: Across all playthroughs, recruited all party members
Earned Sat May 28 18:15:33 2011
Hopelessly Romantic: Across all playthroughs, experienced all possible romances
Earned Sat Jun 4 19:05:44 2011
Perfectionist: Across all playthroughs, discovered all possible endings
Earned Tue May 24 15:08:15 2011
Educated: Used a tome to improve the main character's attributes, talents, spells, or skills
Earned Sat May 14 09:52:28 2011
The Ultimate Sacrifice: The ultimate sacrifice was made in defense of Ferelden
Earned Mon May 23 14:48:48 2011
A Dark Promise: Defeated the Archdemon and, through a dark ritual with Morrigan, spared your own life
Earned Sun May 22 13:01:15 2011
Magic Sympathizer: Sided with the mages in "Broken Circle"
Earned Sat May 14 15:03:56 2011
Annulment Invoker: Sided with the templars in "Broken Circle"
Earned Sat May 14 15:17:38 2011
Slayer: Sided with the werewolves in "Nature of the Beast"
Earned Mon May 30 19:16:39 2011
Poacher: Sided with the elves in "Nature of the Beast"
Earned Sat May 14 09:34:24 2011
Sacrilegious: Sided with the Cult of Andraste in "The Urn Of Sacred Ashes"
Earned Sun May 15 15:26:24 2011
Ceremonialist: Defied the Cult of Andraste in "The Urn of Sacred Ashes"
Earned Sun May 15 15:33:16 2011
Bhelen's Ally: Sided with Bhelen in "A Paragon of Her Kind"
Earned Sat May 21 20:25:00 2011
Harrowmont's Ally: Sided with Harrowmont in "A Paragon of Her Kind"
Earned Sat May 21 20:16:29 2011
Liberator: Destroyed the Anvil of the Void
Earned Sat May 21 19:55:33 2011
Pragmatist: Preserved the Anvil of the Void
Earned Sat May 21 20:07:13 2011
Heavy Hitter: Main character inflicted 250 damage with a single hit
Earned Sat May 14 10:41:11 2011
Bloodied: Completed an origin story without the main character ever falling in battle
Earned Mon May 17 18:22:56 2010
Traveler: Set foot in every area in the game
Earned Fri Jun 3 19:06:50 2011
Master of Arms: Main character achieved level 20 as a warrior
Earned Sat May 28 19:47:21 2011
Shadow: Main character achieved level 20 as a rogue
Earned Sun May 22 12:37:51 2011
Archmage: Main character achieved level 20 as a mage
Earned Sat May 28 20:10:30 2011
Dragonslayer: Defeated the dragon guarding the Urn of Sacred Ashes
Earned Sun May 15 15:39:45 2011
Pilgrim: Completed a Chanter's Board quest
Earned Fri May 13 15:50:34 2011
Grey Warden: Killed 100 darkspawn
Earned Thu May 12 21:08:34 2011
Master Warden: Killed 500 darkspawn
Earned Sun May 22 13:39:23 2011
Blight-Queller: Killed 1000 darkspawn
Earned Sun May 29 13:21:12 2011
Defender: Preserved the lives of half the troops at Denerim's Gates in "The Final Battle"
Earned Sun May 22 12:38:27 2011
Tinkerer: Crafted an item
Earned Fri May 13 19:14:31 2011
Persuasive: Succeeded at five difficult Persuasion attempts
Earned Sun May 15 13:23:14 2011
Silver Tongued: Succeeded at 25 difficult Persuasion attempts
Earned Tue May 24 19:26:13 2011
Bully: Succeeded at five difficult Intimidate attempts
Earned Tue May 17 16:42:28 2011
Menacing: Succeeded at 10 difficult Intimidate attempts
Earned Thu Jun 2 15:43:39 2011
First Knight: Experienced the thrill of romance with Alistair
Earned Sun May 15 16:31:15 2011
Witch Gone Wild: Experienced the thrill of romance with Morrigan
Earned Sat Jun 4 15:39:17 2011
Easy Lover: Experienced the thrill of romance with Zevran
Earned Sun May 15 16:16:38 2011
Wine, Woman, and Song: Experienced the thrill of romance with Leliana
Earned Sat Jun 4 19:05:36 2011
Veteran: Main character learned a specialization
Earned Sat May 14 15:14:04 2011
Elite: Main character learned two specializations
Earned Sun May 15 14:19:37 2011
Master of the Peak: Completed "Soldier's Peak" ("Warden’s Keep" downloadable content)
Earned Fri May 13 19:05:57 2011
Diabolist: Took advantage of Avernus's research ("Warden’s Keep" downloadable content)
Earned Fri May 13 18:54:24 2011
Rock and a Hard Place: Completed "The Golem in Honnleath" ("The Stone Prisoner" downloadable content)
Earned Fri May 13 18:22:59 2011
Stone's Lament: Completed "A Golem's Memories" ("The Stone Prisoner" downloadable content)
Earned Sat May 21 20:51:43 2011
In War, Victory: Defeated the ogre that killed King Cailan ("Return to Ostagar" downloadable content)
Earned Tue Jun 7 10:16:17 2011
The Enduring Vigil: Acquired all upgrades for Vigil's Keep ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Earned Sat May 28 13:51:37 2011
Savior of Kal'Hirol: Destroyed the broodmothers in Kal'Hirol ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Earned Sat May 28 13:42:20 2011
Blind Vengeance: Escaped the silverite mines ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Earned Tue May 24 15:28:25 2011
Pride Before The Fall: Defeated the baroness ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Earned Tue May 24 18:52:28 2011
Amaranthine's Last Hope: Saved the city of Amaranthine ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Earned Sat May 28 16:34:56 2011
Keeper of the Vigil: Saved Vigil's Keep ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Earned Sat May 28 15:23:56 2011
Awakening: Completed Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Earned Sat May 28 15:56:42 2011
Commander of the Grey: Reached level 30 ("Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" expansion)
Earned Sat May 28 15:10:49 2011
Bane of Thedas: Handed victory to the archdemon by killing Ferelden's last Grey Warden. ("Darkspawn Chronicles" downloadable content)
Earned Tue Jun 7 14:18:21 2011
Enthralling: Earned maximum approval from all thrall types. ("Darkspawn Chronicles" downloadable content)
Earned Tue Jun 7 15:08:36 2011
Ogre's Keeper: Keep the initial ogre alive as your thrall throughout the entire module. ("Darkspawn Chronicles" downloadable content)
Earned Tue Jun 7 14:18:33 2011
Provocateur: Collected and assembled the Battledress of the Provocateur. ("Leliana's Song" downloadable content)
Earned Tue Jun 7 12:02:33 2011
Turning Point: Heard Leliana's version of her betrayal. ("Leliana's Song" downloadable content)
Earned Tue Jun 7 12:54:41 2011
Vendetta: Destroyed the career of Guard Captain Eams. ("Leliana's Song" downloadable content)
Earned Sun Jun 5 15:32:25 2011
Reaper: Defeated the Harvester ("The Golems of Amgarrak" downloadable content)
Earned Sun Jun 5 15:15:25 2011
Grim Reaper: Defeated the Harvester on Hard or Nightmare difficulty ("The Golems of Amgarrak" downloadable content)
Earned Sun Jun 5 15:15:18 2011
A Secret Stitched Together: Gathered all of the research notes in Amgarrak ("The Golems of Amgarrak" downloadable content)
Earned Sun Jun 5 15:05:14 2011
Varterral's Fall: Defeated the varterral on Hard or Nightmare difficulty ("Witch Hunt" downloadable content)
Earned Sun Jun 5 13:43:48 2011
Witch Hunter: Completed "Witch Hunt" ("Witch Hunt" downloadable content)
Earned Sun Jun 5 13:50:35 2011
A Time of Wood and Stone: Gathered the lost lore of Cadash Thaig ("Witch Hunt" downloadable content)
Earned Sun Jun 5 13:21:57 2011
Through the Looking Glass: Completed the scrying ritual ("Witch Hunt" downloadable content)
Earned Sun Jun 5 13:34:52 2011