Furon Perfection: Obtain all trophies
Goin' to Seed: Invade Turnipseed Farm
Earned Wed Feb 22 17:49:49 2023
Rockwell Death Knell: Invade Rockwell
Earned Thu Feb 23 06:39:38 2023
Immodesta: Invade Santa Modesta
Earned Sat Feb 25 08:56:20 2023
Area of Dissect: Invade Area 42
Union Busting: Invade Union Town
Capitol Punishment: Invade Capitol City
A Pox on Your Gear: Upgrade Crypto at Pox's Lab in the mothership
Earned Wed Feb 22 18:00:54 2023
And a Pox on Your Saucer Too: Upgrade your saucer at Pox's Lab in the mothership
Earned Sat Feb 25 08:42:00 2023
Down to the Challenge: Revisit a missionless invasion site and complete a challenge there
Invasion of the Body Swappers: Try out a new look for Crypto in the mothership's archives
Earned Wed Feb 22 18:01:07 2023
Return of the Clone II - Reloaded: Re-visit a mission in the mothership archive's Holopoxdeck
Swift Harvest: Accelerate Brain Extract or Transmog by mashing that button like you mean it
Earned Sat Feb 25 20:03:25 2023
No Time to Waste: Destroy a human with a weapon and another with a psi ability at the same time
Earned Wed Feb 22 17:53:43 2023
Covert Thoughts: Stay covert by scanning primitive human thoughts
Earned Sat Feb 25 08:34:29 2023
Harvest Season: Recover a Furon Probe
Earned Sat Feb 25 08:56:33 2023
Rejected for Probing: Throw something into something else with the saucer's Abducto Beam
Earned Sat Feb 25 08:39:35 2023
Furonigami: Explore the more offbeat parts of the mothership
Earned Sat Feb 25 08:42:06 2023
Reduce, Abuse, Recycle: Transmogrify an object to replenish your ammunition
Earned Sat Feb 25 19:25:56 2023
Hot to Trot: Evade a rocket by dashing
Brain Drain: Consume a human brain to kickstart your shield regeneration
Earned Wed Feb 22 17:53:47 2023
Simply Repulsive: Use your saucer's Repulse-O-Tron to fend off homing missiles
Earned Sat Feb 25 19:45:36 2023
Gas-Guzzler Guzzler: Abduct and drain a vehicle to replenish your saucer's shields
When Two Humans Collide: Use PK to destroy a human with another human
Earned Sat Feb 25 08:59:39 2023
Man's Inhumanity to Man: Destroy multiple humans with a human-made explosive
Earned Sat Feb 25 08:44:11 2023
Hop the Hoop: Display Furonic aeronautic prowess by soaring through giant human pastry without soiling your feet
Do Feed the Sharks: Demonstrate Furon free spirit near a warning sign placed by the human authorities
As Is Tradition: Abduct a cow with your saucer
Earned Sat Feb 25 09:05:40 2023
Pyrokinesis: Set something on fire, then use it to destroy a hapless human
Fly, My Pretties: Throw a human into the air and juggle them
Earned Sat Feb 25 09:03:52 2023
Unilateral Disarmament: Destroy a certain irritating simian warlord once and for all
Impeached: Destroy the pathetic human attempt at a robot overlord
Champion of Abduction: Ace an Abduction challenge with a three-star rating
Furon Faster Race: Ace a Race challenge with a three-star rating
Righteous Rampage: Ace a Rampage challenge with a three-star rating
The Art of Armageddon: Ace an Armageddon challenge with a three-star rating
Jerk of All Trades: Obtain at least a two-star rating for each challenge type
Grade A Upgrade: Fully upgrade one of the branches of a weapon or ability
Earned Sat Feb 25 19:38:45 2023
Ace of Space: Ace all challenges!
The Mandatory Option: Complete all optional mission objectives! (Use the Holopoxdeck if you have to.)
For the Glory of the Furon Empire!: Destroy humanity's last hope and initiate the subjugation of the species