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Disney Infinity PS3

Disney Infinity

DISNEY INFINITY unlocks the freedom to play with some of your favorite Disney and Disney/Pixar worlds like never before! You can experience adventures in the worlds of Pirates of the Caribbean, The Incredibles and Monsters University - take on the role of Sulley, the naturally gifted 'scarer'; become Captain Jack Sparrow, the sword-wielding pirate; or transform yourself into Mr. Incredible, one of the world's greatestmore
  • US August 18, 2013
  • EU August 23, 2013
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Avalanche Software
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
  • 42 Trophy bronze icon
  • 5 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 4 of 51
Platinum Challenge
Adjustment pixel Platinum Challenge: Complete all Trophies.
Star Extractor
Adjustment pixel Star Extractor: Collect 15 Stars in a Play Set.
1 more to go
Adjustment pixel 1 more to go: Collect 15 Stars in 2 Play Sets.
All Star
Adjustment pixel All Star: Collect 15 Stars in 3 Play Sets.
It's a Start
Adjustment pixel It's a Start: Collect 50 Stars.
Wish Upon a Star
Adjustment pixel Wish Upon a Star: Collect 70 Stars in the Disney Infinity Starter Pack.
New friends
Adjustment pixel New friends: Play a 2-player game using two different Characters.
Character Plunder
Adjustment pixel Character Plunder: Unlock 3 Character Chests.
Character Elite Force
Adjustment pixel Character Elite Force: Level up 3 Characters to Level 15.
Character Elite Set
Adjustment pixel Character Elite Set: Level up 2 Characters to Level 15.
Character Elite
Adjustment pixel Character Elite: Level up 1 Character to Level 15.
Visit the Hall
Adjustment pixel Visit the Hall: Visit the Hall of Heroes.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 12 15:12:50 2015
Infinity and Beyond
Adjustment pixel Infinity and Beyond: Play 3 Play Sets and the Toy Box.
All Modes
Adjustment pixel All Modes: Drive a car, pilot a helicopter, and a ride a mount.
Power Up!
Adjustment pixel Power Up!: Place one Power Disc on the Disney Infinity Base.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 12 15:34:24 2015
Great Communicator
Adjustment pixel Great Communicator: Talk to mission givers 20 times throughout Disney Infinity.
Defender of the Universe
Adjustment pixel Defender of the Universe: Defeat 100 enemies throughout Disney Infinity.
It's a Party
Adjustment pixel It's a Party: Play a 4 player game.
Adjustment pixel Sorry?: Defeat another player's Character.
Not Sorry?
Adjustment pixel Not Sorry?: Defeat 40 player Characters.
Adjustment pixel Acrobat: Stand on top of a stack of 4 Characters.
The Champion
Adjustment pixel The Champion: Win First Place in a multiplayer Adventure.
Adjustment pixel Creator: Save 4 different Toy Box worlds.
Adjustment pixel Graduate: Complete all Mastery Adventures.
Import master
Adjustment pixel Import master: Place a toy from a Play Set in a Toy Box you are hosting.
Spin start
Adjustment pixel Spin start: Take 10 turns in the Disney Infinity Vault.
Spin Master
Adjustment pixel Spin Master: Take 20 turns in the Disney Infinity Vault.
Bonus Bank
Adjustment pixel Bonus Bank: Win 5 bonuses in the Disney Infinity Vault.
Toy Maker Extreme
Adjustment pixel Toy Maker Extreme: Take 30 turns in the Disney Infinity Vault.
Star Hunter
Adjustment pixel Star Hunter: Get 18 Stars from Adventures.
Feat Novice
Adjustment pixel Feat Novice: Complete 25 feats.
Feat Master
Adjustment pixel Feat Master: Complete 75 feats.
Not Last!
Adjustment pixel Not Last!: Complete 3 Adventures to bronze standard.
Almost There
Adjustment pixel Almost There: Complete 3 Adventures to silver standard.
It's All Gold!
Adjustment pixel It's All Gold!: Complete 3 Adventures to gold standard.
Team Work
Adjustment pixel Team Work: Complete a story mission in a multiplayer game.
Getting It Started
Adjustment pixel Getting It Started: Complete a story mission.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 14 15:48:57 2015
Journey Complete
Adjustment pixel Journey Complete: Complete the story in a Play Set.
Another Happy Outcome
Adjustment pixel Another Happy Outcome: Complete the story in 2 Play Sets.
There is no end in infinity!
Adjustment pixel There is no end in infinity!: Complete the story in 3 Play Sets.
Full of Toys
Adjustment pixel Full of Toys: Unlock 10 toys from Play Sets.
Power Pack!
Adjustment pixel Power Pack!: Buy 2 Packs from one Play Set.
Adjustment pixel Multi-Tool!: Buy 2 Tools from one Play Set.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 14 16:29:19 2015
City Planner
Adjustment pixel City Planner: Buy 4 Play Set buildings and place them in the Toy Box.
Doesn't This Look Better?
Adjustment pixel Doesn't This Look Better?: Customize 6 buildings in the Play Sets.
Adjustment pixel Challenger: Complete the "Easy" level on all Challenges in a single Play Set.
Adjustment pixel Challenging: Complete the "Medium" level on all Challenges in a single Play Set.
Challenges Conquered
Adjustment pixel Challenges Conquered: Complete the "Hard" level on all Challenges in a single Play Set.
That Was Easy
Adjustment pixel That Was Easy: Complete 5 Challenges on easy.
That Was Rough
Adjustment pixel That Was Rough: Complete 5 Challenges on medium.
That Was A Challenge
Adjustment pixel That Was A Challenge: Complete 5 Challenges on hard.
60 players