The Whole World Went Away: Collect all other trophies
The Storm: Escape from the ship
Earned Thu Apr 25 12:22:14 2013
Heart of Darkness: Find a boat for use in the jungle
Earned Sun Apr 28 05:42:41 2013
Breaching the Tunnels: Successfully defend the tunnel entrance
The Cinema: Clear out the cinema
Military Base: Gain access to a long-range radio station
Combat on the roof: Survive the horde on the roof
Henderson Town: Reach Henderson
Meeting Serpo: Make pact with Serpo
The Docks: Enter the docks in Quarantine Zone
You've tricked me once: Finish the game
Achiever: Finish all quests in the game
Mystery solved: Find all the secret files
Obtain level 50: Obtain level 50
Earned Thu May 2 05:28:01 2013
Obtain level 70: Obtain level 70
Siege Hammer: Install a total of 5 barricades during hub defense
Dream Team: Complete all the main quests cooperatively with any number of partners
The Collector: Find 50% of collectibles
The Hoarder: Find all collectibles
Professional Tourist: Find all pages from the guide book
Twins: Kill the Twins
News junkie: Find all the volunteer's voice recordings
At Your Service: Rescue 20 NPCs that have been grabbed by monsters
The Hurt Mine Locker: Kill 10 monsters with one mine
Hurler: Kill 100 monsters with thrown melee weapons
BrainLess: Kill 50 monsters by smashing, decapitating or shooting them in the head
Earned Sun Apr 28 05:12:13 2013
Bully: Kill 100 monsters with a kick
Earned Sun Apr 28 05:45:54 2013
Jetboat: Kill 100 monsters using the boat's speed boost
Earned Fri May 3 04:54:24 2013
Juggernaut: Kill 100 enemies using charge attacks
Better than the arm: Kill 25 monsters with a chainsaw
Earned Thu May 2 12:52:23 2013
Serving Science: Finish quests for Dr. Kessler
First Do No Harm: Finish hospital quests for Cecil
Defeat Harlow: Defeat Harlow
It's an Order: Mark 100 opponents which were then killed by your co-op partners
King among Kings: Kill special enemies: Grenadier, Thug, Wrestler, Infected, Suicider, Screamer, Butcher, Floater.
Hunter-Seeker: Find and kill all named champion monsters located in dead zones