Diablo III Platinum Trophy: Collected all other Diablo III Trophies.
Rite of Passage: Reach level 10.
Earned Sun Sep 8 08:14:46 2013
Demon Slayer: Reach level 30.
Hero of Sanctuary: Reach level 60.
Demon Slayer (Hardcore): Reach level 30 in Hardcore mode.
The Mad King's End: Kill the Skeleton King in Normal mode.
Earned Sun Sep 8 08:14:32 2013
The Mad King's End (Inferno): Kill the Skeleton King in Inferno mode.
Butchered!: Kill the Butcher in Normal mode.
Earned Wed Sep 11 18:56:22 2013
Butchered! (Inferno): Kill the Butcher in Inferno mode.
The Coven Overthrown: Kill Maghda in Normal mode.
The Coven Overthrown (Inferno): Kill Maghda in Inferno mode.
The Lord of Lies: Kill Belial in Normal mode.
The Lord of Lies (Inferno): Kill Belial in Inferno mode.
The Lord of Sin: Kill Azmodan in Normal mode.
The Lord of Sin (Inferno): Kill Azmodan in Inferno mode.
The Prime Evil: Kill Diablo in Normal mode.
The Prime Evil (Nightmare): Kill Diablo in Nightmare mode.
The Prime Evil (Hell): Kill Diablo in Hell mode.
The Prime Evil (Inferno): Kill Diablo in Inferno mode.
The Last of the Horadrim: Complete all quests in Act I.
Earned Wed Sep 11 19:01:45 2013
The Black Soulstone: Complete all quests in Act II.
The Wages of Sin: Complete all quests in Act III.
Victory and Sacrifice: Complete all quests in Act IV.
Fresh Meat: Complete all the Butcher triumph challenges.
Out of the Shadows: Complete all the Belial triumph challenges.
Azmodone: Complete all the Azmodan triumph challenges.
Diabolical: Complete all the Diablo triumph challenges.
Rarely There: Equip a rare (yellow) item.
Earned Sun Sep 8 08:24:25 2013
Legends of the Brawl: Equip a legendary (orange) item.
Earned Sat Sep 7 14:53:46 2013
Armed to the Teeth: Equip all Inventory slots with items that have a minimum required level of 25 or higher.
Prepared for Battle: Equip all Inventory slots with items that have a minimum required level of 60 or higher.
The Comfort of Strangers: Recruit the Templar, Scoundrel, and Enchantress.
Friends with Benefits: Fully equip one of your followers.
The Art of Conversation: Complete all the main character, follower, and artisan conversation challenges.
Breaking Not So Bad: Use a merchant to repair an item.
Earned Sun Sep 8 09:24:19 2013
Shut Up and Take My Money!: Buy each type of item from merchants.
Bejeweled: Combine gems.
Made to Order: Craft 5 items.
Earned Sun Sep 8 16:15:23 2013
A Life with Meaning: Raise the Blacksmith to level 10.
Just a Hobby: Raise the Jeweler to level 10.
Deep Pockets: Pick up 500,000 gold.
All That Glitters: Pick up 5,000,000 gold.
Space! I Love Space!: Buy all stash upgrades.
The Elitist: Kill 500 elite (champion, rare, or unique) enemies.
Greed over Need: Kill 100 Treasure Goblins.
Never Seen that Before: Kill one of the unique enemies listed in the Never Seen That Before Challenge.