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Death Road to Canada PS4

Death Road to Canada

Control a car full of jerks as they explore cities, recruit weird people, rescue dogs, argue with each other, and face gigantic swarms of slow zombies. Randomly generated for a new story and rare events every time you play
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Rocketcat Games
Publisher: Rocketcat Games
  • 64 Trophy bronze icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 66
Canada Champ
Adjustment pixel Canada Champ: Unlock all the Trophies in Death Road to Canada
Don't Let Me Die
Adjustment pixel Don't Let Me Die: Win K*E*P*A Mode with Kepa. Please don't get me killed.
Patch me Up
Adjustment pixel Patch me Up: Heal teammates 75 times.
Adjustment pixel Zombillion: Splat 100,000 zombies!
Omega Streak
Adjustment pixel Omega Streak: Streak the first 10 game modes!
Magical Wishing Toilet
Adjustment pixel Magical Wishing Toilet: Open 100 toilets, revealing the toilet genie.
Five Game Streak
Adjustment pixel Five Game Streak: Win 5 consecutive games in a row without losing.
Car Repair
Adjustment pixel Car Repair: Train Mechanical 50 times.
Gotta Get Huge
Adjustment pixel Gotta Get Huge: Train Strength 100 times. Build mass, build bulk.
Human Repair
Adjustment pixel Human Repair: Train Medical 50 times.
Target Practice
Adjustment pixel Target Practice: Train Shooting 75 times.
Getting in Shape
Adjustment pixel Getting in Shape: Train Fitness 75 times.
No One Left Behind
Adjustment pixel No One Left Behind: Win with no ally deaths. This includes traders and mall cops.
Help From My Pals
Adjustment pixel Help From My Pals: Win Familiar Characters Mode.
Cooling It
Adjustment pixel Cooling It: A miracle happened that day…
Ramming Speed
Adjustment pixel Ramming Speed: Reach the final area with a working car.
Free Chicken
Adjustment pixel Free Chicken: Rescued a chicken. May have turned it into nugs after.
Little Vacation
Adjustment pixel Little Vacation: Beat Short Trip to Heck Mode.
Buncha Weirdos
Adjustment pixel Buncha Weirdos: Win Rare Characters Mode.
Are We There Yet?
Adjustment pixel Are We There Yet?: Win Long Winding Road Mode.
Day of the Circus
Adjustment pixel Day of the Circus: Just like in my clown nightmares.
Could Be Worse
Adjustment pixel Could Be Worse: Beat Deadlier Road Mode.
Adjustment pixel Valhalla: Win with Valkyrie. This should be an easy one.
Anime Syndrome
Adjustment pixel Anime Syndrome: Anime Girl anime'd the car.
Adjustment pixel Paranormal: Proved the existence of spooky ghosts.
Coup De Grace
Adjustment pixel Coup De Grace: Win with the Fencer. Parry and Riposte!
World Champ
Adjustment pixel World Champ: Win with the Boxer. Stick and move!
Derby Champ
Adjustment pixel Derby Champ: Win with Roller Derby Woman. She's well trained for the zombocalypse.
Adjustment pixel Thankyaverymuch: Win with Alvis, the Crooner of the Zombocalypse.
Sumo Solution
Adjustment pixel Sumo Solution: Win with sumo wrestler. Sumo is the ultimate anti-zombie martial art.
Adjustment pixel Luchadore: Win with El Satan's patented wrestling moves.
Adjustment pixel Berserker: Win with a BERSERK! trait character. They're rather death prone.
Adjustment pixel Abracadabra: Win with the Wizard! It is your destiny.
Mr. Popular
Adjustment pixel Mr. Popular: Win with the friendliest guy there is.
Cat Fancy
Adjustment pixel Cat Fancy: Win with Cat Lady. Who knew hoarding cats would be this useful?
Extreme Weirdos
Adjustment pixel Extreme Weirdos: Win Rare Characters EXTREME Mode.
I Hate Skeletons
Adjustment pixel I Hate Skeletons: Win with a skeleton. Internal skeletons don't count.
Zombie Fashion
Adjustment pixel Zombie Fashion: Win with the Debutante. I guess she does kind of look like Mary Poppins.
Adjustment pixel SOME PIG: Win with some pig in the team.
Goatal Victory
Adjustment pixel Goatal Victory: Win the game with a goat. It's going to ruin the car.
Bonds of Steel
Adjustment pixel Bonds of Steel: Win Familiar Characters EXTREME Mode.
Caveman Crush
Adjustment pixel Caveman Crush: Win a game with the caveman after breaking her out of the ice.
Grueling Victory
Adjustment pixel Grueling Victory: Beat Marathon Mode.
Adjustment pixel Bwaugh!: Win with the original hot Vampire, not those newfangled sparkling ones.
Gnome Power
Adjustment pixel Gnome Power: Win with Gnomey, the most OP character. S++ on the Official Tier List.
The Loneliest Road
Adjustment pixel The Loneliest Road: Pure solo victory. Start with one character, never get a recruit.
No Jerk Left Behind
Adjustment pixel No Jerk Left Behind: Win with a full team of 4 people/dogs/beings.
Cat Attack
Adjustment pixel Cat Attack: Win the game with a feral cat in the team.
Adjustment pixel Scientific: Win with the bunker laboratory scientist.
Adjustment pixel HA! HA!: Win with the funny Clown. *distorted honk*
My Lovely Horse
Adjustment pixel My Lovely Horse: Win with Horse. You're a pony no more.
Song of Zombo
Adjustment pixel Song of Zombo: Win with the Renaissance Faire bard recruit.
Too Swole to Control
Adjustment pixel Too Swole to Control: Win with The Last Bodybuilder. He's so strong.
Witch's Brew
Adjustment pixel Witch's Brew: Win with the Witch. Magic hat, magic broom, magic uzi.
The Last Panda
Adjustment pixel The Last Panda: Win with the Panda. Maybe Canada will be a good habitat.
Adjustment pixel Cannonball: Win the game with the pirate captain rare trader camp recruit.
Fae Folk
Adjustment pixel Fae Folk: Win with the Queen of Fairies. Make a wish for friendship.
Has Left The Building
Adjustment pixel Has Left The Building: Goodbye, Alvis.
Mode Master
Adjustment pixel Mode Master: Win the first 10 game modes.
The Kepaning
Adjustment pixel The Kepaning: Beat K*E*P*A Mode.
Grizzled Hermit
Adjustment pixel Grizzled Hermit: Win with the Hermit after coaxing him out of his Hermit Hut.
Adjustment pixel NICE ONE, HOSER: In the last moment, killed your chance of victory.
First Trip to Canada
Adjustment pixel First Trip to Canada: Win Death Road Normal Mode.
Gallant Knight
Adjustment pixel Gallant Knight: Knight left the team alive.
Dog Squad
Adjustment pixel Dog Squad: Win with 4 dogs. Dog squaaaaad.
Merry Christmas
Adjustment pixel Merry Christmas: Win with Santa, a real Christmas miracle.
11 players